Showing posts from July, 2021
Silence in the Ratzinger Corner? Maybe because the Motu's drive for the Elimination of the Mass can be Traced to Josef Ratzinger's Rejection of the Catholic Theology of the Mass in His Critical Text, "Introduction to Christianity"?
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"Wonderful book, Josef! No more of that 'blood and guts stuff,' just "Total Self-Giving"! From Josef Ratzinger's book, Introduction to Christianity , trans. J.R. Foster (New York: Herder and Herder, 1970), pp. 213-215. From the chapter, "The Christological Articles of the Creed" and the subsection, "Suffered Under Pontius Pilate, Was Crucified, Dead and Buried": "What position is really occupied by the cross within faith in Jesus as the Christ....As we have already established, the universal Christian consciousness in this matter is extensively influenced by a much-coarsened version of St. Anselm's theology of atonement [Notice he only traces this back to the 11th century and not to the Deposit of the Faith]....To many Christians, and especially to those who only know the faith from a fair distance, it looks as if the cross is to be understood as part of a mechanism of injured and restored right. It is the form, so it seems, in wh
Dr. Marian Horvat, who was TOTALLY Unresponsive to our Early Request for Cooperation, Makes the Ridiculous Claim that Sister Lucy Truth has not Gone Beyond the Personal Analysis of the Pictures of the Two Sister Lucys done by Horvat herself. As We Said in the Beginning of Our Investigation, the Perception was Had by Others Concerning the Two Sister Lucys, but We were going to Use the Latest Scientific Techniques and Expertise to Determine the Truth of the Matter. We also are not satisfied by saying, "Perhaps we will know the truth [of the matter] at the Last Judgment."
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Chojnowski Watering Wet Ground Dear Dr. Horvat, I remember reading a number of your articles ( here and here ) on this subject more than a decade ago... it seemed to me at the time that your photographic analysis was quite definitive. Dr. Chojnowski has resurrected your original thesis and is attracting a good deal of attention for his Sister Lucy Truth site. Has Dr. Chojnowski uncovered any new information on this topic or merely capitalizing on your original work? J.K. ______________________ Dr. Horvat responds: Dear J.K., Thank you for your inquiry. I do not believe that Dr. Chojnowski has uncovered any new information, although he has raised considerable funds and hired a company to demonstrate that a careful analysis of the two sets of pictures shows: the impossibility that the face of Sister Lucy II is the same as Sister Lucy I. However, this had already been demonstrated by The Servants of the Holy Family in Colorado who hired an age progression and regressio
The New Atheism: Dr Chojnowski Conference XII All or Nothing
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"Memory, all alone in the moonlight I can dream of the old days Life was beautiful then I remember the time I knew what happiness was Let the memory live again......" Hypocrite Bergoglio spoke of Prayer as an "Act of Freedom" when He was Writing his Book with Rabbi Skorka!
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"Now We Have Liquidated the Catholics from the Catholic Church! It has taken 63 Years, But Victory is Ours!" Dr. Chojnowski: As Francis finishes what began on October 28, 1958 with the election of Angelo Roncalli --- the complete takeover of the institutional organization of the Catholic Church and the liquidation of the Catholic Faith and Religion from the face of the Earth --- as a direct and intended insult to the "idea" of an Almighty God, which is all that Bergoglio obviously believes in --- we recall what he himself wrote with Rabbi Skorka back in 1995 concerning "prayer." This is taken from the interview of the two men that became a book, On Heaven and Earth (New York: Image Books, 2015), p. 55: "Bergoglio: Prayer is an act of freedom, but sometimes it emerges as an attempt at control, which is the same as wanting to control God. That has to do with a deformation, with an excessive ritualism or with many other attitudes of control. Prayer
The New Atheism: Dr Chojnowski Conference XI A Boeing 747 and the God Question.
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The New Atheism: Dr Chojnowski Conference X Feeling Sorry: Science Disproving Evolution.
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"Fraud at Fatima" - Part 3" -The Bizarre Interviews of Imposter Lucy
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The New Atheism by Dr Chojnowski Conference IX Why Dost Thou Protest Too Much, Richard Dawkins?
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The New Atheism of Hawking and Dawkins: Dr Chojnowski Conference VIII
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My Preface to the Ottaviani Intervention Published by The Angelus Press. Guess what, they ARE COMING FOR YOU!
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Monsignor Guerard des Lauriers: The True Author of the "Ottaviani Intervention." We were told in 1969 that Catholics were faced with an ultimate choice, the New Mass which expresses a Modernist and Protestant theology or the traditional Catholic Mass which expresses the theology of the Council of Trent, which expresses the 2,000 year theology of the Catholic Church. I am having a little difficulty remembering what year it is can't be......2021......or could it?
Modernist bishops Exterminate the Latin Mass in Costa Rica. The Global Liturgic Cleansing Begins.......Want to bet this was in the full Third Secret.....Maybe the "Sister Lucy" that affirmed the veracity of the Vatican "Third Secret" (2000) was not the real......nah, don't get thaaat extreme.
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The New Atheism: Dr Chojnowski Conference VII M Theory. How to Avoid ...
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The New Atheism: Dr Chojnowski Conference VI The Anthropic Principle
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The Formula of St. Hormisdas (517) is a Head-On Collision Waiting to Happen for Those Who Want to Avoid the "Question of Rome." Read the Formula that the Emperor Justinian Forced His Eastern Bishops to Sign.
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From The Church Teaches, (Rockford, Illinois: TAN, 1973), pp. 69-71. " During the pontificate of Pope St. Hormidas (514-523), the accession of Justinian [as Byzantine Empire], a Catholic and a Latin, to the imperial throne at Constantinople, provided an opportunity to heal the 35 year old Acacian schism. The document which Justinian ordered the Eastern bishops to sign is a profession of faith , which had been added to a letter that the pope had sent to the bishops of Spain in the year 517. Its acceptance by later councils gives it the value of a definition. ' The first condition of salvation is to keep the norm of the true faith, and in no way to deviate from the established doctrine of the Fathers. For it is impossible that the words of our Lord Jesus Christ who said, "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church? (Matt. 16:18), should not be verified. And their truth has been proved by the course of history, for in the Apostolic See the Catholic religion
The Bergolian Extermination of the Last External Remnants of Catholic Tradition Is Now in its Final Phase. Allowance for '62 Missal Only Meant for "those who need time to return to the Roman Rite promulgated by Saints Paul VI and John Paul II," i.e., the New Mass.
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From the official SSPX French District website: "[We are] No longer to speak of "Mass according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite". With his Motu Proprio entitled Traditionis Custodes[1] of July 16, 2021, to which is attached an accompanying letter to the bishops, Pope Francis has just decided that this distinction invented by Benedict XVI was obsolete: only the new Mass of Paul VI has the right to be cited in the conciliar Church, the traditional Mass is only tolerated. Unity behind the new Mass What is the status of the Tridentine Mass now? The answer is not given in these documents, but it doesn't matter because the clearly stated objective is its disappearance. It is now permitted under drastic conditions for "those who need time to return to the Roman Rite promulgated by Saints Paul VI and John Paul II," i.e., the N
Dr Chojnowski Conference V The New Atheism of Hawking is simply Refried Kant.
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Wait! Not to Worry! "Sister Lucy" told a recently ordained SSPX priest (1976) to leave the Society, submit to his local bishop and say the New Mass. But, maybe she was an Imposter and then, we should support.......Sister Lucy Truth.........Nah! Lets have another petition and another conference!
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How are Mike and Chris going to get around this one? Either you are part of the New Counterfeit Church or you are part of the Catholic Church of All the Ages, Francis forces all to CHOOSE! I think the Ottaviani Intervention spoke about this "choice" in 1969, what is it now......2021?????
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Novus Ordo Watch Headlines The Sister Lucy Truth Investigation that is Getting the Vatican VERY Worried.
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The Radical Subjectivism of the "Empirical Scientist" Stephen Hawking: Lectures III and IV on the New Atheism by Dr. Peter Chojnowski
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Sister Lucy Truth: An Introduction to the Investigation
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Lecture II on the New Atheism: Hawking's Denial of the Great Design --- Which is Even the Title of his Book! Given at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery, August 20020.
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Conference #1: Dr. Chojnowski's Opening Lecture on the New Atheism of Hawking and Dawkins. Given in August 2020 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery, Silver City, NM.
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Why was a top-level member of Opus Dei selling secrets to the Soviets and to Russian intelligence for over 20 years? Will Opus Dei be behind the Sister Lucy of Fatima Mystery?
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Dr. Chojnowski: While currently reading the book by Craig Unger, American Kompromat (New York: Penguin Random House, 2021), I have stumbled again into the fascinating and, perhaps, perplexing case of Robert Philip Hanssen, an Opus Dei member who worked for the FBI from 1979 until the time of his arrest in 2001. He was arrested, finally, for his having been the most dangerous and subversive mole that ever existed at the FBI. He had spent 20 years funneling top-flight information on all aspects of the United States' Cold War activities, to both the KGB and, after 1991, to Russian intelligence for a total payout of over $1,000,000. Why would a "right-wing" "Catholic" be feeding intelligence and counter-intelligence to Red Russia during the height of the Cold War. Was it only because he could not afford the housing around New York and Washington and needed a bit of extra income to cover costs, or was there other reasons in play, specifically organizational reasons?
As We Get Ready to Hand Them Out, I want some Reparation Payments! My Italian Immigrant Ancestors' Struggles and Humiliations USA certainly deserves some consideration.
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Knowing the current militancy for "reparation payments" for Black and Native Americans because of past injustices committed against their ancestors by citizens of the United States, it was a very fetching moment when I read the notes that my mother and her cousins had taken of their interviews with their mothers and aunts. My great-grandparents had come from Calabria to New York and then to Philadelphia and then, ultimately, to New Britain, Connecticut in 1910. According to the notes, my great-grandfather left Italy because in the post-Risorgimento Masonic regime of that year and in that part of Italy (the toe of the boot!) there was no work. My great-grandfather came to the United States to look for work in order to support his young family of a new wife and a young daughter (Catherine --- who ended up getting me involved in the Blue Army and was the first one who made me aware of the Fatima Message). When he, Salvadore Romeo (wouldn't you know it!) came with two of h
Supreme Court with the support of Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, and our "Catholic" Chief Justice John Roberts Refuse to Overturn a Washington State Supreme Court Decision Forcing a Florist to Make Arrangements for Sodomitic Marriages. The Republican Party Justice Machine "Disappoints" Again. Surprised?
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