
Showing posts from November, 2022

"Malachi Martin: A Fake Sister Lucia Was Used To Bury The Fatima Message. " Anytime Return to Tradition Wants to Talk, We are Ready! Sister Lucy Truth IS the Deep Dive Into the Depths of the Modernist Apostasy.


SLT PODCAST - Show #1 Where is Sister Lucy Truth now? Listen and find out.


Let's Consider Michael Matt Again and Ask Ourselves Where the "Traditionalist" Movement Went Wrong.


Declassified US Plans to "Americanize" the Catholic Church and the New World Order Agents that Made it All Happen. Clearly it was the Potomac that Flowed into the Rhine. Is there a Washington-Rome-Coimbra Nexus?

CIA's Plan for Ideological Warfare Against "Un-American" Doctrinaire" Systems of Belief (1953). Telegram Warning the Dulles Brothers About the Possibility of a Traditionalist Cardinal with "Unrealistic" (read, "Un-American") Views of the World were Papabili and Had to be Stopped Via Cardinal Spellman. They got what they wanted! Was Vatican II one of the "Spiritual Initiatives" that John XXIII launched to bring the Liberalism-Condemning Catholic Church into line with Americanism and all of its Works and Pomps? 

CIA: The Power Behind the Vatican II Revolution in the Catholic Church. Declassified Document Tells of Plan to "Break down DOCTRINAL THOUGHT PATTERNS, which have provided an intellectual basis for Communism and OTHER DOCTRINES HOSTILE TO AMERICAN AND FREE WORLD OBJECTIVES." This, along with the two other declassified documents we have provided, demonstrate who was interested in a NewChurch with NewReligion Americanist Doctrines.


"The Fake Fatima Letter of Lucy II". If this letter was from the real Sister Lucy, then it is true that she was condemning Traditionalists to Hell for not following "good Pope Paul." Doesn't our scientific report that this was a fraud seriously bolster the Traditionalist case, and yet.............chirp chirp chirp.


"The Fake Fatima Letter of Lucy II" The Find of the Century. Fake Sister Lucy endorses a Real Revolution and Urges Total Obedience to Real Revolutionary. Do we care?


A Message from Dr. Chojnowski. Where is the Catholic Chivalry Ready to Avenge the Crime Against the Seer of Fatima?


IRMÃ LÚCIA: UM MISTÉRIO DENTRO DE OUTRO MISTÉRIO - PARTE 8. Turn on Auto-translate and hear Professor Bezerra Demonstrate How the Highest Vatican Officials ARE Capable of Serious Criminal Involvement. Also, Sister Lucy I appears to be Left-Handed but Sister Lucy II was Right-Handed. Nothing to see here! Move along to the next conference!


IRMÃ LÚCIA: UM MISTÉRIO DENTRO DE OUTRO MISTÉRIO - PARTE 8. Put on the Auto-Translate Function and Hear Prof. Bezerra imply what Sister Lucy Truth has judged since the Imposture was uncovered: John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Msgr. Escriva are the Prime Persons of Interest in this Case.


The Catholic Storyteller: The True Story of the Diabolic Possession in Alsace. The Possessed Boys Liberated by the Power of the Immaculata.


The Catholic Storyteller: The True Story of the Diabolic Possession in Alsace, Part II. So I wonder why the Devil wanted to get the Sacred Catholic Religion and replace it with a Desacralized Dummy Substitute?


The Catholic Storyteller: The True Story of the Diabolic Possession in Alsace. Documented Undeniable Proof of the Truth of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith -- testified to by the Devil himself. In 3 Parts.


Leading Hedge Fund tells its Clients that the World is heading towards Hyperinflation which could lead to "Global Societal Collapse." Expects Worst Economic Crisis since World War II.


"Another Fatima Secret UNCOVERED" - Forensic Art. Foreheads Don't Lie. Nor do they change with dentures. What part of Irrefutable Evidence don't we understand?
