So it is a Very Grave Situation, truly, for Traditional Catholics when the Last Remnants of the Catholic Religion is Banned from the Local Parish, but it is NOT Grave when the Messenger of Our Lady of Fatima is ELIMINATED FROM THE SCENE AND A FAKE "SISTER LUCY" IS PUT IN HER PLACE. Not getting it.

I bet the full Third Secret, the one which actually has Our Lady saying something, speaks of just this. As you go to your "hide away" Catholic Masses, doesn't its strike you that we are living the Third Secret? Why else get rid of Sister Lucy if not to cover-up this fact. It is really diabolical, no?


  1. Stay away from the false Vatican ll sect. It is not and never will be the true Catholic Church.

  2. The enemy usurpers of the papacy and of the visible structures of the Church had their bases covered. First the traditional Mass gets suppressed by the homosexual antipope Paul VI, who was also Jewish on his mother's side, and she apparently a false convert, as can be seen by the tomb he designed for her (google images has it). Then he invalidates the episcopal consecration rite, as can be seen here:

    Then antipope Benedict XVI in 2007 is praised by semi-trads for allowing any layman dressed up as a priest (invalidly ordained) to celebrate the traditional rite (but only with the 1962 illicit changes from antipope John XXIII).

    Now apparently the devil and his human agents are trying to do away with the last remnants of the traditional Mass altogether.

    But there are still the validly ordained sedevacantist priests and bishops who have maintained all the traditional sacramental rites, so they will need to be neutralized next, who knows how, but I'm sure "they" have the means to do it.

    It's interesting that Sr Lucia didn't mention the Eucharist or the Mass in 1957 when she said:
    "[Our Lady of Fatima] told me, as well as my cousins, that God is giving two last remedies to the world: the Holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And, being the last remedies, that is to say, they are the final ones, means that there will be no others." (Conversation with Fr Augustin Fuentes, December 26, 1957; her last interview before being "disappeared" by enemy infiltrators in the Vatican, and Fr Fuentes rebuked and slandered by them in 1958 when Pius XII was approaching death (by poisoning), and then Fr Fuentes unjustly removed as Postulator for the canonization process for her cousins Jacinta and Francisco

    And St Alphonsus Liguori, bishop and Doctor of the Church wrote:
    "The devil has always attempted, by means of the heretics, to deprive the world of the Mass, making them precursors of the Anti-Christ, who, before anything else, will try to abolish and will actually abolish the Holy Sacrament of the altar, as a punishment for the sins of men, according to the prediction of Daniel: ‘And strength was given him against the continual sacrifice' (Dan. 8:12)."

    1. I think Sister Lucia died in the late 40's and the fake Lucy was placed in the new convent in her place. Are there any photos of the real Sr. Lucia taken after the 1940's?

    2. Darell, keep telling yourself that you are a know it all ! Anyone already knows or can research the type of information, you give in the comments section. The information is nothing new. It has been stated,over and over for many years. It can be found, if people look.

    3. Yes, we have many photos of the real Sister Lucy as a Carmelite during in the 50s. We also have authenticated letters. She certainly did not die just when she was entering the Carmel in Coimbra. There are two beautiful letters, dated 1955 and 1956, describing her thoughts about living the Carmelite life. We estimate the date of her disappearance as late 1958 to early 1959. Still have not found any pictures or handwritten letters from the real Sister Lucy after November 1, 1958.

    4. Just because you know it, that doesn't mean there are not others who could profit by it, especially those new to Sister Lucy Truth and the evidence surrounding the vitiated 1958 papal conclave.

      And what's with the "know it all" slur? You don't know me or my intentions. I feel under a moral obligation to share what my research has led me to. Vae mihi si non communicavero veritatem!

    5. Darrell, much of your information is wrong. Stop spreading disinformation to keep traditional Catholics divided. Stop it with the Siri and Gary Guiffre nonsense.

  3. I don't see anything wrong or 'know it all' about Darrell's comment above!

  4. Unless, we first expose ourselves and all the evil events going on currently, nothing else matters.

  5. Stop the Monkeypox nonsense first.

  6. Gary Guiffre and and Siri are disinfo agents.

    1. Are you aware of this Darrell ? Stop spreading disinformation about Siri and Guiffre. That is ancient nonsense.

    2. They are both heretics. You only get a lot misinformation and broken dreams here.

  7. Keep up the good work Darrell. Seems the AI "trad" bots are working overtime and have found this site. And all those non-bot "anonymous" folk shoiuld stop attending their AA meetings and then maybe man-up and put a name (or at least a moniker) to their so informative comments.

    1. They stealing DNA from children. They are coming to poison and kill your babies. Why is no one stopping them ?!

    2. They stealing DNA from children. They are coming to poison and kill your babies. Why is no one stopping them ?!

    3. How dare you call real people AI bots, creep !

  8. Most people just do not care and do not want to know about anything. Why do you think this world is so messed up? People only do as their "authorities" tell them to.

    1. You are a brainwashed heretic !

  9. Stop giving our enemies, such as SSPX and Tradicat information they use against us. They twist or give a brush off excuse for anything we say.

  10. Stop giving information about the "reasons" for our position. Enemies such as Tradicat and SSPX use such information against us. They twist info and give a brush off excuse to use to further their position and agendas.


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