17th Sunday in Ordinary Time | SACRED HEART OF PUNTA GORDA. I would love to see John Salza and the other two "recovering traditionalists" go through breathing and centering therapy with "Fr. " Jerry! "Breath.........and feel yourself in full communion..........."


  1. And just like the rock and roll stars, the "pastor" gives the 666 symbol

    1. Don't bother watching too much of this trash but at 47:57 have the sick bag ready for his mark of the beast ...the blessing for this day.....666! Awful man. Pray for them. They think they are Catholic priests doing God's work. Rx

  2. If anyone says the the ceremonies that the Church makes use of lead to impiety, let him be anathema.

    Either that doesn't lead to impiety or that's not the Church!

  3. My first impression was this was an April Fools joke...until I realized it's almost August. Lord have mercy on us. Have we really fallen this far? We are in SOOOO much trouble as a Nation, Church and People. May God and His Mother have mercy us. We have gone well beyond "Dumb Is Forever".

  4. Do not bother. Save time and frustration.

  5. Even homosexuals would find this effeminate

  6. Could only bear a few minutes. I felt ill immediately the breath exercise began. Talk about taking the dial way off the CRINGometre! Pass the sick bag please! I felt so physically distressed as this was me all my life believing I was a devout practising Catholic. The Diabolical Narcissists that inhabit the Clergy and properties of the CC are simply not Catholic and they are leading souls like myself to perdition. Thankfully many like myself have been woken up thanks in part to the fraud and lies of Covid, Climate stupidity, stolen election, woke nonsense etc etc. but mostly by a gentle SuperNatural Grace that I decided to take notice of. May more people follow the signs given everyday in these troubled times.
    More will surely start looking and will be guided through Our Lady's intercession as I was to find the Mystical Body of Christ.... His Holy Mother Church. The SSPX suffer a very difficult position politically in the CC and I understand and their narrative to not engage full force with the Counterfeit Church. They cannot assume authority for anything other than teaching the Deposit of Faith correctly and ensuring a rigorous and pious formation of. their future priests. While Holy Mother Church is occupied by a heretic in the Seat of Peter they need to keep their head down and ensure they are not targeted. We live in a discombobulated world of apocalyptic protagonists that are doing great harm but I see God's will in all this. I found SSPX and it only took one Catholic Mass in the Roman Rite to alter my life trajectory. The SSPX saved my soul and I will be ever grateful to each of these holy men of God for Eternity. Thank you RadTrad for exposing the fraud in our world. Rx

  7. I guess I'm out of the loop but who are the 'other two "recovering traditionalists"'?

  8. Put the Faith before the Mass.

  9. Look in the mirror !

  10. There are many cults that claim to be traditional Catholics. Some of the trad cath "priests" were opportunists and business men who are self made "priests", to confuse and divide Catholics, who have become brainwashed to the respective cults.


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