
Showing posts from April, 2023

A False Lucy for a New Church! Exactly. In German. Sister Lucy Truth is Breaking Through to the German-Speaking World!


I received a comment that says, "You do not have the DNA you are a fraud!" I guess the 3-D evidence below is of no help to your grasping of the truth of the matter, right?


As the founder of French Republicanism, Maximilien Robespierre said: Terror is only justice: prompt, severe and inflexible; it is then an emanation of virtue.” Pretty much be afraid to say anything except the most robotic WOKE nonsense in France. The 5th Republic Must Feel Vulnerable.


The Fake Sister Lucy: a Conspiracy Theory?


WSJ Opinion: Trump Goes Woke in DeSantis-Disney Feud. In the American Civil War (1861-1865) they fought over a LOT less. Their constitutions were near identical and both sides allowed for slavery. The Philosophical and Theological Differences Between Red and Blue are Much More Profound.


NEFARIOUS Official Trailer (2023) Horror Movie HD. Worth Seeing? Apparently Recommended by Exorcists.


Prof. Bezerra from Brazil CLEARLY distinguishes the findings of the Sister Lucy Truth investigation from theories without any real factual basis. He, also, raises the fact, recently identified by Sister Lucy Truth, that Lucy I has Sanpaku eyes and Lucy II DOES NOT. This normal condition, DOES NOT CHANGE OVER TIME! Another marker of difference!

Simply turn on the closed captions and set auto-translator to whatever language you want to understand the good professor in! 

John-Henry Westen Speaks About Being Banned PERMANENTLY from YouTube.


Maybe there was an ULTERIOR MOTIVE to Karol Wojtyla's teaching that "Christ united Himself irrevocably to all men by means of His Incarnation"? Is the Dam Finally Breaking on the Teacher of Universal Salvation? And, by the way, there is even a worse scandal that he was certainly (not just purportedly) involved in............But, no THAT IS TOO MUCH, right?


We begin our Guest Writers Page with a Post from Arkadiusz Niewolski on the Profound Impact that the Sister Lucy Truth Investigation has had and MUST HAVE on Poland.


Facial Differences - A Fatima Investigation


Fr. Johannes Dormann, in a now Forgotten Series, Revealed the Neo-Modernist Heresies of Karol Wojtyla. We also know that JPII personally used the Faked Persona of "Sister Lucia" to advance His Assisi Agenda for the Catholic Church.

Here is a short quotation from Fr. Dormann's book, Pope John Paul II's Theological Journey to the Prayer Meeting of Religions at Assisi , Part I, Angelus Press, Kansas City, MO, 1994, p. 105, "Hence the Cardinal's [Wojtyla]  theology naturalis religionum  yields the following results: The members of the various religions --- in context, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism -- turn with success to the God of infinite majesty. The striking contrasts and contradictions among religions including their fundamentally different notions of God, are no obstacles for the journey of man to God. No one asks about the legitimacy of the various religions's claims to the truth. Given the absolute transcendence of the encounter with God, the question is pointless. For the God of infinite majesty, whom the Cardinal identifies with the God of Revelation in Isaiah 6, is conceived as a pure abstraction which 'transcends absolutely the whole of creation, all that is visible a...

Since Christ Has Conquered Death, Let us not worry about what the World thinks of us. Here Bishop Donald Sanborn points to the real cause of the "clerical abuse" scandal. The Moral and Dogmatic Collapse of the Clergy as a Result of the Heresies and Cultural Surrender of Vatican II.

Co-conspirators in the Pederasty Cover-up from the 70s into the 21st Century. These, however, were ALSO two of the most critical actors in the SISTER LUCY COVER-UP. We blow the whistle on them and will continue to blow the whistle on these very unholy men. The greatest and most poignant quote from Bishop Sanborn's article: "The real reason: The godless, faithless, disgustingly selfish, and perverted Novus Ordo clergy who profited from the respect and admiration that innocent young persons had for the Catholic clergy in order to perform upon them acts which make you want to vomit."

Let's not forget the corroborative testimony of Fr. Paul Kramer in which he asserts: 1) There was an Imposter Sister Lucy; 2) He possessed signatures of "Sister Lucia" which experts demonstrated to be forged; 3) the sister of Lucia, Carolina, told him that Sister Lucia NEVER USED A TYPEWRITER and that she could not see her at a close distance, alone, when they "met" in the Carmel.


In Your Face Truth by Sister Lucy Truth is Back Up! Here is the Dam-Breaking Interview between Dr. Chojnowski and John-Henry Westen with almost 200,000 views! Blessed Easter to All Our Supporters and Benefactors!


One of our Most Viewed Interviews has been Taken Down. Up to 182,000 Views! Still Trying to Find Out What is Up!


Would Poles Rally for John Paul II if They Knew that He was the One Who Brought Out the Imposter After Paul VI had Put Her Back in the Closet on May 14, 1967?

Notice the Chin!!!!! Find Proof for the Imposture at