
Showing posts from October, 2020

Sister Lucy Truth's Movie Teaser has been Launched at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles. Please Donate to this Effort so that We can Push Down the Barriers and Make the Case of Sister Lucy Heard by the Whole World.


"The Messenger"- In HD


Audio Book: Exorcism Prayers Against Satan and Rebellious Angels In Engl...


Would "traditionalists" Recognize and Affirm what Archbishop Lefebvre said concerning the evils of Communism AND Liberal Capitalism? On the Feast of Christ the King, Let us Work for an Economy Neither Capitalist (Private Monopolies) or Communist (State Monopolies).

  From Against the Heresies  by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre:  "With the capitalist economic system, which is the fruit of the French Revolution, the same people distilled this poison of this so-called freedom, because behind it --- as the Pope says --- were the secret societies (i.e., the Masons). It was they who broke up every social structure that existed to protect the workers: the corporations, the guilds. All was broke a the time of the Revolution. The worker than found himself standing face to face with his employers; and at the same time unrestricted freedom was granted:"liberal" economy, freedom of trade, freedom of industry. Clearly, those who possessed money profited from the situation to accumulate immense fortunes at the expense of the workers, who found themselves defenseless....They were no longer united by any bond; all the guilds had been broken up and disbanded.        Nonetheless, during the 19th century, it must be recognized that due to the efforts of

It has been Two Years since Sister Lucy Truth heard this from Fatima Center. 2 Years Later, No Support or Acknowledgement Whatsoever? A Case of the Dog that Doesn't Bark?

  On Oct 26, 2018, at 2:31 PM, Jen Timmins < > wrote: J.M.J.   Thank you for your email dated September 9, 2018. We are sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with the us at the Fatima Center.   Regarding the so called Sister Lucy conspiracy; Father Gruner was certainly aware of the situation. He mentioned that he needed more proof, that he wasn't going to just read and believe what was on the internet.    His first thought was that "people" were possibly spreading this new story about Sister Lucia to take away from the importance of the Fatima Message. Father Gruner spent some time investigating, and spoke with her family members, who informed him that Sister Lucia's sister had in fact received a letter from Sister Lucia a year before she passed away.   But regardless of all this, the consecration of Russia still needs to be done, and the full secret of Fatima needs to be revealed in its entirety.   Our Lady of Fatima,

Francis endorses Civil Unions for Homosexuals in new Documentary. Says Children of Sodomite Couples should be Raised in the Church. Question: Is the "Church" becoming perverted or is it only those who have long ago adhered to NewChurch? Even the "Whore of Babylon" Doesn't Quite Fully Express it Anymore!


"Universally and Pacifically Accepted Rule of Faith" Francis Endorses State-Recognized Sodomitic Unions. And Another Pillar Falls!


Breaking News: John Salza leaves SSPX and returns to Novus Ordo church after "studying Sedevacantism." Who will publish Next 3 Vol. set???

  Breaking News: John Salza has left the SSPX and has returned to the Novus Ordo church. Our source, who has worked with him on True and False Pope , says that he came to this decision "after studying sedevacantism." 

With a Slight of Hand, Cardinal Ratzinger (2000) Affirms that the "Third Secret," released by the Vatican, is both "authentic" and "complete." Our Experts said, "Yes" to the First, but even Common Sense says "No" to the Second.

  For our expert's analysis of the text released by the Vatican as the "Third Secret," see, Dr. Chojnowski: "The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith made available to the press THE FULL TEXT of the so-called third secret of Fatima, at a press conference on June 26, which the text in Sister Lucia's handwriting is reproduced in facsimile, so there can be no further reasonable discussion as to the authenticity and the completeness of the text [as if these are the same thing; they are not. Without the real Sister Lucy's testimony, how would we know that the text is "complete"?]. In this booklet, not only the sequence of visions but also the series of pieces written about them by Sister Lucia [hence the importance of the investigation into the identity of Sister Lucy and her apparent disappearance.]....Furthermore, the address you referred to by Cardinal Sodano is reproduced and I perso

Ratzinger's Report on the Message of Fatima: "It's all just a matter of faith, hope, and love."

Dr. Chojnowski: "I too have been able to have a brief conversation with her".........and now I realize that it is not the authentic Sister Lucy at all but an imposter put in place in the years before I was prominent during the Vatican II is not my fault!!! ---- Unfortunately, nothing like this was said by Cardinal Ratzinger in 2000, during his interview with Peter Seewald. Instead, he presented the following lies, both about the Fatima Message and about "Sister Lucy": "Indeed, the message itself is quite simple. And Lucia, the only surviving one of the children, has placed more and more emphasis on this simplicity and has said, Don't take any notice of all the other things you are told about [i.e., the Conversion of Russia, the reality of Hell, the fact that Our Lord is much offended by sin, "the apostasy in the Church will come from the very top," the First Saturday devotions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to make reparation for wh

What is the Fatima Message about according to the "Great Restorationist" Josef Ratzinger? It is "a story of freedom."

                                                        Well, Not Quite the Last..... Dr. Chojnowski: Want to know what Cardinal Josef Ratzinger thought about Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun in 2000 as found in the book, God and the World: A Conversation with Peter Seewald  (San Francisco: Ignatius Press)? We only need look in the chapter entitled, "The Mother of God."  In response to Mr. Seewald's question on the Miracle of the Sun, Ratzinger responds, "Whatever happened or did not happen on that October 13th, from a purely scientific point of view, we have no way of knowing for certain."  [Dr. Chojnowski: There was a miracle of the sun, seen by 70,000 people, reported by the New York Times. Meaning we know it for certain. It is not really rocket science.]  "What MATTERS is that people were visibly moved by the unique EXPERIENCE of that movement." [Dr. Chojnowski: What matters, actually, is that people were moved by what they saw visibly. What is im