
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Church Militant: The Aggressive Policy of the Vatican Prior to John XXIII was directed to.....Drum Roll....MAKING EVERYONE IN THE WORLD CATHOLIC! And Fighting the Enemies of the Catholic Church! Monsignor Dah! Read the Plans from 1946.

Thought Update: Notice Hartl indicates that what soured him on Catholic doctrine and the priesthood was the strict life demanded of the Catholic priest, particularly in the area of priestly celibacy.  Those were the days....and you knew who you were then..... For the Militant Agenda of the.....Guess What....Church Militant prior to 1958, see the declassified CIA document of the interrogation of Albert Hartl, a former Catholic priest who was in the belly of the National Socialist spying and intelligence operation against the Catholic Church. What he knew about the real state of things with regard to Church-State interactions and warfare during the 1930s and 1940s helps us understand the sea change that happened after the 1958 conclave which produced John XXIII and the Religious Revolution that we are still trying to sort out today.  If you look on page 29 of the pdf, you will see something that

Is the Religious "Romanticism" that Hartl Speaks of during His Now Declassified Interrogation Sillonist Neo-Modernism? If it was, why does He say that Pope Pius XII was using it as a "Political Pawn"?

Dr. Chojnowski: I do not know what to think about this section of the recently unearthed interrogation report that has been declassified by the CIA dealing with the interrogation of a former Catholic priest and a convert to National Socialism, Albert Hartl. When describing this movement, he says that it was a movement of Catholic laymen who believed that, "the Church has lost a great deal of depth and fervor through its politics, its wealth, its superficial pomp, its so-called "American" efficiency, and its over emphasis of Catholic organizations and associations." This is what this movement did not like about the Church of the early 20th century, like the real Catholic Church. What it wanted instead was, "the ancient Christian Communism stressing subordination to every form of state authority...including a heathen state....They reject ever form of outer Church power and are concerned only with the quiet religious depths of the individual. They are for s

"Diabolically Disoriented" Michael Matt Reveals His True Colors as a Pied Piper Leading "Traditionalists" (i.e., real Catholics) Back to the Conciliarist Counterfeit Church of Heretical Doctrine and Evil Practices. Archbishop Lefebvre Explicitly Rejected Pan-traditionalism and the Real Sister Lucy NEVER Wrote about "Diabolical Disorientation."

               "If I hear 'Diabolical Disorientation' Again....." Here we go again. Another Frankenherring! In the above linked article by the endlessly disoriented Michael Matt, he cites the now scientifically disproven idea of "diabolical disorientation" --- of Francis and his confreres in NewChurch --- and, pretending that he has had a new thought, decided to argue for a "Pan-Traditionalists" Large Tent in response to the Great Apostasy. The question is this, however, is Matt simply using the endlessly "surprising" heresies and anti-Catholic pronouncements of Francis and the coming "surprising" contents of the Amazon Synod to again tune up the pipes to lead a procession, with fleur-de-lis banners no doubt in the lead --- of "traditionalists" through the Gallican Gate of NewChurch, just as he has bee

Vatileaks: 1940 German Euthanasia Program for the Mentally-Ill Met With Almost Complete Acquiescence from German Catholic Hierarchy. Looking at the German Hierarchy's Collaboration with the National Socialists, the Russian Orthodox's Hierarchy's Cooperation with the Communists, and the American Hierarchy's Collusion with the US Government's Americanist Ideology, No Wonder the Murder of the Unborn has Gone on for Half a Century in this Country. High Level Academics and Psychologists Actively Cooperated. Nazis believed Militant Church Would Have Shut Down the Program.

Geo-Political "Prudence" Trumps Moral Outrage. "Never Again." Yea, Right. Update: 1,000,000 Hits on RadTrad Thomist since its launch. Thank you for your interest. Don't worry, there is MUCH MORE ahead. By looking at pp. 44-46 (of the pdf) of the recently uncovered CIA declassified document detailing the interrogation of Albert Hartl, an apostate priest who joined the German National Socialist Party in 1933, you will find an insider's account of the inaction and acquiescence of the German Catholic Hierarchy, along with the Papal Nuncio, in regards to Hitler's gassing of the mentally-ill, beginning in 1940. In other parts of this document, you can read the disheartening description of the spying that was done by priests, bishops, and monks on fellow Catholics to the German Secret Police. Granted many of these were apostates who had left the Church and the priest

Vatileaks: Declassified CIA Document Obtained by RadTrad Thomist, Shows Pope Pius XII's Plans for Post-War Catholic Bloc of European Nations Between U.S. Liberal Alliance and Soviet Communist Alliance. Also, Reveals Pope's Work to Make Russia the Great Catholic Missionary Field of the 20th Century.

Grand Geo-Strategist and Evangelist. What COULD HAVE BEEN Dr. Chojnowski: RadTrad Thomist has just obtained a declassified CIA document that details the interrogation of a former Catholic priest who became a National Socialist and German operations officer during World War II.  Further commentary will follow on subsequent posts. However, in order to get out this information to our readers in a timely fashion, I would advise them to keep a look out for several points as they read the extensive account of the interrogation of Albert Hartl, a Bavarian who left the Catholic Church and Priesthood to become a much used asset for the German National Socialist government during the 1933 to 1945 period. His work related to the Catholic Church and the Vatican is a special focus of the questions posed to Hartl during his interrogation in by American Army Intelligence in 1946.  Items of Great Signifi

Just Saying: If the real Sister Lucy Just Died a Natural Death and the Vatican was Planning to Use Her Persona to Transform the Fatima Message in a Modernist Way, Why Would They say: 'Sister Lucy Has Nothing More to Say on Fatima" in 1959?

Well. The Statue is Real. When You Actually Think About This, it Really Does Make You Sick.  Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite, The Whole Truth About Fátima , Vol. 3, pp. 748-749: “From then on [after the Fuentes interview and diocesan note disavowing it], she was bound to a much more rigorous silence on everything concerning Fátima, and especially the great themes of the Secret… As we have seen, in its note of July 2, 1959, the chancery of Coimbra declared authoritatively that ‘Sister Lucy has nothing more to say on Fátima ’! It also became increasingly difficult to see her, and for years no more of her writings were published. Her testimony was becoming bothersome. In 1962, Maria de Freitas remarked that ‘more and more, visits to Sister Lucy are forbidden; more and more she is becoming invisible.’” Is this statement by the accomplices saying, "Sister Lucy has nothing more to say on Fatima" (July 2, 1959), as significant apropos of what actually happened to her as I

John Courtney Murray: The Theologian Who Weaponized American Nativism and Used it to Destroy Roman Doctrine. Full Article Coming Soon!


St Peter Damian Shows Us that Gravely Immoral Clerics Can Validly Confect the Sacraments. One of the Few Validity Problems that We DO NOT Have to Worry About! Read Randy Engel's League of St. Peter Damian Newsletter Here.

July   & August     2019   Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Welcome, once again, to the League of Saint Peter Damian. Two-thousand nineteen  anno Domini is the year of the League’s formation.  Catholics who register with the League during 2019 are considered founding members.  This summer’s edition of the League of Saint Peter Damian  STUDY GUIDE # 5 & # 6   “Let Your Life Always Serve as a Witness”  Saint Peter Damian on the Crime of Simony Acts of the Apostles Chapter 8 Douay Rheims Version [1] And at that time there was raised a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all dispersed through the countries of Judea, and Samaria, except the apostles.  [2] And devout men took order for Stephen's funeral, and made great mourning over him.  [3] But Saul made havock of the church, entering in from house to house, and dragging away men and women, committed them to prison.  [4] They therefore that were

A Meditation From a Reader on the Shoulder Wound of Jesus. Sister Lucy Truth Keeps Up its Devotion to the St. Bridget Prayers!

The Forgotten Devotion St. Bernard of Clairvaux once asked Our Lord to tell him what His most painful wound was. Our Lord's answer might surprise you. "I had on My shoulder while I bore My Cross on the Way of Sorrows, a grievous wound which was more painful than the others and which is not recorded by men. Honor this wound with thy devotion and I will grant thee whatsoever thou doest ask through its virtue and merit." Prayer to the Wound in the Shoulder O most loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred Wound of the Shoulder on which though did bear Thy most heavy cross, which so tore Thy Flesh and bare Thy bones as to inflict on Thee an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body. I adore Thee Jesus Most Sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee and give Thee praise for this most sacred and painful Wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross, to be merc

Sect 5th Avenue? Was the Novus Ordo Church Conceived in a Secret Meeting in a midtown-Manhattan Hotel in 1948? Seems Like it.

                                              Biltimore Hotel 1948. Even Looks Novus Ordo! Dr. Chojnowski: There is a book that I cannot recommend highly enough. It is a work that I have just discovered and am now in the process of scouring though it. It is John Courtney Murray, Time/Life and the American Proposition: How the CIA's Doctrinal Warfare Program Changed the Catholic Church  by David A. Wemhoff (South Bend, IN: Fidelity Press, 2015).  This book is fascinating for many reasons, in fact I can hardly believe such a clear and incisive text was written in our time. As I go through the text I will report on it for RadTrad Thomist, however, I would like to bring up some selections from Chapter 8, which is entitled, "The Secret Meeting at the Biltimore April 26, 1948," pp. 122-126. "A group of men met in a secret conference at a luxury hotel in mid-town Manhattan to find a way to deal with what Paul Blanshard [a notorious anti-Catholic] was calling the