
Showing posts from February, 2022

Col Doug MacGregor says Ukrainian gov is corrupt and we shouldn't help . A Voice Against Getting into World War III With the Russians. Almost a Lone Voice in Our Now Unified Neo-Con MSM of "Left" (CNN and MSNBC) and "Right" Wings (Fox News). What will Rachel say?

And then there are those on MSM (e.g., NBC) who are urging us to get into a hot war with Russia. Here is Richard Engel's bio from Wikipedia: Engel grew up on the  Upper East Side  of Manhattan, New York City. [4]  His older brother, David, is a cardiologist at  New York–Presbyterian Hospital . [5] [6]  His father, Peter, a former  Goldman Sachs  financier, and mother Nina, who ran an antiques store, feared for their son's future prospects because of his  dyslexia . [7]  His father is Jewish, and his mother is  Swedish . [8] Engel attended the  Riverdale Country School , a highly competitive college-prep school in New York City, [9]  where at first he struggled with his schoolwork and progress. At age 13, he joined a wilderness survival camp where he learned about leadership and how to be more independent. His schoolwork began to improve and he started to gain popularity with his peers. [10] [11]  He the

Belarus's Entrance into War indicates that World War III Could Already be in Its Initial Stages. Would American Forces and European Forces Feel Free to Attack the "White Russians"? What does Russia putting its Nuclear Forces on High Alert Mean for the World? Face it. The Imposter Sister Lucy was a Liar. This Isn't the Reign of Peace.


What was the Meaning of the Comparison of the Fate of the King of France and the Fate of "My ministers"? In this excellent article by a friend of Sister Lucy Truth, we have a reading of what the failure to Consecrate Russia, as Our Lady requested, could mean for the Church and the World.


Brother Bugnolo from Rome Affirms the Findings of Sister Lucy Truth. How long before we penetrate the Vatican Modernist Citadel? How is that Reign of Peace After the Consecration of Russia Going for You? The Fake Sister Lucy Lied.

  Br. Bugnolo on War in the Ukraine & the imminent resurrection of the Soviet Union | From Rome

The New Addition to Sister Lucy Truth's Website Shows the Real Sister Lucy's Last Visit to Fatima in 1946. Look, the Moral Aura Expressed by the Seer of Fatima and Messenger of Our Lady has NOTHING to do with the Common Place Imposter Put in Her Place.


"The Fake Fatima Letter of Lucy II" - HD Its NOT Just Her Face that is Different. They made this Champion of the Catholic Faith into a Craven Upholder of Modernist Power.


An Interview with Andy Heasman, Straight from Knock, Ireland. Opening up the Emerald Isle to Sister Lucy Truth!


Irmã Lúcia: um mistério dentro de outro mistério - Parte 4. Turn on the English Subtitles and Listen to a Lecture on the Enemies of Christendom and the Use that was made of a False Sister Lucy. At the 44 minute mark, Professor Bezerra refutes the idea that the commonly distributed photo of a sister of Sister Lucy of Fatima, Maria dos Anjos, proves that there was not a false Sister Lucy. Brilliant analysis and ANOTHER piece of evidence pointing to the truth of our claim that the Seer of Fatima was replaced by an Imposter.


Watch live: Russian President addresses the nation. Putin Initiates the Drive to Restore the Russian Empire. Blames Past Leaders of Soviet Union and Russia, going back to Lenin and Stalin, for its Collapse.


"Montini's Helpers." We need help spreading this critical information around. Let's get to it!


"Changing Only One Word." Good First Step.........Novus Ordo minister's Baptisms Acknowledged to be Invalid. Meaning ALL OTHER SACRAMENTS ARE ALSO. Maybe the Entire Invalid Sacramental Edifice of the Novus Ordo will Begin to Unravel?


Major Announcement from Sister Lucy Truth: Statistical Analysis of the Photographic Evidence by Physics Ph.D Yields the Result that the Odds are 13,000,000 TO ONE Against Sister Lucy I and Sister Lucy II Being the Same Person. In Lay man's terms, "It isn't Her."

Dr. Robert Bennett, Ph.D in Physics from Stevens Institute of Technology, professor in physics, and professional consultant for Federal Electric, J.P. Morgan Chase, and Bell Labs has produced a quantitative statistical analysis of the photographs of Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima, from her early years to old age. You can read the report here in the link below. Also, below is the scientific methodology which Dr. Bennett employed when he analyzed the evidence. Dr. Bennett offers his findings for complete professional review.,be%20related%20in%20certain%20features.&text=A%20t%2Dtest%20looks%20at,to%20determine%20the%20statistical%20significance.

Announcement from Sister Lucy Truth: Observations support that the 1967 “Sr. Lucy” and post-1967 elderly “Sr. Lucy” are the same person. However, most of the report yielded a neutral result, which does not contradict the findings of our other experts but remained agnostic regarding the pre-1967 Sr. Lucy and the “Lucy” who appeared after 1967. Ideal Innovations Indicates this Case is Very Worthy of Pursuit!


Sister Lucy of Fatima Replaced by an imposter. Why?. A Catholic Family Podcast with Dr. Peter Chojnowski and Kevin Davis.


Dr. Chojnowski's Strangely and Unprecedentedly Interrupted Interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett of Veterans' Today.


Were Ike and the Dulles Brothers Behind the Modernist Hijacking of the Catholic Church in 1958? What do the Declassified Documents say? The Interview that is Causing So Much Controversy.


They even have to ruin Minnie Mouse. Now she will be as "empowered" as Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, and Angela Merkel. So in other words, a dress is a sign of subjection? I have never seen the Queen in a pant suit.


3rd Sunday In Ordinary Time | Sacred Heart of Punta Gorda, Fl | Jan 23, ...Sorry, But I Just Wanted You to Experience the "Unique Expression of the Roman Rite." After Watching This, I Think Most of You Will Be Making a "Unique Expression." Do I hear even Cramner and Luther rolling in their graves?


American soldiers training with Ukrainian troops in Western Ukraine. USA Making the Same "Mistakes" that were Made that Catapulted World into World War I, World War II, and Vietnam. Prepared for World War III? The Real Sister Lucy told us that Russia would be used to Chastise the West.


"The Clay Speaks" - In HD. Another Irrefutable demonstration that there were TWO Sister Lucys.


Was There a Fake Sister Lucy? Check out this video again. Over 90% of the Comments Clearly Acknowledge that there were Two Sister Lucys. Also, whether Sister Lucy II did or did not say that Russia was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart does not matter IF this woman is not biologically and existentially her.


Were Ike and the Dulles Brothers Behind the Modernist Hijacking of the Catholic Church in 1958? What do the Declassified Documents say? In Interview with Dr. Peter Chojnowski
