
Showing posts from July, 2019

Why I did not Submit the Tradition in Action "Third Secret" for a Costly Professional Analysis. The More You Look at it, the More Bizarre it Seems to Be.

Image Dear Sir, There are many reasons why I decided to not go ahead with commissioning an official analysis of the TIA "Third Secret."  1) I have only received one donation to Sister Lucy Truth from someone interested in the TIA Third Secret. The donation was a tax-deductible donation to "Sister Lucy Truth" for $200. When discussing the cost of the analysis and of writing up the results for this document, I found out that the cost was going to be $500. The document itself, with its obvious problems, did not warrant the expenditure of the extra money when we have so little to spend. Every dime donated to "Sister Lucy Truth" goes to either the investigations themselves, maintaining the website, or paying the fees to the bank for upkeep of the various accounts. 2) The document itself had a very questionable origin, we discovered this when we had 3 different people at Sister Lucy Truth actually look

Is Anybody There? Does Anybody Care? Read the Latest Report from Australia's #1 Super Facial Recognizer in Which She Says that the Woman Pictured Below is Definitely NOT Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima.

Nope. For all the Reports Collected so far, from Handwriting Analysts, Facial Recognition Programs, Plastic Surgeons, a World-Class Forensic Artist, Orthodontists, and now, a Super Recognizer, see our  site with all the information. We need all the financial help that you can give us to continue this scientific investigation into the falsification and imposture of the Seer of Fatima, Sister Lucy dos Santos, please donate to our efforts by making a tax-deductible donation via check or money order to: Sister Lucy Truth 4104 N. Murray Dr.  Otis Orchards, WA 99027  or

Updated: "Australia's #1 Super Recogniser Concludes TWO Different Women Present In the Sr. Lucia Photographic Evidence"

The report concerns an examination of pictures of Sister Lucy A (child); B (adult 1940s), C (1967) and D (1982-2005).  Sister Lucy A Sister Lucy D Sister Lucy C Sister Lucy B

Amazon Facial Recognition Technology Determines that Sister Lucy I and Sister Lucy II are not the Same Person. Not One Match Amidst Thousands of Comparisons.

Begin forwarded message:  "NOT EQUAL". The above message was sent to Sister Lucy Truth as the announcement of the result of the Amazon Facial Recognition Test. All of the data, with pictures and percentage identified similarity and matches to be released along with Investigators report soon. A further summary of all the data from this test will be released by Sister Lucy Truth in the coming weeks. Watch the Youtube below about this latest Amazon technology that is being used by police departments all over the nation. 

Take the University of New South Wales Facial Recognition Test. See If You are a Super Facial Recognizer!


University of New South Wales' Leads the Way in Super Facial Recognition Science. Read a 2019 Article in the British Journal of Psychology. Relevant to Sister Lucy Truth? Right On Ya, Mate!

My Wife's Alma Mater Leads the Way in Super Facial Recognition Science

Super Facial Recognizers: Read About the Science Behind Superfacial Recognizers. Announcement From Sister Lucy Truth to Come Soon.


From Cornelia Ferreira's Fatima Newsletter, July 2109 Recounting the Message of Our Lady to the Children of Fatima on July 13, 1917.

A Picture of the Three Children of Fatima After They Had a Vision of Hell The Account: Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary A few moments after arriving at the Cova da Iria, near the holmoak, where a large number of people were praying the Rosary, we saw the flash of light once more, and a moment later Our Lady appeared on the holmoak. “What do you want of me?” I [Lucia] asked. “I want you to come here on the 13th of next month, to continue to pray the Rosary every day in honour of Our Lady of the Rosary, in order to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war, because only She can help you.” “I would like to ask you to tell us who you are, and to work a miracle so that everybody will believe that you are appearing to us.” “Continue to come here every month. In October, I will tell you who I am and what I want, and I will perform a miracle for all to see and believe.” I then made some requests, but I cannot recall now just what they were. What I do reme

July 13th: The Day the Three Children of Fatima Had a Vision of Hell, Were told about World War II, Given the Third Secret, Told to Expect the Request for the Consecration of Russia, and Told to Expect a Miracle on October 13th so that All May Believe. On this Anniversary, We post Our Indictment of those Involved in Two Sister Lucy Fraud.

Saw Hell? or  Do These Eyes Seem Like They Have Seen Hell? Sister Lucy Truth                                         An Indictment Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima and the Woman Who Replaced Her. We at Sister Lucy Truth publicly declare that based on the evidence presented here, we have found it to be morally and scientifically certain that the woman portrayed to the world as “Sister Lucy,” from her first public appearance on May 13, 1967 to her death on February 13, 2005, was not the same person as Sister Lucy, Seer of Fatima and Visionary who predicted the Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 1917.  This, one of the greatest frauds in the history of the Church , was discovered through the use of the most sophisticated facial recognition programs available, along with the accumulated testimony of plastic surgeons, orthodontists, forensic artists, private investigators, handwriting analysts, and facial recognition experts. Due to the availability of hundreds

ALERT: World-Class Handwriting Analyst Demonstrates that the Writings of "Sister Lucy" from after 1957 Were Forgeries. Analysis of "Third Secret" Released by Vatican in 2000, Forged 1969 Letter Urging Obedience and Submission to Paul VI, Signatures on Letters from 1967 and 1969, Letter about Consecration of Russia From 1980, and Manuscript Released by Carmelites of Coimbra and Used as the Basis for Sister Lucy's Official Biography Published by the Blue Army WERE ALL FORGERIES. Follow the Links to the Sworn Testimony Below.

Image New and Revised Analysis Comparing Known and Excepted Handwriting Samples form Sister Lucy to the Letter Written in November of 1969, in which complete obedience to Paul VI's revolutionary actions in the Church is urged. Analyst certifies that the "Third Secret" (written in 1944) released by the Vatican IS consistent with the known Sister Lucy's handwritings, leaving open the possibility of a "Fourth Secret." Sworn testimony and analysis of "Manuscript of Sister Lucy" which served as the basis, put forward as authentic by the Carmelites of Coimbra, for Sister Lucy's official biography. This cleverly done forgery was published by the Blue Army.                                  Scroll Down to Report #2

ALERT: New Facial Recognition Report demonstrates that Sister Lucy (pre-1967) and Sister Lucy II (post-1967) are NOT the same person. Read the Report Produced by the Michigan State University Facial Recognition Lab at the Link found Here.

      Only American University Facial Recognition Lab Report says that Sister Lucy I (left) IS NOT Sister Lucy II (right). Follow Link Below to See Report.