Col Doug MacGregor says Ukrainian gov is corrupt and we shouldn't help . A Voice Against Getting into World War III With the Russians. Almost a Lone Voice in Our Now Unified Neo-Con MSM of "Left" (CNN and MSNBC) and "Right" Wings (Fox News). What will Rachel say?

And then there are those on MSM (e.g., NBC) who are urging us to get into a hot war with Russia.

Here is Richard Engel's bio from Wikipedia:

Engel grew up on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York City.[4] His older brother, David, is a cardiologist at New York–Presbyterian Hospital.[5][6] His father, Peter, a former Goldman Sachs financier, and mother Nina, who ran an antiques store, feared for their son's future prospects because of his dyslexia.[7] His father is Jewish, and his mother is Swedish.[8]

Engel attended the Riverdale Country School, a highly competitive college-prep school in New York City,[9] where at first he struggled with his schoolwork and progress. At age 13, he joined a wilderness survival camp where he learned about leadership and how to be more independent. His schoolwork began to improve and he started to gain popularity with his peers.[10][11] He then spent his junior year of high school in Italy and became fluent in Italian.[citation needed] Engel began to appreciate the difference in cultures and countries that influenced his future career choices.[12]

He later went to Stanford University, where he occasionally wrote for The Stanford Daily. Engel spent one summer as an unpaid intern at CNN Business News in New York City.[13] He graduated from Stanford in 1996 with a B.A. in international relations.[9]

He is one of the people who want you and yours to be annihilated in a nuclear exchange in order to "Make the Donbass Safe for Democracy."
Haven't we gone through this before and, yet, still learn ABSOLUTELY nothing?


  1. Dr. Chojnowski, we will learn that Russia-Ukrain is merely another peg in Elite WO move to act as cover for more chaos, grid down, cyber attack on financial system, communications, next wave scamdemic to reduce world population. Russia is on it too until they are Consecrated to IHM. The current events are leading up to what Fr Martin and lately Fr Kramer described as WW3 and Great Reset. Then comes the final march to the abyss of AC with the Triumph to follow. Our Lord, Our Lady and many Saints forwarned.

    Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

    1. Incorrect. The Age of Peace or Age of Mary comes BEFORE the Antichrist. Dozens and dozens of saints and mystics describe these events very similarly. We're at the very bitter end of the fifth age of the Church headed into the sixth age as per Holzhauser.

  2. Most governments are no longer representing the best interests of their citizens. The Great Reset may not be be the one their hoping to install.

  3. Do not engage in the war with Russia instead expose who behind it. Putin or not Putin, the Luciferians-NWO, the Jewish Cabals and Israel still want WAR so badly and still use USA as their tools. But PRAY for the conversion of the whole world and mean time rescue Benedict XVI, and prepare to elect a true Holy Catholic-Pope who will obey God will. Without the consecration Russia can not be able to convert and the whole world will be annihilated. God Way or Hell way.

    1. I agree. The Orthodox are close to Catholics. They will eventually return to the true Catholic Faith, one day as Our Lady promised. They have and use the Rosary, which is a sign that they will be consecrated and will be converted by a true and Holy Pope. First we must pray and help restore our own Church. The Rosary originated in the East.

  4. God will restore the Church and the world, in His Own Way and in His Own Time! God does not think as we do. He has His Own Plans.


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