
1946 Article by the Catholic Worker Gives the Purgatory Rendering of the Fatima Rosary Prayer. So, as we have shown, there is a Continuity of Account and Practice concerning this Prayer from 1917 through 1944, 1946, 1952, and 1954 to AT LEAST 1961. So What Happened?

From the Catholic Worker newspaper Feb. 1946- The Fatima Purgatory prayer original. Article by Julia Porcelli. Another mention of Purgatory in the Fatima Prayer. The St. Louis Review, Volume 4, Number 20, 12 May 1944 ----

New Information from an article dated Christmas 1960, well into the time of John XXIII, indicates that the Fatima Rosary Prayer spoke of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Does it also point to the replacement of Sister Lucy by 1960?

Here is the text and the translation as provided by a Portuguese-language translator: In my research, I just found an article about a Brazilian bishop who interviewed Sister Lucy. He describes her as "a  medium-height  religious woman, with a healthy look and simple; so simple that we get as amazed as that simplicity is supernaturally natural". This is from newspaper Folha Mineira, edition 4137, Dec. 24th, 1960: Transcript: Aproveitando o ensejo muito raro de entreter assim a quem a Santa Virgem tanto falou, acrescentei: - "Irmã Lúcia, notei que em Fátima se reza a oração que Nossa Senhora pediu como conclusão de cada Mistério do Rosário, fazendo-se alusão às almas do purgatório, especialmente as mais abandonadas; deste modo rezamos nós, lá nos confins do Araguaia" e ela, num tom de quem revela um engano, ou, se quisermos, um deslize, mas com uma entoação de voz onde a caridade reinava, disse, suave e fortemente: - "Eles assim o quiseram, mas não foi essa a fór

Dr. Peter Chojnowski's Clear Response to the Fatima Center. Hear his Arguments Against the Idea of a Phantom Sister Lucy, Co-existing with the Imposter.


LE DUE SUOR LUCIA E LA FALSA CHIESA! The only problem with this video is the mistake that the Italian speaker makes. The real Sister Lucy used her left hand, while the Imposter is right-handed. Otherwise, clear, forceful and excellent video.


a verdadeira e a falsa Irmã Lúcia — a fraude de FÁTIMA ! Another video from Brazil ,for a Portuguese-speaking audience, putting forward the findings of Sister Lucy Truth. They use parts of Dr. Chojnowski's lecture at the Fatima Conference in 2019.


To an Italian audience, Bishop Williamson, at the 36 min. mark, mentions the FACT of the existence of an Imposter Sister Lucy. He endorses the most likely scenario put forward by Sister Lucy Truth, that the real Sister Lucy was gone by the late 1950s. Put on the auto-translate, which also works for the comments, and listen in.
