Is the Republican Party of Trump an Alternative to the Neo-Conservative Zionist Regime of Joe Biden? Not if You Listen to the Jewish Republican Confab!


  1. Both the Republican Party and Trump are liars and scum. Conman Trump did not did not lock Hillary up,did not drain the swamp,but instead filled it even more.Also, remember Trump is the Father of his”perfect”poison vax and the fake plandemic among his other cons.And is so rich,he uses money from his brainwashed follows and worshippers.

  2. The same is true of Biden and the Democratic Party.The Dems are worse.People are fools whether they believe in the Right or the Left. It’s all lies and fake theater. People have forgotten about God and Truth.

  3. A charismatic psychopath like Trump is necessary to galvanize the goys to commit suicide against the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians. Goys can't know that the orange man is bought and paid for by the synagogue of satan and is a 100 % traitor against his own people. Trump's loyalty lay with the yahoodis of the Iranian gov't above the American people. How many millions of people did Trump help waste and maim with "Operation Warp Speed", yet the cattle still worship him and follow the Judas goat into the slaughter house? AL said (October 27, 2023)

  4. The real enemies of Sr Lucy

  5. Trump Dossier

  6. Trump Series

  7. Both parties are wrong and liars. They are both controlled by the same criminal element. Nothing will happen to them,because the people believe their lies and allow themselves to be controlled by them and will not do anything,except to complain or talk about them.

  8. Take your pick Israel or China.

  9. What happened to America First or the People First? More importantly, God First?

  10. We are being played by both parties! Wake up!

  11. How can anyone still vote for conman Trump or even that creep Biden is beyond me. All elections (selections) are rigged and are fraud. There is only illusion of choice, it is only a fake right/left paradigm.The elite-crooks will always win.

  12. It’s all theater for the masses.Trump is so well protected,he can get away with anything, he says or does.He has the blessing of Israel to be President again.Trump was never on the side of the people. His followers are fooled again. Trump is always part of the deep state and the rich. It’s a big club and the average person is not in it.


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