What was the Meaning of the Comparison of the Fate of the King of France and the Fate of "My ministers"? In this excellent article by a friend of Sister Lucy Truth, we have a reading of what the failure to Consecrate Russia, as Our Lady requested, could mean for the Church and the World.




  1. What is your opinion of Bernal Diaz and his book: The Lady of Fatima and the Antichrist? He argues that Fatima is satanic deception. Not the coverup, but the actual events which took place in 1917

  2. I obviously believe that is absurd. The Miracle of the Sun, the holiness of the Message, the holiness of the life of the real Sister Lucy, and the approval of the Church prior to Vatican II clearly shows that it is of God and Our Lady. All you can say is that this man's opinion is complexly bizarre and eccentric. Look at the great devotion shown by Pope Pius XII and the Catholic peoples to Our Lady of Fatima --- under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary -- through the decades. Everything in the Message of Fatima is in accordance with the orthodox Catholic Faith. All sealed by the greatest public miracle since the Resurrection.

    1. I Don’t know Dr. I don’t believe anyone could have predicted that fringe conspiracy theories are capable of attracting eccentric and bizzare personages.

      On a serious note though, there is something that I don’t understand. How can the Church Consecrate something that isn’t Catholic. Russia was orthodox then Communist, is it possible to consecrate a non-Catholic thing?

    2. I don’t know Dr. I don’t believe the fringe conspiracy movement is capable of attracting bizzare and eccentric personages.

      On a serious note there is something about Fatima I can’t wrap my head around. How can the church consecrate something that isn’t Catholic: ie an orthodox (then later communist) country?

    3. It's analogous to consecrating a pagan temple, which the early Church often did, in order to turn it into a Catholic place of worship

  3. I am so sick of stupid lukewarm pseudo "Katholics." They like to argue and bring out stupid unknown, and sickening delusional of their braindead to defame the Church and God. If they have a little brain and one ounce of faith, they would know Fatima was authentic and approved by the Church, and it was a PUBLIC APPARITIONS.

  4. Don't you know that Russia used to be CATHOLIC nation? Don't you know that Orthodox was created in Russia for political power? Don't you know that Putin has100% support from orthodox and won 3 times elections? Get some brain Ryan. If you truly a "want to learn Catholic." I would explain to you why consecration Russia is a must to save the Church and the world. But you are not a true Catholic. You would rather to spend your time, money, and efforts to listen to the stupid Anti-Christs of this NWO... Your comments revealed who you are.


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