
Showing posts from 2022

At the Passing of Josef Ratzinger, In Order to Keep All of the "Conservatives" Clear-Minded, Let us Remember the Letter and Speech of Karl Rahner, S.J. in which He Indicates that Real Catholic Traditionalists were On to the Modernist Subversion of the Church --- Perpetrated by Rahner and Ratzinger, way back in the 1960s. Even though we pray for his soul, we wish he spoke the truth about the Sister Lucy Imposture and publicly renounced his Neo-Modernism, which has done so much to cloud the minds of Catholics with a fake solution to the Modernist Revolution.


The Imposter was Doing Her Job of Bolstering JPII and NewChurch in 1991. Once You Know the Truth of What Has Been Reported and Proven by Sister Lucy Truth, All of this Feels VERY Creepy. Don't Tell Me That JPII and BXVI Were Not Actively Involved in One the Greatest Frauds in the History of the Catholic Church.


Uma Conversa com Peter Chojnowski


Benedict's Death Appears Imminent. Before the Novus Ordo Counterfeit Church Starts the "Canonization" Process, Let Us Pray for His Return to the Catholic Faith and that He Reveal the Truth About the Substitution of Sister Lucy dos Santos. Neo-Modernist Heresy and the Falsification of the Persona of Messenger of Our Lady and the Falsification of the Third Secret are ALL GRAVE CRIMES .


Fr. Paul Kramer Live on December 2, 2022. Reveals Indepth Evidence on Fake Sister Lucy. Fr. Kramer speaks of a Forensic Inquiry he did, plus his meeting with Caroline, the real Sister of Sister Lucy.


LA IMPOSTORA. News of the Fatima Crime is Penetrating the Spanish-speaking Community.


Italian Parliamentarians Submit Request for a Parliamentary Inquiry Into the Emanuela Orlandi "Cold Case." When Will They Or Portuguese Parliamentarians Open a Parliamentary Inquiry Into the Disappearance of Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima?


Trump Speaks to Pro-Sodomy Fest at Mar-a-Lago. Jokes about Melania Traveling with Gay, Log Cabin Republicans Praise Trump for His Appointment of Lesbian CIA Chief and Support for Dropping Anti-Sodomy Laws Around the World.


Investigating Secrets of the Vatican. LifeSite News Delves into the Imposture.


Brother Bugnolo Endorses the Findings of Sister Lucy Truth and Reports that a Death Notice For Sister Lucy Santos was Posted and Was Dated 1958/1959. Such a Fact Would Mirror the Current Understanding of Sister Lucy Truth. He also draws a bigger picture of CIA Involvement.


Fr David Hewko SSPX-MC Preaches About the Imposter Sister Lucy. He also says that through his contacts in Coimbra, he has heard that the "word on the street" is that Sister Lucy was eliminated in 1965 and an Imposter put in her place.


LifeSite News Exposes the Impostor Sister Lucy in Interview with Dr. Peter Chojnowski, Director of Sister Lucy Truth! The Dam of Lies is Breaking!


Russia Prohibits the Rainbow Ideology From Deforming the Russian People . Saint Nicholas --- Who Punched Out Arius --- Would Be Proud!


The Full Return to Tradition Interview About the Findings of Sister Lucy Truth with Dr. Peter Chojnowski. The Dam is Beginning to Break!


The Short Version of The Interview with Return to Tradition. More to Come......


"Malachi Martin: A Fake Sister Lucia Was Used To Bury The Fatima Message. " Anytime Return to Tradition Wants to Talk, We are Ready! Sister Lucy Truth IS the Deep Dive Into the Depths of the Modernist Apostasy.


SLT PODCAST - Show #1 Where is Sister Lucy Truth now? Listen and find out.


Let's Consider Michael Matt Again and Ask Ourselves Where the "Traditionalist" Movement Went Wrong.


Declassified US Plans to "Americanize" the Catholic Church and the New World Order Agents that Made it All Happen. Clearly it was the Potomac that Flowed into the Rhine. Is there a Washington-Rome-Coimbra Nexus?

CIA's Plan for Ideological Warfare Against "Un-American" Doctrinaire" Systems of Belief (1953). Telegram Warning the Dulles Brothers About the Possibility of a Traditionalist Cardinal with "Unrealistic" (read, "Un-American") Views of the World were Papabili and Had to be Stopped Via Cardinal Spellman. They got what they wanted! Was Vatican II one of the "Spiritual Initiatives" that John XXIII launched to bring the Liberalism-Condemning Catholic Church into line with Americanism and all of its Works and Pomps? 

CIA: The Power Behind the Vatican II Revolution in the Catholic Church. Declassified Document Tells of Plan to "Break down DOCTRINAL THOUGHT PATTERNS, which have provided an intellectual basis for Communism and OTHER DOCTRINES HOSTILE TO AMERICAN AND FREE WORLD OBJECTIVES." This, along with the two other declassified documents we have provided, demonstrate who was interested in a NewChurch with NewReligion Americanist Doctrines.


"The Fake Fatima Letter of Lucy II". If this letter was from the real Sister Lucy, then it is true that she was condemning Traditionalists to Hell for not following "good Pope Paul." Doesn't our scientific report that this was a fraud seriously bolster the Traditionalist case, and yet.............chirp chirp chirp.


"The Fake Fatima Letter of Lucy II" The Find of the Century. Fake Sister Lucy endorses a Real Revolution and Urges Total Obedience to Real Revolutionary. Do we care?


A Message from Dr. Chojnowski. Where is the Catholic Chivalry Ready to Avenge the Crime Against the Seer of Fatima?


IRMÃ LÚCIA: UM MISTÉRIO DENTRO DE OUTRO MISTÉRIO - PARTE 8. Turn on Auto-translate and hear Professor Bezerra Demonstrate How the Highest Vatican Officials ARE Capable of Serious Criminal Involvement. Also, Sister Lucy I appears to be Left-Handed but Sister Lucy II was Right-Handed. Nothing to see here! Move along to the next conference!


IRMÃ LÚCIA: UM MISTÉRIO DENTRO DE OUTRO MISTÉRIO - PARTE 8. Put on the Auto-Translate Function and Hear Prof. Bezerra imply what Sister Lucy Truth has judged since the Imposture was uncovered: John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Msgr. Escriva are the Prime Persons of Interest in this Case.


The Catholic Storyteller: The True Story of the Diabolic Possession in Alsace. The Possessed Boys Liberated by the Power of the Immaculata.


The Catholic Storyteller: The True Story of the Diabolic Possession in Alsace, Part II. So I wonder why the Devil wanted to get the Sacred Catholic Religion and replace it with a Desacralized Dummy Substitute?


The Catholic Storyteller: The True Story of the Diabolic Possession in Alsace. Documented Undeniable Proof of the Truth of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith -- testified to by the Devil himself. In 3 Parts.


Leading Hedge Fund tells its Clients that the World is heading towards Hyperinflation which could lead to "Global Societal Collapse." Expects Worst Economic Crisis since World War II.


"Another Fatima Secret UNCOVERED" - Forensic Art. Foreheads Don't Lie. Nor do they change with dentures. What part of Irrefutable Evidence don't we understand?


"Convex and Concave" Faces of the 2 Lucy's of Fatima


"Lucia"- A Problem that Demands an Explanation


World On Edge Like Never Before. Will the Neo-Cons, after a Boris Johnson Return and an Isolated Biden Presidency, Push the World into A Global Chastisement Like It Has Never Seen Before?


Netflix Releases Docuseries on the Emanuela Orlandi Kidnapping Case. Now Can Someone Mention to Them, perhaps, that They Think About Doing One On Another Missing Woman..........Also, Involving the Vatican. Apparently, at the End of the Docudrama, it is Insinuated that Orlandi was Kept in a London Convent and Sent Back to Rome in a Coffin. Let's Check it Out!


IRMÃ LÚCIA - UM MISTÉRIO DENTRO DE OUTRO MISTÉRIO - PARTE 9. Two different foreheads because two different people. See Prof. Bezerra's forensic sketches that bring out the clear facial differences between Sister Lucy 1 and Sister Lucy 2.


Judie Sharpe Interviews Dr. Chojnowski on the Latest Breakthroughs for the Sister Lucy Truth Investigation. Dr. Chojnowski says, "Ask Pietro Orlandi what the Vatican Is Capable of. "


Why is China telling their nationals to evacuate Ukraine IMMEDIATELY? Does the Chinese Government know something we don't?


Ubi Kazakhstan Ibi Ecclesia? Which church is Michael Matt NOT leaving?

After the first 10 minutes, during which he speaks about King Charles III, Michael Matt speaks about the Church.  After listening to what I consider to be Neo-Gallicanism at its lowest  point, I cannot help but ask Michael Matt which "church" is he refusing to leave? According to this video, what are the characteristics of this "church" that he is refusing to leave? 1) It is a church in which a simple laymen can mock and denigrate the person who he acknowledges to be the Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ, the Supreme Shepherd of the Faithful of Jesus Christ. The examples from this video are many. a) He speaks of Francis as "so rude."  b) He continually refers to Francis as "this guy" who is "so sick" "in a wheel chair."  c) He says Francis is just an actor since "everything is just a show" with "this guy." Since when do you refer to a Successor of Saint Peter as "this guy"?  d) Speaking in a way ...

On the Day of the 60th Anniversary of Vatican II , we remember the Calumny Pronounced Against the Children of Fatima, proclaiming them "Prophets of Doom," and, also, remember Transcendental Thomism which is the Philosophical Basis of Vatican II.

For this 60th anniversary of the beginning of Vatican II on October 11, 1962, we draw from Fr. Dominic Bourmaud's book One Hundred Years of Modernism: A Genealogy of the Principles of the Second Vatican Council (Kansas City, MO: Angelus Press, 2006), pp. 214-218, to identify the philosophical roots of Vatican II by citing the Transcendental Thomism of Karl Rahner. In this regard, Fr. Bourmaud speaks of the philosophical foundations of Rahner's Modernist theology by stating, "Rahner does not hide his sources. They are Kant and Heidegger but also Hegel...Rahner leans also on his Belgian colleague Fr. Marechal [one of the founders of Transcendental Thomism] in his attempt to build bridges between Kant and St. Thomas, thus beginning with immanentism and ending in realism. Rahner explains the process in his Innsbruck doctoral thesis....The thesis was rejected by Rahner's instructor but was published soon after." In the footnote, Fr. Bourmaud states, "Professor Hon...

Dr. Robert Sungenis Live #111 Ask Your Question - Wed, Feb. 2, 2022. From the 6 min. to the 14 minute mark Dr. Robert Sungenis affirms that he acknowledges that there was a fake Sister Lucy post-1958 and speaks of the hard forensic evidence.


Reading Mary Ball Martinez's "The Undermining of the Catholic Church." What the Vatican did to Charles Maurras, Action Francaise and its Supporters was Unconscionable. Why did the Vatican eliminate its greatest defenders even back to the 1920's?

Here is a short quotation from Mary Ball Martinez's book The Undermining of the Catholic Church, p. 39, "The story of the condemnation [of l'Action Francaise ] is a bizarre one. How, it has been asked, could Pius XI, who had so recently based his encyclical  Quas Primas  on the same traditional values l'Action  promoted, turn against a movement so in line with his own way of thinking? How could he put on the Index of [Forbidden] Books Catholics were told not to read, the works of Charles Maurras whom he had praised publicly as "the most wonderful defender of the Faith"?  Conclusion: It did not start all of a sudden in 1962.

Benedict XVI can now read our website in German, Italian, and even Latin! No excuses. Read all of the reports and presentations of Sister Lucy Truth in 15 different languages. The time for invincible ignorance is definitely over!

                      "Sister Lucy Truth?" "How did they figure it out?" Sister Lucy Truth reaches out to the world with our website's new capability of having our site translated into 15 different languages. This includes a translation for all of the reports and all of the published statements of Sister Lucy Truth. No one can now claim ignorance as to the facts of the substitution of Sister Lucy dos Santos, Seer of Fatima. Benedict XVI can now read our website in German, Italian, and even Latin! No excuses. The time for invincible ignorance is definitely over!

Ukraine Has Formally Applied for Accelerated NATO Membership. Remember NATO if you accept Ukraine as a NATO country it means the formal beginning of WWIII!


It Looks Like Ukraine, for which the US is risking WWIII and Economic Depression, is itself an "Error" of Russian Communism. Do you want your sons and daughters to die for the borders of a country concocted by Lenin, Stalin, and Khrushchev?


"Shooting the Messenger of Fatima." By Implicating Her in Occult Practices, NewChurch has Gone Over the Top in Destroying the Reputation of the Messenger of Fatima. Help Us Right the Wrong. Who else is?


Did Joe Biden Just Order the Blowing Up of the Nord Stream Pipelines 1 AND 2? He said he would. When we ask ourselves the question, "Qui Bono?" It Does Not Look Good!


Why would Russia blow up its own Pipeline? While Americans and Europeans are Distracted, the Ukraine Conflict Becomes Full-Scale War.


When Russia Incorporates, by the end of this week, the South and East of Ukraine into the Russian Federation, the "Military Operation" becomes a Real War Over Russian Sovereign Territory. Are We All Ready for this Fall and Winter?


Lois Gibson - All Forensic Reports For Sister Lucy Truth EXPLAINED - Italian. Cardinal Bertone! We know you are not telling us the truth.


Turn on the Auto-translate and hear how the Vatican IS VERY MUCH CAPABLE OF ELIMINATING SISTER LUCY. Also, hear about the beginnings of the left and right-hand investigation of SLT!




Cardinal Bertone! The Evidence. In Italian.


John Paul II receives a letter from Roberto Calvi indicating to him that Calvi knows why the Vatican Bank has. been laundering money for the Mafia. 12 days later Calvi is found hanging off of Blackfriars Bridge, killed in a ritualistic Masonic way. But we are to believe that John Paul II would not use the faked persona of Sister Lucy? Absurd.

Let us at Sister Lucy Truth be clear. Based upon evidence, conversations, and reflections had within the last 5 years of this investigation, we are accusing the Vatican and the leadership of the Vatican with the murder and cover-up of the murder of Sister Lucy dos Santos, Messenger of Fatima. We also accuse those various ones with the imposture perpetrated from at least May 13, 1967 to 2005 when the Imposter died. No "saint" would in any way participate in such grave and sacrilegious crimes. We also condemn the woman who took the place of Sister Lucy of Fatima on the world stage. Her identity is still unknown. However, there is no doubt that hers is a grave crime and sacrilegious theft and she engaged in a perverted use of the persona of the very Messenger of Heaven for our time. This strange woman endorsed exactly what the real Sister Lucy did and would have condemned. The substitution makes all the difference in the world. The final go-ahead for a hit against such a wor...

Kidnapping At The Vatican (Full Documentary) | Real Crime. So "saidtly" JPII could not be involved in the Sister Lucy Fraud and Coverup, right? How are WE going to hold the Vatican accountable for an even greater crime than the tragic one spoken of here.


A Younger Dr. Peter Chojnowski, at a Fatima Center Conference in Brazil--- not sure which year, speaks about the Miracle of the Sun. Listen to the Translator's Portuguese or Put on the Auto-Translate. I wish I knew then what I know now.


Co się stało z prawdziwą s. Łucją? Co z ukrytą 3 Tajemnicą Fatimską? Cze...Nów with English Subtitles! The evidence is clear and hard to ignore, no matter where in the world you are or which language you speak.


A Sister Lucy Truth Update-The Fatima Investigation 7.


Sister Lucy Truth will not stay silent even though it means overturning "apple carts." The Fatima Center, based on our investigation, must stop its constant claim that "Sister Lucy was locked away and unable to speak the truth about Fatima. The Imposter, who the Fatima Center recognizes as the Real Sister Lucy, never stopped speaking and continually endorsed both the Modernist Revolution and the Vatican's Distortion of the Fatima Message.

Fatima Priest  acknowledged, 20 years ago, that a fake Sister Lucy had been paraded before the public for the Evaristo Interviews. Why didn't they call it out when THE SAME WOMAN appeared continually, and in every situation, as 'Sister Lucy of Fatima" until she died in 2005? Simply, because it did not fit the scenario that they had presented for decades.

CONtradictions - Who Changed the Message of Fatima? Why Shouldn't We Say this About the Fatima Center? We All Need to Reassess in Light of the FACTS!


"Sister Lucy and the Gang of FOUR" There is NO QUESTION that THIS is the reason why so few will acknowledge the GIGANTIC FACT that we at Sister Lucy Truth have Uncovered and Proven. It really entails rethinking, for many, the entire history of the Catholic Church in the 20th Century.


Polish Breakthrough! In the Biggest Breakthrough yet for Sister Lucy Truth, Polish Podcast currently has 214,000 Views and there is a New Polish Section on the Sister Lucy Truth Film Site. Polish Documentary Planned for 2023.


17th Sunday in Ordinary Time | SACRED HEART OF PUNTA GORDA. I would love to see John Salza and the other two "recovering traditionalists" go through breathing and centering therapy with "Fr. " Jerry! "Breath.........and feel yourself in full communion..........."


Leaving the SSPX Behind: John Salza and Andrew Bartel. Interesting that the Snake Salza Identifies "Geographic" Reasons for First Joining with SSPX. John, "Little Petey," as you have called me, doesn't remember you saying that at all the CFN conferences. I tried to listen to these three who are now happily "in full communion," but had to stop, only being able to think of "gag me with a spoon!"


A Site with Polish subtitles for Sister Lucy Truth Videos!


Leaving the SSPX Behind: John Salza and Andrew Bartel. Rad Trad Thomist was the First to Break the Story! "Long Time Catholic Apologist " In His Intro he Fails to Mention that he Was a 32nd Degree Mason. At Least He is "Back with the Pope"! How is that going for you, John?


Co się stało z prawdziwą s. Łucją? Co z ukrytą 3 Tajemnicą Fatimską? Sister Lucy Truth Investigation Breaks Through to Popular Polish Catholic Media. No English, but love to hear my name pronounced correctly! 46,700views since Yesterday!


So it is a Very Grave Situation, truly, for Traditional Catholics when the Last Remnants of the Catholic Religion is Banned from the Local Parish, but it is NOT Grave when the Messenger of Our Lady of Fatima is ELIMINATED FROM THE SCENE AND A FAKE "SISTER LUCY" IS PUT IN HER PLACE. Not getting it.

Image I bet the full Third Secret, the one which actually has Our Lady saying something, speaks of just this. As you go to your "hide away" Catholic Masses, doesn't its strike you that we are living the Third Secret? Why else get rid of Sister Lucy if not to cover-up this fact. It is really diabolical, no?

Bergoglio to Publicly Deny Catholic Faith Again By Participating in Pagan "Smudging" Ceremony while in Canada. And Yet a Traditional Roman Rite Mass With Incense is "Triumphalist"? "Smudging" Compared to Wearing the Scapular.


"The Rosary and [Brown] Scapular are Inseparable." Now THAT SOUNDS LIKE SISTER LUCY! Here is the Transcript of Fr. Rafferty's Interview with the Real Sister Lucy in 1950. Below is our Report on the Fake Lucy's book "Calls" in which she fails to mention the Brown Scapular, Even When Commenting on the Appearance of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on October 13, 1917.

Father Rafferty - Meeting with Sr Lucia 1950 ( Also, from the book Calls , attributed to the Fake Sister Lucy, read her statements about the last apparition of October 13, 1917 in which Our Lady of Mount Carmel appeared during the Miracle of the Sun.  See especially page 4.

Father Jerry with iPhone on Altar leading breathing exercises at Mass . The Modernist Abomination of "Fr." Jerry is Given an Aesthetic Critique by the Still Wandering "conservative" Dr. Marshall. His Critique Is Reminiscent of What the Wanderer was writing 40 years ago.

Dr. Chojnowski: You have to admire Dr. Marshall for tackling the phenomenon of "Fr." Jerry. I must admit that for one of my sons and I "Fr." Jerry has a particular fascination. For my son, it is a confirmation to him of what I have been saying about the Novus Ordo. For myself, it is a clear presentation of what I have experienced many times in the past. It is good to, every once in awhile, to experience again what initially drove you to live the life the way you do. It was absolute disgust at the informality, cultural vulgarity, theological vacuity of the Novus Ordo that initially drove me to look for the real Catholic religion. This was when I was a young teenager in the early 80s. But 40 years have passed since that time. When I hear Dr. Marshall here, it seems to me as if 40 years of agonizing endurance has been in vain for the world of traditional Catholicism. Can we ever get beyond searching for a more "reverent" liturgy?  It must be the deep theologi...

Fr Rafferty Interview w Sr Lucy of Fatima/Brown Scapular, Consecration. An Account of the 1950 Interview with the Real Sister Lucy. Was there a 7th Coming of Our Lady or Will There Be One?

Dr. Chojnowski: In this fascinating lecture, given in 1958, Fr. Howard Rafferty speaks about his August 15, 1950 interview with the real Sister Lucy at the Carmelite Convent in Coimbra. At about the 20 minute mark, Fr. Rafferty describes the woman he met on that day, he says she was, "a peasant-type girl....does not look delicate....[He asks the audience to] recall the features of her face as you have seen in her pictures, ROUGH sort of features, THICK sort of features, you would say. And I recall what Walsh [who had also met with the real Sister Lucy] said in his book Our Lady of Fatima , 'She showed no signs in 1917 of becoming the Miss Portugal of that year. In other words, she is not beautiful."  It is Amazing What 50 Years Can Do to Improve Your Appearance! Even though Fr. Rafferty, who was a Carmelite Priest and head of a Confraternity of the Brown Scapular, had come to Coimbra with a list of questions, Sister Lucy informed him that she was not a...

Fátima vs Noeísmo - Part 1 -- Turn on the Auto-Translate and hear the 1st Part of a lecture that answers questions raised concerning the Fatima Crime. A New Religion Required a New Sister Lucy, a New Third Secret, and a New Fatima Message.


Sr. Lucy vs Sr. Who-She? Dominic from India Reminds Us that God Intended Lucia to Spread Devotion to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. So the Taking Out of Sister Lucy was a Truly Sacrilegious Action Meant to Spit in the Face of God. And yet.......crickets........


"Fatima Crime Trailer 2". We are looking for a Producer that Will Break the Biggest Story of the 20th and 21st Centuries. The Religious and Historical Implications Is What Is Scaring EVERYBODY OFF! We Need One Courageous Filmmaker


"What Happened to Sister Lucy of Fatima?"- in HD. Sister Lucy Truth's Video with the Most Hits! Our video with the most hits! Support Sister Lucy Truth and show those who looked upon this woman with hatred and ominous threat that we will tolerate their crime no longer.


"Fatima and the Fake Prophesy" - HD The Greatest Struggle of Our Time is NOT Over the Family, but Over the Counterfeit Church!


A Falsa Irmã Lúcia: as evidências forenses - Por Dr. Peter Chojnowski. The Forensic Evidence for an Imposter Sister Lucy. In my, rather loud, English!


Occult Handshake, "Pope Francis" speaks about.........Climate Change, and Nancy thanks him for........recognizing the DIVINITY in each one of us......BUT, Let's continue to act like everything is normal, right?


Nancy Pelosi Receives "Communion" at Vatican. Thank God that We Can Be Morally Certain that It Was Invalid. But the Sacrilegious Intent Counts!


Neo-Trotskyite America and Socialist Germany About to Try to Bring Down Russia in Lithuania and Poland? Sgt. Scholz seems to "see nothing, hear nothing, know nothing!" Let us face it. We learn ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from History!


When did they start calling "World War II" "World War II"? NYT admits that CIA, Canadian commandos, and NATO Special Ops have been in Ukraine "boots on the ground" throughout the Ukrainian War.. So the Rainbow West is fighting a war against Russia. Settled!


Fátima vs Noeísmo - Parte 1 Turn on the Auto-Translate Subtitles and Listen to Prof. Bezerra speak of the Murder, the Exaggerated Teeth Extraction, Opus Dei Reason for Placing Sister Lucy in Coimbra, and the Theological Reasons Behind the Disappearance of the real Sister Lucy of Fatima.


Supreme Court Overturns BOTH ROE AND CASEY DECISIONS. If You are Going to Base Everything on a Written Document, Made in 1787, Then ACTUALLY Read What the Document Says. Now the Real Conflict Begins in the USA.

Image Dr. Chojnowski: It is truly fitting that this decision, overturning two of the most inhumane, unnatural and unconstitutional decisions that have ever come from the Supreme Court of the United States, was overturned on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus King and Lord of All. At the moment, within the context of a liberal, agnostic, and Masonic Constitution, it is a great legal victory. It is the victory of the obvious and simple common sense. We ALL know that abortion takes a HUMAN LIFE and that the "right" to it is NO WHERE in the US Constitution. I am also very glad that the Casey decision of 1992 was overturned on the same day that Roe was overturned. 30 years ago, when the Casey decision came down, I was at a conference in Bavaria and a gentlemen was there who had helped Republican presidents Reagan and Bush pick their candidates for the Supreme Court. When the Casey decision cam...

Sister Lucy Truth Could Not Have Asked for a Better Endorsement of our Work. Fr. Isaac Relyea Begins to Discuss SLT at the 22 min. mark. Very Clear Cut and Precise Assessment of the Current Situation. Hear What Fr. Isaac Says about the People at the Religious Goods Store at Fatima.


Pro-Abortionists Threaten "Night of Rage" as US Waits for Overturning of Roe, Perhaps on Thursday, June 23rd.


Professor Carlos Bezerra's 3-D Investigation of the Case of Sister Lucy of Fatima. His Conclusion from His Forensic and Artistic Investigation: There Were Two Women.


Côncavo X Convexo. Hear Prof. Carlos Bezerra's voice as he presents to us a 3-D demonstration of the Imposture.


"Convex and Concave - Faces of the 2 Lucys of Fatima"- HD. Let's Open Our Eyes and SEE. If What We See Shocks Us, It is a Necessary First Step.


Sister Lucy Truth, what you should know!


Sr. Lucy vs Sr. Who-She? An Excellent Presentation of the Work of Sister Lucy Truth. Dominic, a Friend of SLT from India, Incorporates All the Latest Reports Into an Informative and Entertaining Presentation.

Dr. Chojnowski: Included in this video is the Message to the 3 Children given by Our Lady on June 13, 1917, which is, of course, the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua, himself Portuguese. In that Message, Our Lady, in response to Lucia's heart rendering plea that she take the 3 to Heaven right then, gave the following message: "I will come soon, and take Jacinta and Francisco. But you must remain here for some time more, Jesus wishes to make use of you to have me acknowledged and loved. He wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. To all those who embrace it, I promise salvation and their soul's will be loved by God as flowers placed by me before His throne."  "Am I to stay here alone?" Lucia cried. "No my daughter. Don't be discouraged. I will never forsake you."  So we find here Our Lord Himself wanting Lucia to remain in the world, when she could have been taken up to Heaven with the other two children. He wants her here ...

More Forensic Evidence to Ignore! Handprints do not Lie. They have an angle, but not a theological one!


Sister Lucy Truth is Engaged in a Professional and Scientific Investigation into the Greatest Mysteries and Deceptions in the Contemporary History of the Catholic Church. Support Us! We Will NOT Let You Down!


The SHADOW Vatican: Fatima, Sister Lucy COVERUP, Eisenhower-Pope & N.W.O. Dr. Chojnowski and Sister Lucy Truth Reach Out to Generation Zed! The Interview.


Announcement: New Report from Super Recognizer Identifies SECOND Imposter. Woman Claiming to be Sister of Sister Lucy dos Santos in 1990 Portuguese Documentary IS NOT a Sister of the Real Sister Lucy. Is She a Sister of the Fake Sister Lucy? SLT Pursues its Case from EVERY ANGLE!


Irmã Lúcia: um mistério dentro de outro mistério - Parte 6. How the Falsification of Sister Lucy Is Being Ignored by Fatima Groups and How they Continue to Falsify the Message.

If you do not understand Portuguese, just turn on the auto translation. Professor Bezerra is doing here, and throughout his lecture series, EXACTLY what I have hoped would be done now that Sister Lucy Truth has  definitively proven , with the latest of scientific methods, that the Seer of Fatima was replaced, we believe around the late months of 1958 or during the first 6 months of 1959, by an imposter and was eliminated from the scene. Of course, because of the fact that Sister Lucy Truth is an low-budget operation, we cannot, as yet, explain, with empirical certainty, HOW the real Sister Lucy was eliminated or even who exactly was involved, although the idea that the elimination could have been done without the approval of the highest powers in the Vatican giving the go-ahead, seems to us to be absurd.  Professor Bezerra is putting the fact of the elimination of Sister Lucy into context and trying to understand what it all means for us...

Cardinal Sodano, one of the Persons of Interest in the Fatima Crime Against Sister Lucy, Dies Without Revealing the Full Third Secret.


Dragica Brayovic, one the the World's Premier Facial Super-Recognizers, Employed Her Talents on the the Question of the Identity of Sister Lucy dos Santos. Result, Beginning in 1967 there was an Imposter who Posed as the real Sister Lucy dos Santos. See the Results Below.

Image As we at Sister Lucy Truth said in the beginning of our investigation, only the most scientific and objective experts would be employed to make a ruling on the evidence. They have ruled on the evidence. See

Reports of US and UK Special Forces on the Ground in the Ukraine from the Beginning of War. We are Just ONE Honest Reporter Away from Blowing the Whistle on World War III.

Image From the article by Brandon Smith: "Sadly, because of Hollywood movies a large number of people have misguided notions of what World War III might actually look like. Entertainment media always depict WWIII as happening in a flash, an instant in which missiles are launched and a broken civilization of survivors is left to pick up the pieces. What they never show is a long grinding war of financial attrition, supply chain disruptions, cyber attacks, and drawn out regional battles in which Americans are shipped overseas to die for no purpose other than to pretend that these territorial disputes are somehow “our responsibility.”

Is it the Hold that Enlightenment Liberalism has on Putin's Mind that has caused the American and British Neocons to Relaunch their Campaign to Topple Him and Push the World to Nuclear Conflict?


Dr. Chojnowski interviewed by Dr. Kevin Barrett on Revolution Radio on Fatima and the Russian-Ukrainian War. Russia is the Instrument to Chastise the West, just as Our Lady said to Sister Lucy dos Santos. The Real One.


"The Replacement of the Seer of Fatima"- It Does Matter. Was the purpose of the Miracle of the Sun to endorse the Modernism of Roncalli, Montini, Wojtyla, Ratzinger, and Bergoglio? If you believe it wasn't, help us at


On the Anniversary of the First Appearance of Our Lady of Fatima, Veteran's Today's Dr. Kevin Barrett interviews Dr. Peter Chojnowski on Fatima and the Neoconservatives War Against Russia. Is Russia Now Being Used as an Instrument to Chastise the West? Listen in at 6pm Pacific Time.


Dr. Chojnowski signs Petition to Joe Biden to Stop the Aggressive Provocation of Russia into a Nuclear World War III. See the Article on LifeSite News here.
