
Showing posts from February, 2019

SSPX Accuses Francis of Heresy. As Far as I can tell, a "Document for Human Fraternity" that was intended to be spread throughout the world and bore the signature of Francis is a Public Act. No? So Francis is a Public Heretic or Public Apostate, No?

Francis the Heretic or Francis the Apostate?é-superior-general-society-saint-pius-x-true-fraternity-45364?utm_source=Society+of+Saint+Pius+X+%7C+Newsletter&utm_campaign=3040eb7593-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_02_25_04_43&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8c13eb2341-3040eb7593-206071633 I want to comment soon on the various statements that Michael Matt has made on the "situation" of the "crisis." However, before than we cannot let pass the just released statement by the SSPX on the apostasy of Francis at Abu Dhabi in which he signed a document which states that God willed the diversity of religions. Since this is a denial of the very essence of the Christian faith insofar as he is rejecting the whole purpose of the Church and the very idea of a unique Divine Revelation, originating with the preaching of the Incarnate Word and complemented by the revelation given to the Apostles by the Holy Ghost, I w...

Who are the Bad Fundamentalists that Francis and his Imam Friend Condemned as Evil in Abu Dhabi? I bet it was you!

"I'm a Believer" "Daydream Believer" "Pleasant Valley Sunday" "Hey, Hey, We're the Monkees" Why do so many Monkees song titles from the 60s fit so well here? And now on to Francis and his friends at Abu Dhabi. I am sure he would wish he were in the "Ecclesial Gathering" Pictured Above! From the Zenit article on the Apostasy at Abu Dhabi: Earlier today, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin told journalists, including Zenit’s Deborah Lubov, that the importance of this day is dialogue among religions, especially Christianity and Islam, promoting peace and combatting fundamentalism. Dr. Chojnowski: Have you wondered yet who are these "fundamentalists" who are the main source of evil in our world, the evil ones who are keeping the world from realizing a utopian existence of equality, fraternity...

Chirping Crickets and the Apostasy at Abu Dhabi: When is a Public Act of Apostasy a "Public Act of Apostasy"? Just Wondering.

Believing in the same God abu-dhabi-historic-document-signed-by-pope-francis-and-grand-imam-of-al-azhar See Video Below: Dr. Chojnowski: I am still waiting for the document entitled "A Document on Human Fraternity For World Peace and Living Together" to have some real effect upon the "traditional world." Surely, it was a time for "profound reflection." A reflection that would be a summary of all the long train of outrages to the Catholic  Religion which have hit Catholics since October 28, 1958. Can it be true that we get a document which is intended to be published throughout the world and used as a constant source of academic and religious instruction, which rejects the fundamental understanding of the Catholic Church for 2,000 years, without it SIGNIFICANTLY changing or at least cementing in place our understanding of where we stand in this "crisis"? What we have with the document "On Human Fratern...

Sister Lucy Truth Board of Governors Begin Septuagesima Season with the St. Bridget of Sweden Prayers. 2019 Will Be the Year in Which the Fraud Is Fully Revealed and We Had Better Be Spiritually Ready.

St. Bridget of Sweden We at Sister Lucy Truth begin the pre-Lenten Season of Septuagesima by beginning the daily recitation of the Magnificent Prayers of St. Bridget of Sweden. 2019 will be year in which we go public will all of the information we have on the imposter Sister Lucy and the Great Fraud that has been Presented to the World by the parading of an Imposter in the place of the real Sister Lucy of Fatima. We say these prayers in preparation for all that will transpire in the coming year and with the publicity given to the case of the Fake Sister Lucy. In light of this task and, perhaps, in the hope that some of our supporters will be participating with us, I have asked a supporter of this blog and of Sister Lucy Truth to prepare a short biography of St. Bridget of Sweden and a description of the devotions she received from Our Lord Jesus Christ. I publish these below: St. Bridget of Sweden and the Secret of Happiness St. Bridget of Sweden was b...

Fr. Joseph Poisson Will Stay With Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Boston, Kentucky. Fate of Fr. Pfeiffer's Missions and Seminary Still Unclear. More to Come....

                                              Would you trust this photo? Dr. Chojnowski: We have received information indicating that Fr. Joseph Poisson will remain with Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer, even though Fr. David Hewko has left Our Lady of Mount Carmel Seminary. It is not as yet clear if the failure of Ambrose Moran to document his "ordination" or "consecration" will cause Fr. Poisson to seek another conditional ordination, after receiving "conditional ordination" from Moran. The dubious ordination of Fr. Poisson, and his active ministry with the followers of Fr. Pfeiffer, was cited by Fr. Hewko as the primary reason why he was leaving Our Lady of Mount Carmel. 

Fr. Hewko gives Dubious Ordinations of Fr. Poisson and Power of Pablo as Reasons for Leaving Boston, Kentucky. Affirms Commitment to "Catholic Resistance".

BRIEF STATEMENT OF FR. DAVID HEWKO [FEBRUARY 2019] In the Acts of the Apostles (15:39), we find a dissension arose between the Apostles of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Sts. Paul and Barnabas, who had parted ways and continued spreading the Faith in different regions. Please permit me to draw a similar comparison, given this new situation.  In 2015 A.D. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in Boston, Kentucky (OLMC) had publicly disassociated from Ambrose Moran, and it should have rested there. But, contrary to the recent Statement of the “second disassociation” (January 23, 2019), rather than a “slow movement forward in this case,” he was hastily reintroduced by Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer with the conditional ordination of Fr. Poisson, in July 2018. Fr. Poisson had been previously ordained in 1996, by a bishop consecrated in the New Rite, making this first ordination doubtful. So now, poor Fr. Poisson has two doubtful ordinations, yet he continues to be sent out for Masses representing OLMC....

Flash: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Implodes. Fr Hewko to Leave. Details to follow....


John Dewey: Philosopher of the American Mental Deconstruction. The Roots of the Transformation of the American Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Education.

John Dewey: Philosopher of the American Mental Deconstruction By: Dr. Peter E. Chojnowski February 9, 2018 “I see no reason for attributing to man a significance different in kind from that which belongs to a baboon or a grain of sand. I believe that our personality is a cosmic ganglion [i.e., a focus of strength and energy], just as when certain rays go on after the meeting as they did before, so, when certain other streams of energy cross at a meeting point, the cosmic ganglion can frame a syllogism or wag its tail.” That we should find such a cavalier statement of nihilistic fancy being voiced by a Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., should not be surprising for any one who has considered examples of American judicial nihilism as this is express in Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton, and Casey v. Planned Parenthood of Southeast Pennsylvania and Obergefell v. Hodges . All of these decisions, which have embedded the Nihilistic principle tha...

Ambrose Moran Flips: After Refusing to Provide Documentation of his own "Ordination" and "Consecration," Moran Denounces Entire Lefebvre Line. What Will Pfeifferville do Now? Will Fr. Joseph Poisson Seek Another Conditional Ordination?

Image Dr. Chojnowski: In the link above, you can see for yourself the spinning out of control that has beset Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer's establishment in Boston, Kentucky. After years of dealing with Ambrose Moran as if he were a valid bishop, Fr. Joe Pfeiffer has disassociated himself from Moran. What is shocking about all of it is how acrimonious the entire relationship between Moran and Our Lady of Mount Carmel seminary has become. In the above video, failing to acknowledge that he has worked with Fr. Pfeiffer for years now, consecrating oils for him along with --- from my information --- promising to make priests for him and probably planning to "consecrate" Fr. Pfeiffer a bishop --- Moran brings up long refuted arguments about Archbishop Lefebvre and the Lefebvre line and casts doubt on the valid priesthood of those who he has been associating with for years now. Even though I have not researched the case extensively, I know every...