
Showing posts from 2024

Las suplentes de sor Lucía/ José Alberto Villasana. At the 51 minute mark, it is stated that the FACT OF THE IMPOSTER SISTER LUCY IS THE MOST CLOSELY GUARDED MASONIC SECRET IN THE VATICAN TODAY!


1946 Article by the Catholic Worker Gives the Purgatory Rendering of the Fatima Rosary Prayer. So, as we have shown, there is a Continuity of Account and Practice concerning this Prayer from 1917 through 1944, 1946, 1952, and 1954 to AT LEAST 1961. So What Happened?

From the Catholic Worker newspaper Feb. 1946- The Fatima Purgatory prayer original. Article by Julia Porcelli. Another mention of Purgatory in the Fatima Prayer. The St. Louis Review, Volume 4, Number 20, 12 May 1944 ----

New Information from an article dated Christmas 1960, well into the time of John XXIII, indicates that the Fatima Rosary Prayer spoke of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Does it also point to the replacement of Sister Lucy by 1960?

Here is the text and the translation as provided by a Portuguese-language translator: In my research, I just found an article about a Brazilian bishop who interviewed Sister Lucy. He describes her as "a  medium-height  religious woman, with a healthy look and simple; so simple that we get as amazed as that simplicity is supernaturally natural". This is from newspaper Folha Mineira, edition 4137, Dec. 24th, 1960: Transcript: Aproveitando o ensejo muito raro de entreter assim a quem a Santa Virgem tanto falou, acrescentei: - "Irmã Lúcia, notei que em Fátima se reza a oração que Nossa Senhora pediu como conclusão de cada Mistério do Rosário, fazendo-se alusão às almas do purgatório, especialmente as mais abandonadas; deste modo rezamos nós, lá nos confins do Araguaia" e ela, num tom de quem revela um engano, ou, se quisermos, um deslize, mas com uma entoação de voz onde a caridade reinava, disse, suave e fortemente: - "Eles assim o quiseram, mas não foi essa a fór

Dr. Peter Chojnowski's Clear Response to the Fatima Center. Hear his Arguments Against the Idea of a Phantom Sister Lucy, Co-existing with the Imposter.


LE DUE SUOR LUCIA E LA FALSA CHIESA! The only problem with this video is the mistake that the Italian speaker makes. The real Sister Lucy used her left hand, while the Imposter is right-handed. Otherwise, clear, forceful and excellent video.


a verdadeira e a falsa Irmã Lúcia — a fraude de FÁTIMA ! Another video from Brazil ,for a Portuguese-speaking audience, putting forward the findings of Sister Lucy Truth. They use parts of Dr. Chojnowski's lecture at the Fatima Conference in 2019.


To an Italian audience, Bishop Williamson, at the 36 min. mark, mentions the FACT of the existence of an Imposter Sister Lucy. He endorses the most likely scenario put forward by Sister Lucy Truth, that the real Sister Lucy was gone by the late 1950s. Put on the auto-translate, which also works for the comments, and listen in.


The Scene of the Crime: Does the Fatima Shrine and the Dear Nuns at Coimbra Convent Give Away More Secrets Concerning the Disappearance of Sister Lucy dos Santos? Remember, the Fatima Shrine Interviewer Mentions an Imposter Sister Lucy at the 47 min. Mark!

Dr. Chojnowski: What can we find if we look closely at the video, "Sister Lucy according to the testimony of the Carmel of St. Teresa"? Here are some very interesting points: 1) First, neither of these two nuns knew the real Sister Lucy . The young one only came to the Carmel in 2005 and only saw the Imposter before she died. The older nun, even though she went to Fatima on May 13, 1967 to see Sister Lucy, not Paul VI, she only came to the Carmel in 1973, when Sister Lucy Fraud was long in place. Why doesn't the Coimbra convent bring forward nuns who would actually be able to deal with the question of a substitution of Sister Lucy prior to 1967? 2) These nuns are quick to indicate that they are solidly Novus Ordo. They speak of the new modernist liturgy as the one they have at the convent and also speak of their enthusiasm for their participation in Francis/Bergoglio's Year of Prayer.  3) The convent is small. Only 14 professed members and 2 postulants. 4) The Intervi

Massive Breakthrough for Sister Lucy Truth! Fatima Shrine interviews Two Nuns from the Coimbra Convent. They Are Asked TWICE if there was an Imposter Sister Lucy! Other than a dismissive smile from a nun who could not possibly have known Sister Lucy prior to 1960, NO argument is given against the facts presented by Sister Lucy Truth. And, yes, Sister, we do this BECAUSE we believe in God! Watch at the 47 minute mark.


🚨BREAKING NEWS | Former U.S. nuncio excommunicated & found guilty of "schism." Now There Should Be No Reason Whatsoever for Archbishop Vigano NOT to Acknowledge the Truth of an Imposter Sister Lucy. Come on! It is Empirical Evidence That There is Something Radically Wrong in the Vatican. It Would Do So Much To Boost Our Cause!


A Phantom Sister Lucy? Was there a Co-Existence for 40 years of the Real Sister Lucy with the Imposter Sister Lucy? Let's Think.

       There are some who, when facing the overwhelming evidence pointing to the existence of an Imposter Sister Lucy dos Santos who took the place of the real Seer of Fatima from approximately 1958 to 2005, cannot accept the implications of this now well established fact . In order to get around the "harsh" idea that officials high up in the Catholic Church, likely at the very top, would order Sister Lucy dos Santos, the most famous nun in the world, to be "disappeared" or eliminated, so that she would no longer have interactions with those who could report her statements and opinions, perhaps even private revelations, these people will put forward the idea that, yes, there was an Imposter, but that the real Sister Lucy continued to live in the Coimbra Convent, behind the scenes, and that she would regularly interact with all sorts of people, clergy, family, and famous laity, through letter or personal conversation, even though the Imposter was  "Sister Lucy&q

Would Sister Lucy's Family Know of or If They Knew Would They Acknowledge the Imposture? Not Necessarily If We Look at the Long History of Imposters and Con Artists! A Letter From a Friend of Sister Lucy Truth.

  Dear Dr. Chojnowski, I applaud your work on exposing the imposter of Sr. Lucy. I hope you can uncover more information surrounding this massive hoax. I heard your review recently on Catholic Family Podcast, and Kevin brought up the argument that people say Sr. Lucy's family would have denounced an imposture. Your response was very good, that they would be afraid themselves to expose such a crime, but there is another reason why I think this argument fails, which is that, historically, con artists have had remarkable success impersonating people to the point of deceiving those people's immediate family members. This is especially the case when those family members have strong reasons for wanting to think the imposter is their child, spouse or sibling, e.g. if the alternative is to believe their child, or whoever, is dead. This sounds incredible to the average person, probably, but it has happened time and time again. In the 16th century, there was a famous case of a man in Fra

"Montini and the Mimic"


Commenter on the RT article on the confiscation of Scott Ritter's passport, identifies the deeper roots of the American Problem.

Like all crumbling empires, the USA will soon be no more, either due to a break-up of the states in the wake of internal strife or economic collapse, or by its capital city being reduced to a radioactive crater.    The seeds of America's self destruction were planted in the earliest documents of the nation's founding.  Its fatal blunder from the beginning was its failure or refusal to recognize the Kingship of Christ over American society from which all protections under the law would have ultimately been guaranteed.  Instead, the founders adopted an agnostic constitution, built not on Christian principles but upon the undefined rights that we are told are based upon our "humanity."  And since our concept of humanity is not understood according to the teachings of Jesus Christ but on whatever is the latest narrative of the spin masters our “rights” are up for grabs, because a great portion of the American people don't even know when humanity begins and when it end

Scott Ritter's Passport Confiscated. Are the Neo-Cons shutting down those who stand against their Ukrainian and Israeli Policy?


New In the Spirit of Chartres Interview: Fatima Center Acknowledges that Sister Lucy 2 was an Imposter. But was there a "Phantom" Sister Lucy?


🚨La Monja Que se Desvaneció Sor Lucía de Fatima ¿Fue Reemplazada? El Mis...Finally, we are breaking through to the Spanish-speaking community. He thinks that the differences are obvious.


Fatima's 3rd Secret: Vatican's Dark Deception. Word is getting out to all different sorts of people. The Sister Lucy Truth investigation is mentioned at about the 35 min. mark. 90,000 views so far!


Fr. Paul Kramer - FEARLESS. Father Kramer speaks about verified FAKE signatures and a refusal by the Imposter Lucia to sign a book for a Roman Cardinal. Why, I wonder?


Dr. Chojnowski - A Response to the Fatima Center


Novus Ordo Watch's Report on the Fatima Center's acceptance of the fact, uncovered by Sister Lucy Truth, that in all of the known pictures of "Sister Lucy dos Santos," from 1967 to 2005, there was an Imposter that took the real Sister Lucy's place.


Sister Lucia assassinated? Hidden? Replaced? Fatima Center Acknowledges the Existence of a Imposter Sister Lucy. Huge Breakthrough for Sister Lucy Truth.

Here is the Just Released Statement of the Fatima Center:  Pinned by The Fatima Center @TheFatimaCenter 3 hours ago The Fatima Center's position is that it has been established with reasonable certainty that the woman presenting herself as Sister Lucia in all known public photos from 1967 onward was not the true Lucia.

Odontological Forensic Report - Sister Lucy Truth. From a certified expert in the field of Forensic Dentistry. Dentures do not change facial structure. Judgment: Two distinct woman, Sister Lucy I (pre-1967) and Sister Lucy II (1967-2005).


Sister Lucy Truth: Major Announcement: New Odontological Report from a Dentist Specializing in Total Prosthesis (dentures) and Implant Dentistry, judges totally different facial structures for Sister Lucy I and Sister Lucy II:… Dentures do NOT change it


Russian Foreign Intelligence says that the 5th French Republic --- which recently added an abortion "right" to its Constitution --- is risking a serious European War by preparing 2,000 French troops to be put on the ground in Ukraine.


Bishop Sanborn's Destruction Piece Against the Enlightenment and the American System. The Liberal Order is Contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church...the REAL Catholic Church!


Sermon: "The sex scandal of the Novus Ordo church" (2002)-Bishop Robert McKenna Reveals the Ultimate Reason for the Sex Scandals in the institutional organization of the Catholic Church: Lack of Grace Due to Invalidity of Sacraments AND Priests having left the Church due to Heresy and Apostasy. Bishop McKenna is clear, One Falls OUT OF THE CHURCH with Public Apostasy and Heresy.


Who Said What? - SISTER LUCY TRUTH. And the real Sister Lucy said NOTHING about "Diabolical Disorientation."


Lucia Of Fatima Memoirs - June 13, 1917. A Bit of the REAL Fatima.


"Body Language". One "Sister Lucy" seems to be right-handed and one seems to be left-handed. The facial features of the women are so totally different that many people I speak to laugh when I tell them that many still question if these are two separate women. The footage from 1946 comes from the archives of the Fatima Shrine.


2010. The Doctor of the Imposter Sister Lucy speaks about how much "Sister Lucy" loved the Luminous Mysteries. In EVERY DETAIL, the Imposter "Sister Lucy" embraced the innovations of the Modernists.


Lucia Of Fatima Memoirs - June 13, 1917




Windswept House Unveiled: Exclusive Overview. Sister Lucy Truth mentioned right before the 25 min. mark. Who ever made this video demonstrates that the truth about the Sister Lucy Imposture is pushing hard into the New Year of 2024!
