Why I did not Submit the Tradition in Action "Third Secret" for a Costly Professional Analysis. The More You Look at it, the More Bizarre it Seems to Be.
https://traditioninaction.org/Questions/B352_Secret.html Dear Sir, There are many reasons why I decided to not go ahead with commissioning an official analysis of the TIA "Third Secret." 1) I have only received one donation to Sister Lucy Truth from someone interested in the TIA Third Secret. The donation was a tax-deductible donation to "Sister Lucy Truth" for $200. When discussing the cost of the analysis and of writing up the results for this document, I found out that the cost was going to be $500. The document itself, with its obvious problems, did not warrant the expenditure of the extra money when we have so little to spend. Every dime donated to "Sister Lucy Truth" goes to either the investigations themselves, maintaining the website, or paying the fees to the bank for upkeep of the various accounts. 2) The document itself had a very questionable origin, we discovered this when we had 3 different people at Sister Lucy Truth actually look