Defective Church is Necessary Conclusion From Ferrara and Friends' Recent Gallican "Opposition" to Bergolian Modernist Apostasy "in" the Church. In this lecture, Ferrara cites Cardinal Ratzinger as admitting that Paul VI "banned"the Traditional Roman Mass.
Where did that Holy, Immaculate, Unspotted Bride of Christ Go? Dr. Chojnowski: The topic of "traditional Catholic" "opposition" to the obvious apostasy which has been unfolding in Rome over the past 60 years must no longer be overlooked. The Pachamama idolatry of Francis and the bishops and clergy and faithful of the Novus Ordo New Religion is obvious, MANIFEST --- it seems like the very word was made for this occasion --- and clear in its implications to any one with even a basic knowledge of the Catholic Religion, whether Catholic in belief or not. Worshipping idols is the OPPOSITE of the Catholic Religion --- St. Boniface, cut down that tree! What is confusing in these times, is not the obvious apostasy in Rome and throughout the Novus Ordo church, this was even clear to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1987, when he said that "Rome has lost the faith"...