"Fatima Crime Trailer 2". We are looking for a Producer that Will Break the Biggest Story of the 20th and 21st Centuries. The Religious and Historical Implications Is What Is Scaring EVERYBODY OFF! We Need One Courageous Filmmaker


  1. Have you tried to talk with Mel Gibson?

  2. Does anyone know how to contact Mel Gibson?

    1. Do not trust Mel Gibson. He is a heretic and has his own agendas.

  3. Amanda Milius. She directed the Plot against the President. (Her father John Milius did Apocalypse Now, Dirty Harry, and the HBO Rome series.) Also consider Mel Gibson or Dinesh D'Souza.

  4. What is more important, is living the message of Fatima every day. How many do that, in this satanic world ? We have only ourselves to blame.

  5. The Novus Ordo Vatican ll sect, controls everything. Most people (sheeple), listen or follow them. Any true "resistance" is futile. They can easily drown out or ignore alternate voices.

    1. The Novus Ordo sect will not allow a film on this topic !

    2. The Novus Ordo sect will not allow a film on this topic !

    3. Since I've seen his name pop-up in a number of various blogs of late, figure I should mention we should be praying for Mel Gibson instead of looking upon him as a hero. Last time I looked he's still living in sin with his "girl friend" - not what Christ suffered in His Passion for. Unless of course there are different rules for the wealthy compared to the rest of us.

      Don't get me wrong, the movie of The Passion that he made was extraordinary, and that is why Satan has picked him out to harrass and tempt. But to those whom much has been given, much is expected. To the scandalous "popes", "bishops", "priests", but no less to the scandalous wealthy - especially those who claim to follow Christ.

    4. The Catholic position is not to pray for heretics.

    5. Maybe, for their conversion to the Catholic Faith.

  6. Mel Gibson and his movie company are masonic and occult.

  7. We have only ourselves to blame !

  8. People everywhere just do not want to be bothered.


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