SSPX Accuses Francis of Heresy. As Far as I can tell, a "Document for Human Fraternity" that was intended to be spread throughout the world and bore the signature of Francis is a Public Act. No? So Francis is a Public Heretic or Public Apostate, No?
Francis the Heretic or Francis the Apostate?é-superior-general-society-saint-pius-x-true-fraternity-45364?utm_source=Society+of+Saint+Pius+X+%7C+Newsletter&utm_campaign=3040eb7593-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_02_25_04_43&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8c13eb2341-3040eb7593-206071633 I want to comment soon on the various statements that Michael Matt has made on the "situation" of the "crisis." However, before than we cannot let pass the just released statement by the SSPX on the apostasy of Francis at Abu Dhabi in which he signed a document which states that God willed the diversity of religions. Since this is a denial of the very essence of the Christian faith insofar as he is rejecting the whole purpose of the Church and the very idea of a unique Divine Revelation, originating with the preaching of the Incarnate Word and complemented by the revelation given to the Apostles by the Holy Ghost, I w...