Yawn! Nothing to See Here! The Fatima Center's Response to Reader's Inquiry About the Sister Lucy Truth Project.

That the Seer of Fatima was Replaced by an Impostor for Some 50 years........Who Cares! Here is the Fatima Center's Response to One of Our Readers. Seems Like a Bit of a Form Letter to Me. Maybe This Was Not Their First Such Inquiry? On Oct 26, 2018, at 2:31 PM, Jen Timmins < JTimmins@thefatimacenter.com > wrote: J.M.J. Thank you for your email dated September 9, 2018. We are sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with the us at the Fatima Center. Regarding the so called Sister Lucy conspiracy; Father Gruner was certainly aware of the situation. He mentioned that he needed more proof, that he wasn't going to just read and believe what was on the internet. His first thought was that "people" were possibly spreading this new story about Sister Lucia to take away from the importance of the Fatima Message. Father Gruner spent some time investigating, and spoke with her family members, who informed him that Sister Lucia's sister ha...