
Showing posts from November, 2019

Defective Church is Necessary Conclusion From Ferrara and Friends' Recent Gallican "Opposition" to Bergolian Modernist Apostasy "in" the Church. In this lecture, Ferrara cites Cardinal Ratzinger as admitting that Paul VI "banned"the Traditional Roman Mass.

                            Where did that Holy, Immaculate, Unspotted Bride of Christ Go?  Dr. Chojnowski: The topic of "traditional Catholic" "opposition" to the obvious apostasy which has been unfolding in Rome over the past 60 years must no longer be overlooked. The Pachamama idolatry of Francis and the bishops and clergy and faithful of the Novus Ordo New Religion is obvious, MANIFEST --- it seems like the very word was made for this occasion --- and clear in its implications to any one with even a basic knowledge of the Catholic Religion, whether Catholic in belief or not. Worshipping idols is the OPPOSITE of the Catholic Religion --- St. Boniface, cut down that tree!  What is confusing in these times, is not the obvious apostasy in Rome and throughout the Novus Ordo church, this was even clear to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1987, when he said that "Rome has lost the faith"...

"Fatima Priest," written by Chris Ferrara about Fr. Nicholas Gruner, acknowledged 20 years ago that a Fake Sister Lucy was paraded before a cardinal, a bishop, and Carlos Evaristo. Also, states that her blood-sister Caroline, did not see Lucy face to face for 40 years. Why didn't Fr. Gruner call the Cops?

Josef Ratzinger. In charge of the Fatima Imposture for 30 years  (1982-2013) Book Indicates that Carlos Evaristo Worked for Fr. Gruner in 1992 when the Famous Interview with "Sister Lucy" took place. A follow-up interview took place a year later in 1993. Text acknowledges that Cardinal Ratzinger was "the man truly in charge of access to her." Indicted! Here is the relevant text from  Fatima Priest by Francis Alban with Christopher Ferrara (Pound Ridge, NY: Good Counsel Publications, 1997), pp. 151-153. Speaking about the October 11, 1992 meeting between the cardinal, the bishop, Carlos Evaristo, Mother Prioress of the Coimbra Carmel and "Sister Lucy,"  Fatima Priest states, "Enter the 'Oscar' nominee performers: Mother Superior and Carlos Evaristo. Enter the woman in a Carmelite habit who had the appearance of being Sister Lucy....The Play Begins: 'Sister Lucy will receive you," says an extern sister returning fr...

"Rome Will Lose the Faith and Become the Seat of the Antichrist" and Face a Useless Opposition: The Gallican "Opposition" Will Ultimately Cause More Damage Than the Bergolian Apostasy.

"Jesus said to his disciples: 'When you see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place --- let him flee to the mountains'"(Matt. 24:15)   Remember when we used to read this quote and say, "I wonder what that will be like?" You know that something is going on when the Gospel reading for The Last Sunday After Pentecost ( Apocalypse) starts sounding like the last blog entry on Rorate Caeli . From the "Call to Repent" by the 100+ "Opposition":  "we beg Almighty God to spare the guilty members of His Church on earth the punishment that they deserve for these terrible sins."  Dr. Chojnowski: After reading the "Call to Pope Francis to Repent, it became clear that the tone of the letter and the solution advocated show that t...

The Prophecy, Consecration, Triumph and Secret of Fatima explained by Si...


"Beyond Ridiculous." In 2014 Interview Fr. Gruner Uses 2nd and 3rd Hand Information about what "Sister Lucy" said or did not say about the Consecration of Russia to Ignore the Elephant in the Room (The Apparent Physical Differences Between Sister Lucy I and Sister Lucy II) and the Baby Elephant (The Primary Consequence of the Substitution was to Use the Persona of Sister Lucy to Validate the Modernist Revolution). Why, with all of his funds, did he not do what Sister Lucy Truth is doing now?


A RadTrad Thomist Reader's Cry from the Heart. If We are Not Outraged Now, When Will We Be Outraged?

The True Church Will Lives. Remember that Even the Dead Body of Our Lord Was Still Substantially United to His Divinity. A RadTrad Thomist Reader writes: Really? How can you remain silent when idolatrous and sacrilegious acts are carried out in the Vatican? How can you allow Christ the King to be spat upon? In the first 300 years of the existence of the Church, all popes were martyrs. What about the young and old who allowed themselves to be tortured in the most horrendous ways, rather than sacrifice to a pagan god? The blood of these martyrs helped the early Church flourish and spread. Then came more martyrs in Europe, in the Near and in the Far East, these fields of blood even extending to the Americas. The Catholic Church grew throughout the world. You cardinals who wear red, do you remember what this color signifies? It means that you should be willing to die for your faith. Please, speak up!! Oh, really? There is but a sigh when Pope Francis and the Ahmed A...

"Facts are Stubborn Things" --- John Adams. New Experts Page and New Look for Sister Lucy Truth Shows Movement from Obscurity and Uncertainty to Hard Objective Empirical Facts.

"Facts are Stubborn Things" Applies to the"Boston Massacre" and to the Case of Sister Lucy of Fatima. These words were spoken by the young attorney John Adams, when he was defending, as their lawyer, the British soldiers which the jury ruled acted in self-defense against a mob, organized by Sam Adams. So too, the case of Sister Lucy of Fatima has ---- BY FORCE OF FACTS --- moved from the obscurity of covert crime to an initial state of uncertainty and opaqueness to the clear light of day with an avalanche of empirical facts. Excuse the mixed metaphor! We at Sister Lucy Truth wanted an investigation into the truth concerning the life of Sister Lucy of Fatima based upon the latest in technology and analysis by professionals at the top of their respective professions. We wanted scientific analysis free of any type of theological bias. We have succeeded so far in this endeavor. Read the reports and the analysis. There is much more to...

Dr. Chojnowski Interviewed by Jesse Russell on Saturday Night Trad. Listen on Youtube now! What is the Latest?


Sister Lucy Truth Hits Twitter. Using All Avenues All the Time We Will Get Out the Truth and Seek Justice.

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"Calls" Part 6: "Sister Lucy" says that Faith is.....guess what.....NOT NECESSARY FOR SALVATION AND HOLINESS. Looks Like "Sister Lucy" went Full-Francis 20 years before we ever heard from Scalfari.

"So that all may believe".....but, then again, you don't have to! Dr. Chojnowski: I missed something on pp. 195-196. "Sister Lucy" denies that you need faith or grace in order to achieve holiness and, hence, salvation. "Everyone is obliged to be holy, even those who have no faith. Obviously, in the case of those that have no faith, the holiness will be that dictated by their own conscience, and there will be no supernatural merit because they will not have the fundamental reason that gives value to true holiness to be holy because God is holy, namely the desire to be holy in order to please God, to become like God, to do His will, to give pleasure to God and prove to Him how much we love Him.        As I was saying, those who do not have the happiness of possessing the gift of faith are also bound to become holy by a dictate of the human conscience for the same reason, we say that even without knowing God, those who fulfill the natural law can be save...

"Calls" Part 5: According to "Sister Lucy," Paul VI, Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, and the Rosary are a Seamless Garment. From this, Couldn't we figure out that the "Third Secret" issued by the Vatican in 2000 was NOT going to be about the Apostasy in the Church, beginning at Vatican II?

Thank you, Holy Father for promulgating the Heresies of Vatican II, Saying the United Nations is the Last Hope For Mankind, Making the Mass Unrecognizable, and Speaking to me for 3 minutes even though it was the 50th Anniversary of the Apparitions at Fatima. Our Lady, Our Lord, the Holy Trinity (Tuy) appeared to me, Hell was shown to me and Heaven promised, I saw and even was the one who foretold the Greatest Public Miracle since the Resurrection but this is all about YOU Holy Father! You and your great reform. Is Mons. Bugnini here? "Sister Lucy" situates the devotion to the Rosary amidst the documents of Vatican II by writing, on pp. 268-269, "His Holiness Paul VI, after the last voting session of the Council Fathers on November 21, 1964, promulgated the dogmatic contribution "Lumen Gentium" on the Church. In it we read: "The sacred synod teaches this Catholic doctrine (the devotion offered by the Church to the Blessed Virgin) advisedly, and at t...

"Calls" Part 4: Who Exactly is "Sister Lucy" "calling" us to Obey?

Dr. Chojnowski: Remember this is from 1997. On p. 210, we read, "It is Moses who transmits God's message to his people. Could it be that no one else is capable of speaking directly to God?...In Moses, we see represented the Head of the Church, commissioned by Jesus Christ with the task of passing on to us the laws and words of God. Therefore, we have to believe in God and in his Church, just as the Israelites believed and said to Moses, "Go near, and hear all that the Lord our God will say, and speak to us all that the Lord our God will speak to you; and we will listen and obey" (Deut. 5, 27). This should be our response too: to listen to the Church, and believe what it says --- certain that what it tells us is the word of God --- and obey. "We will listen and obey." And again, on p. 227, "Like the Apostle, we must believe in Christ and remain united to Him, in the person of the Successor of St. Peter, the Pope and Bishop of...

"Calls" Part 3: If you thought that the Apparition of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on October 13, 1917 had Something to do with Wearing the Brown Scapular, NOT ACCORDING TO "SISTER LUCY."

The Habit in Which the Real Sister Lucy Was Taken to Glory! I always wondered why Our Lady of Mount Carmel Was the Image Displaying the Glorious Mysteries at the Miracle of the Sun. Dr. Chojnowski: In the chapter in "Calls" dealing with "The Call to a life of total consecration to God," "Sister Lucy" starts out, "In my view, the apparition of Our Lady of Mount Carmel means total consecration to God . By showing herself clothed in a religious habit, she wished to represent all the other habits by which those who are totally consecrated to God can be distinguished from ordinary secular Christians." (p. 180) Later on in this chapter in which nothing other than the religious life is discussed, we hear the constant refrain from "Sister Lucy" about the necessity of "obedience." "All of us, but more especially consecrated souls, need to live by faith: that faith which sees God in others, IN AUTHORITY, and in everything that...

"Calls" Part 2: For a Third of a Century "Sister Lucy" Was Used as a Stamp of Approval for the Modernist Revolutionaries Paul VI and John Paul II.

In "Calls" This Faked Picture Reads, "Sister Lucia with Pope Paul VI (13th May, 1967)" Just for the record, the author clearly identifies herself with Sister Lucy of Fatima by stating, "My own parents, Antonio dos Santos and Maria Rosa, had seven children." "[One was] Lucia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos, who is talking to you now." (p. 39) Here is a clear confession of what we now know to be Identity Theft. She is not merely a prop for the cameras, this woman has assumed the identity of the real Sister Lucy of Fatima.  The next parts of the book, pp. 40 -43 are simply very generic descriptions of an almost ideal Catholic life of Portuguese families during the early years of the 20th century. Nothing specific. For the simple reason that she does not know the specifics!  She is relying on third hand accounts. For example, "Everyone fulfilled the precept of keeping holy the Sundays and the other Holidays of Obligation. In the morning, ev...

"Calls" From the Message of Fatima: "Sister Lucy's" Words are Clear and Evident Testimony to An Imposter. Vatican Approved!

Does this woman look 93? Just Makes You Sick, Really. Making Money Using a False  Identity. Does the woman in the photo look like she is 93 years old? Dr. Chojnowski: I have gotten hold of the book, "Calls" From the Message of Fatima by "Sister Lucia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart," trans. Sisters of Mosteiro de Santa Maria and Convento de N.S. do Bom Sucesso (Lisbon: Secretariado dos Pastorinhos, 2000).  It is advertised as being "Authorized by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , Rome. It is copyrighted by the Coimbra Carmel and by the Fatima Shrine . The first two paragraphs of the preliminary note of the book contains the following, " The author of this work is Sister Lucia (Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart to give her full religious name)... .I wish to assure readers of this book that it was her idea and was written by her ....Finding herself inundated with constantly repeated questions concerni...

Pre-Pachamama: Lest we think that the Abomination of Pachamama Worship is Something New, Let us Remember 3 Church Desecrations that were Preformed by "St. Paul VI," Cardinal Suenens, and the Archbishop of Rheims some 45 to 50 years ago. No one Stopped it then and No one is Stopping it now.

Cardinal Suenens: Guiding Force at Vatican II and Sacrilegious Freemason Dr. Chojnowski: Before returning the rare find of a book, Piers Compton, The Broken Cross: The Hidden Hand in the Vatican  (Jersey, Great Britain: Neville Spearman, 1983) pp. 130-135, I would like to give the readers of this blog a little taste of what the book gives an account of with regard to "liturgies" that were being staged by top level "churchmen" during the years 1970-1975. This will be useful to us so that we do not become surprised at every new sacrilege that unfolds as a result of the take-over of the institutional organization of the Catholic Church by its enemies in October 1958. Here is the text, the significance is self-explanatory. I will try to mitigate the vulgarity present in the account --- a vulgarity, by the way, that the "highest churchmen in the Roman Catholic Church" did not see need to mitigate: "On a Friday in early December, 1974, the coronat...

Help us Seek Simple Justice for Sister Lucy of Fatima. Every Tax-Deductible Dollar or Generous Euro or Pound Helps.


Our Heartfelt Thanks for All Those Who Continue to Donate to the Work of Sister Lucy Truth. Help Us Achieve Justice for the Messenger of Our Lady!


Emails this Morning Confirm that the Story of the Imposter Sister Lucy is Going Viral in 2020. MSM is About to Tell the World About the Fraud.
