Leaving the SSPX Behind: John Salza and Andrew Bartel. Rad Trad Thomist was the First to Break the Story! "Long Time Catholic Apologist " In His Intro he Fails to Mention that he Was a 32nd Degree Mason. At Least He is "Back with the Pope"! How is that going for you, John?


  1. Birds of a feather, flock together. They are all in this con job together. They are all liars and are used to divide people.

  2. Klaus Schwab and his WEF say to eat bugs.

  3. Why waste time on heretics?

  4. Why waste time on him?

  5. Do not waste time, with heretics going back to other heretics.

  6. It does not matter, most people, whether they call themselves Catholics or whatever, are heretics and apostates. The stupidity of the majority of people, always prevail.


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