
Showing posts from August, 2020

A Comment from a Reader on Fr. Escriva, Opus Dei, and the "silly nun" Sister Lucy of Fatima. "Silly" because Non-Cooperative, I bet.

  Read Escriva's ex opus dei secretary's book by Carmen Del Tapia. in which she recalls Escriva's trip to Tuy to speak with Sr Lucia, at the time a Dorothean nun which she was for 23 years. He refers to her ,according to Del Tapia, as a"....good but silly nun." Then read "Opus Dei in his Own Words", by Escriva. In that book Escriva writes, referring to the same visit with the ,"...good but silly nun", that it is she who tells him to open the first OD House outside of Spain in Coimbre ! It is she, he claims who offered to handle all the necessary papers and procure the documents !!! Interestingly this was right after Lucia suffered an influenza from which they thought she would die which is why it was requested she put the T...

Fatima Made Nice.


Scenery Nice, Rest of Movie Terrible. It is the Cinematic Expression of the NewFatima. The Reality of the Matter is MUCH more Interesting.

  Well it happened. The new Fatima movie came out and it was as expected. I will admit that the scenery was very beautiful and the texture of the movie was worth seeing. The rest of the movie was awful. From the stiff and unconvincing acting of the adults to the uncharacteristic attitudes and looks of the 3 children, this was a "religious" movie stripped of the truly supernatural. It started with a 1989 interview with the fake Sister Lucy in which some man who seems like a left-wing sociologist presents questions to "Sister Lucy" that she is unable to answer. "Sister Lucy," who did not resemble the real Sister Lucy or the imposter Sister Lucy, fell into a fideism, being utterly able to challenge the cheap skepticism of the writer. So the first take from the movie, we have completely failed to penetrate the mass consciousness with regard to the falsified identity of Sister Lucy of Fatima. We are trying and we will try harder. The biggest problem of the movi...

Here is the Proof and the Information Concerning the Carmelites of Coimbra being Cooperators of Opus Dei and Using the Persona of Sister Lucy (the Imposter) to Endorse Fr. Josemaria Escriva's "Canonization."

Both of these "saints," used the stolen persona of Sister Lucy of Fatima and manipulated the Imposter Sister Lucy to augment their own public personas and further their own "Catholic" agendas. Both knew what they were doing, hence both are guilty of criminality of the highest order.

Their can be no doubt that Opus Dei was Somehow involved with the Disappearance and Replacement of Sister Lucy of Fatima. "St." Josemaria Escriva Callously Exploited the Persona of Sister Lucy for his own Purposes, Even though he Clearly Knew ---- and Probably Participated in the Switch. More to come....


Damning Evidence: Msgr. Escriva Lies and States that "Sister Lucy" Supported the Opus Dei in Portugal in 1974, when it was Clear that the Real Sister Lucy had Long Been Removed from the Scene.

                                                                    #EscrivaNOSaint https:// Also, See our Twitter commentary on this video:  

"What Happened To Sister Lucia of Fatima?" Let us make reparation for the Indifference of the World shown to Our Lady, even after the Miracle of the Sun. Also, what about we make reparation for the Indifference shown to the Crime Against Sister Lucy of Fatima, the Girl Chosen by Our Lady to Speak to the 20th and 21st Centuries.


VT Reports that the Beirut Nuke was One of a Number of Tactical Nuclear Weapons used by the United States Military. Once was in Iraq in 1991, then in Afghanistan in 2002. Why is the Media Silent? Is Operation Mockingbird Still the Reason for the Blackout?

  For Veterans Today's coverage  see,

More Evidence that the Zionist State Nuked Beirut. Members of US and Italian Governments Confirm Trump's Claim of Bombing and Attack.


Sean, Rachel, Anderson? Why is "Left" and "Right" Media Not Reporting on What Many are Saying is a Nuclear Attack, with a Low-Grade Nuclear Weapon, on Beirut? Trump said it was a bomb. He also said that we "might not be seeing him for awhile." Not important? Does Media Silence Mean that Israel Does Not Want Us to Know?

  Nothing to see here. Is this the beginnings of the War that so many politicians need to stay in power?  Serious articles that point to the use of a nuclear weapon by Israel against Lebanon, a week after threat of Israeli retaliation because of Hezbollah attacks in the Golan Heights.  But before the articles, some questions: 1) Why has no one in France determined the CAUSE of the disastrous fire at Notre Dame? Why was terrorism ruled out while the fire was still burning .  2) Why is no one focusing on the explosion in Beirut as a grave political/military situation, the catastrophic cause of which demands an explanation? First it was reported that fireworks had exploded, then that sloppy gas storage was responsible --- one week after Israeli threats of retaliation against Lebanese Hezbollah?  3) Why is the Media, always focused on every word of Donald Trump, not batting an eyelash when he says --- first, that his generals have told him that a bomb crea...

Work of Sister Lucy Truth Mentioned on True Restoration in an Interview with Bishop Daniel Dolan. Link to Free First 5 Minutes of Interview.


"I have come to cast fire upon the earth.........Inferno spirituality vs. Campfire spirituality. Which did He intend? A Meditation.

                                                       Church Militant as Campfire Sing-Along                                                                                   or                                                        Church as  Inferno and Threatening Flame "I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and what will I but that it be enkindled? But that I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how distressed I am until it be accomplished. Do you think that I have come to give peace upon the ea...

Marshall Ferrara Interview on FATIMA with a Twist - In HD


The dogs that didn't bark................What's up, friends?