
Showing posts from 2020

Neo-Con Americanists use Trump to try to Hijack the Feast of St. Thomas a'Becket who was Martyred for the Freedom and Exaltation of the Holy Catholic Church. Period. End of Story. Thanks for this, Jason!

  Trump (or more likely some neocon Vatican II "Catholic" working for him) recently posted a Proclamation about St. Thomas Becket on the Whitehouse website. Unfortunately, Catholics think this is a great is not. It is riddled with   dangerous Americanist Freemasonic heretical ideas   that were the   exact opposite of the life, teaching and martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket , the   exact opposite of Archbishop Lefebvre's life and teaching ...heretical ideas that were enshrined in Vatican II that Archbishop Lefebvre fought against.   St. Thomas Becket did NOT die a martyr for Vatican II's heretical teaching of "religious liberty" or "freedom to worship," rather he died for the "Freedom and Exaltation of Holy Mother Church," the one true religion...St. Thomas Becket died to uphold the one true religion which has rights over and above all governments...but   he absolutely did NOT die so that false religions would have rights  truth h

A Single Signature Proves that both Sister Lucy II and the New Order that She heartily endorsed were both Frauds in a Substantial and Undeniable Way.

                        Keep Calm and Smile on! Right, "Sister Lucy"? Letter from "Sister Lucy" from December 27, 1969, a month after the Novus Ordo Missae  came into effect.  Link to translation of above text: Sample of Signatures from Sister Lucy (pre-1967) and from Sister Lucy (post-1967, including from the 1969 letter posted above.) Refer to Baggett's expert analysis of the signature on the 1969 letter. In one of the comments on pp. 6-9 of the expert witness testimony, he says, "The 1969 signature in the questioned [1969] writing displays a rounded 'r' in 'Ir' which is a striking difference  when compared to the known exemplars [writings of the 20's, 30s, 40s, and mid-50s]." It is, also, interesting to hear what Baggett has to say about the "baseline" of the

Woke Right! Avalanche of New Monuments to Emperor Nicholas II dedicated throughout Russia. Even though Russia was Schismatic, it was not until Nicholas fell that Our Lady spoke about "The Errors of Russia" Spreading throughout the World.

  Monument to Nicholas and Alexandra newly installed in Bosnia-Herzegovina

The Khazarian Bankster Cult Owns Donald Trump. On Christmas, Let's remember that Jesus Christ is the ONLY Messiah.


"Sister Lucy of Fatima" Champion and Enforcer of the Novus Ordo Missae and Modernist Hierarchy: We have the Scientific Evidence showing that She was an Imposter. Otherwise, God has cooked our goose!

        Don't worry, Holy Father, the Kiss of Peace Will Work! A letter from "Sister Lucy" from December 27, 1969, after the Novus Ordo Missae began to be said on the First Sunday of Advent in 1969. See the report by Bart Baggett in which he identifies this letter as a forgery. It is truly amazing work, presented to you by Sister Lucy Truth. All of this above, shows that it has been a good past few years in which the evidence poured in proving that EVERYTHING about "Sister Lucy of Fatima" has the mark of Fraud and Forgery. If you accept the identify of Sister Lucy I and Sister Lucy II, you must accept her explicit endorsement of the Novus Ordo Missae: From the letter: 

Last Letters of Sister Lucy- In Full HD


Fr. Edmond Samson, after leaving the SSPX thanks to "Sister Lucy," has learned over the last 44 years how to settle into the Conciliarist church of Vatican II. Warning: Not only are some of the pictures of the Novus Ordo, but some of the adverts in the French news articles are salacious and a telling expression of Contemporary Apostate France.

Image samson&catid=32:2008&Itemid=167

Exclusive: Sister Lucy II told a Newly-Ordained Priest at Econe in the Year of the "Suspension" (1976) that He Should Leave the SSPX, be "Regularized" in the Conciliar Church, and say the Novus Ordo Missae. So much for being "silenced"!

Dr. Chojnowski: Information coming in about "Sister Lucy" in 1976, now identified as an imposter by Sister Lucy Truth's investigation, says that Sister Lucy II urged a recently ordained priest to leave the SSPX, rejoin the Conciliar Counterfeit Church and say the Novus Ordo Missae of Paul VI. Here is the exclusive account by Bishop Daniel Dolan to RadTrad Thomist, concerning his personal recollections of the relevant events of that fateful year. If anyone else has recollections concerning this advice from "Sister Lucy," please send us an email at Here is His Excellency's email: The story, as I remember it, is this. Edmund Sanson was a French seminarian at Econe. He struck me as very simple, quiet and pious. He was in my year, and thus among the “twelve apostles “ ordained in that fateful June of 1976. The Suspension a divinis was quite a scandal in its day. Many Econers, lacking any real understanding of the situation in the Church, were

"What Happened to Sister Lucy of Fatima?"- in HD The Last Visit of Sister Lucy to Fatima. 1946, when she was still a Dorothean Nun.


Vigano and Taylor Marshall show their true Novus Ordo stripes at the Inter-religious Prayer Meeting in Washington, D.C. No true Catholic could ever participate in an event like this. Selling out the Faith of Our Fathers for Republican Party Pottage.


Moscow Orthodox Patriarch criticizes the heresy of Modernism. He attacks Same-Sex "Marriage." Why do the Russians have such masculine exponents of even schismatic Christianity, while we dwell in such a demasculinized social, political, and religious world.


Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow - West is making a mistake. I hope Francis and Macron are listening!


Slap them hard! St. Nicholas slapped Arius and Our Lord and Lady sided with him; if only he were at Vatican II and at the Carmel of Coimbra!

  From the text of Andrew Tregubov, The Light of Christ: Iconography of Gregory Kroug  (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1990), p. 36. "A story from his life illustrates this point. When St. Nicholas was present at the Council of Nicea in 325, which condemned the heresy of Arius, he, IN HIS ZEAL, perceiving the danger of the heresy to the Church, struck Arius NOT ONLY WITH HIS WORDS BUT WITH HIS HAND. Embarrassed by his action, the members of the Council stripped him [St. Nicholas] of the rank of bishop, until some of them saw a vision of Christ giving back to St. Nicholas the book of the Gospels, and Mother of God restoring to him his omophorion . We see his powerful hand in this icon, protecting the word of Christ's truth." If only the powerful and jarring hand of St. Nicholas was present at Vatican II when these shut off the microphone of Cardinal Ottaviani, humiliating one of the most venerable prelates in the Curia, who was trying to stand up for the

Mr Luis Infante Interview: Carlism. Oh to hear the words of Traditionalism again, instead of the Momentary Claptrap of Americanist Neo-Conservative Gallicanism.


The Real Sister Lucy had it, the Imposter did not have it. What is Strabismus?

Strabismus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search For the protein Strabismus, see  Strabismus (protein) . Strabismus Other names Heterotropia, crossed eyes, squint [1] A person with  exotropia , an outward deviated eye Pronunciation / s t r ə ˈ b ɪ z m ə s / [1] Specialty Ophthalmology Symptoms Nonaligned  eyes [2] Complications Amblyopia ,  double vision [3] Types Esotropia  (eyes crossed);  exotropia (eyes diverge);  hypertropia  (eyes vertically misaligned) [3] Causes Muscle dysfunction,  farsightedness , problems in the brain, trauma, infections [3] Risk factors Premature birth ,  cerebral palsy , family history [3] Diagnostic method Observing light reflected from the  pupil [3] Differential diagnosis Cranial nerve disease [3] Treatment Glasses , surgery [3] Frequency ~2% (children) [3] Strabismus  is a condition in which the eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object. [2]  The eye that is focused on an object can alternate