
Showing posts from February, 2021

Don't Forget about "Sister Lucy" Imposter's Fascination with Getting Kissed When She is Out and About. Go Figure. Carlos Evaristo Call Your Office!

For Professional Linguists' Translation of this Video Click Below.

Wondering How Far the Distortion of the Divine Order is Going to Go? When or How Will the Created Order Push Back? Face it. In 1984, We Would Never Have Thought This Was Coming.


"Justice for Sister Lucy" - Updated - HD. Please Pass Around. Its Importance Cannot be Denied.


Still Cannot Get Over Francis receiving the "blessing" of the Pachamama Idol, before making a small sign of the cross over it afterwards. He clearly is treating it as a holy thing. In case you are wondering, IT ISN'T.


Apostasy is Soooo Boring When No One Cares. Francis to have interreligious Prayer Meeting at the City of Ur in Iraq, EXACTLY the City that God told Abraham to FLEE FROM in Order to Worship Him and Him Alone......So Pre-Vatican II!


If an American Archbishop and a Mafioso Named Luciano Raimondo Could Take Out John Paul I over a Vatican Stock Scam, Who would be "Outside the Door" when they Eliminated the Seer of Fatima.....But, no, idea is totally WACKADOODLE!

Image Yep, looks plausible to me! If we are ever going to find out who was "outside the door" at the Carmelite Convent at Coimbra in, say, 1959, when they "disappeared" Sister Lucy, please help us:

"Vision of Fatima" by Sculptor Fr. Thomas McGlynn, published in 1948, Indicates the real Sister Lucy requested that Pope Pius XII Give an Address to the Portuguese People for the Silver Anniversary of the Fatima Apparition. Author Makes it Clear that the Inclusion of All the Bishops of the World with the Pope in a Consecration of Russia was Publicized to the World by 1947.

Here is the text describing the discussion of Fr. Thomas McGlynn, O.P. to the Patriarch of Lisbon in 1947 in Fr. McGlynn's book, Vision of Fatima  (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1948), pp. 29-30.  "The important address of Pope Pius XII to the Portuguese people made in Portuguese on October 31, 1942, in connection with the ceremonies of the Silver Jubilee of the apparitions at Fatima [how different from the ceremony of the Golden Jubilee with Paul VI and the fake "Sister Lucy"] was evidently, His Eminence pointed out, a consequence of Lucy's own request made to the Holy Father, of which the Cardinal had knowledge. Lucy had said that the Blessed Virgin wanted the world consecrated to her Immaculate Heart with special mention to be made of Russia. She had declared the special grace to be granted in reward for this consecration would be the shortening of the war, and that, if the Holy Father wished to see an example of the blessings which this would ...

Houston, We Have a Problem! It is the Solemn AND the Universal Ordinary Magisterium of the Church that is Infallible. And the Teaching of the Chair of Peter is Unblemished. Vatican I is Clear on these Points.

Sola Ex Cathedra  is every bit as much a heresy as  Sola Scriptura   1.)      Sola Ex Cathedra  (Popes are only infallible when making   an ex cathedra definition) is a heresy of semi-Trads.   2.)      Sola Scriptura (only the Bible is infallible) is a heresy of Protestants.     If the Popes could at times teach heresy, how would we know when they are teaching truth or error?  We would have to be the superior of the Pope to decide when he is teaching the truth and when he is teaching falsehood… that is a complete prideful delusion!        OBJECTION # 1: Vatican I said the Pope is only infallible when speaking Ex Cathedra       ANSWER # 1:  While it is true that Ex Cathedra statements are infallible; it is absolutely NOT true that Ex Cathedra statements are the ONLY times Popes are infallible. Vatican I infallibly declares:     The First Vatican Coun...

Catholic Identity Conference 2021. The Novus Ordo in Biretta and Beret.


Sister Lucy Truth's Answer to the Question of a Paul VI Double. Answer: We Personally Don't Believe it. I think this claim was an attempt to explain how someone claiming the Papal Throne could do so many terrible things to the Holy Roman Catholic Church. There has to be ANOTHER explanation.

Dear Sir,  I have been aware of the claim that Paul VI was replaced for 37 years now. I don't find it plausible. First, the pictures do not look any different to me and I have never heard that the pictures were ever submitted to current facial recognition technology. I also do not believe it is plausible since Montini was the same in his attitude and his Modernist teaching throughout his life. There is never a change in his attitude or support for the Modernist Revolution. With the Sister Lucy case the technological analysis and the handwriting analysis, not to mention the radical change of character and outlook point to the clear conclusion that these two woman, who are not like each other at all, cannot be the same person. Also, it is impossible to believe that a man operating for years at the Vatican and in Milan and on the world stage could be replaced by another in an instant, while switching out a contemplative nun who for decades rarely appeared in public, is perfectly plaus...

"Imposter" -The Royal Scam---Watch in Full HD. Read Carefully the words of Lois Gibson displayed in this Video.

"Said more simply, the chins of A and B have a drastically different shape. This drastic difference in the mandible area shows these cannot be the same individual. There is no plastic surgery that would make A's chin look like B's chin."  ---- Lois Gibson, World Record Holding Forensic Artist and Dentist.  

Blasphemous Bergolio Says St.Paul speaks of God "Contaminating" Himself in Jesus Christ.. As Einstein said, "Coincidence is God's Way of Maintaining Anonymity."

  “In the face of all this, Jesus announces to us that God is not an idea or an abstract doctrine, but God is the One who ‘contaminates’ himself with our human woundedness and is not afraid to come into contact with our wounds.” He continued: “‘But, Father, what are you saying? That God contaminates himself?’ I am not saying this, St. Paul said it: he made himself to be sin. He who was not a sinner, who could not sin, made himself to be sin. Look at how God contaminated himself to draw near to us, to have compassion and to make us understand his tenderness. Closeness, compassion, and tenderness.”

"Justice for Sister Lucy" - Updated - HD


Wackadoodle - Who is "Wackadoodle" Now?


Who are Members of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church? Pope Pius XII articulated the Divine Law on the Matter for all Time. No Heretic, Schismatic, or Apostate. So Where Currently IS the Catholic Church and Who are Its Members?

  Pope Pius XII,  Mystici Corporis Christi , June 29, 1943:      22. Actually  only those are to be included as members of the Church who have been  baptized and profess  the true faith,  and who have not been so unfortunate as to  separate themselves from the unity of the Body,  or been excluded by legitimate authority for grave faults committed. “For in one spirit” says the Apostle, “were we all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether bond or free.”  17  As therefore in the true Christian community there is only one Body, one Spirit, one Lord, and one Baptism, so there can be only one faith.  18   And therefore if a man refuse to hear the Church let him be considered — so the Lord commands — as a heathen and a publican .  19  It follows that those are divided in faith or government cannot be living in the unity of such a Body, nor can they be living the life of its one Divine Spirit....

1957-The Last Interview of Sister Lucy of Fatima- In HD. If you Hear About "Sister Lucy" Saying Anything After this IT AIN'T TRUE!


Pence's Nuclear Football was within a Minute of Rioters on January 6th. On that day, the Intrinsically Unstable Liberal System Came Very Close to Tipping Over.


In Summary, the Heresy of Salza and Siscoe.

Image The second is the heretical belief that a true and valid pope who falls into formal heresy would continue in his office and remain in possession of the Petrine  munus  until he is  judged by the Church  to be a heretic ; and only then he would either fall from office, or would have to be deposed by the authority of the Church. It is properly a heresy because it was solemnly defined at Vatican I that there exists only one  total fullness of supreme power  (totam plenitudinem huius supremae potestatis), which is  universal —  over the entire world, which consists in the Roman Pontiff’s  universal primacy of jurisdiction  over the entire  oecumene  (οἰκουμένη = the entire inhabited world); for which reason, there exists only one  supreme  ecumenical authority  over the Church which subsists entirely in the  “full and absolute jurisdiction”   (Pius XII...

"Democracy is the absolutely worst governance: nevertheless aristocracy is seen to be more pernicious for the Church. Indeed the supreme evil for the Church is heresy. " St. Robert Bellermine put on the Marshall/Matt No Fly List! Definitely NOT PC.

Image "Those who argue that a true pope can fall into heresy as a private person but not as pope, and that he while still pope can be judged by a council, destroy their own argument; because as pope he cannot err in his judgment, and it pertains to his authority to pronounce that infallible judgment with finality. If a validly reigning pontiff could be judged by a council for heresy, the divinely instituted supreme authority of the ecclesiastical monarchy would be subverted and destroyed by being made ultimately subject to the aristocratic authority of the bishops assembled in a council — an aristocratic authority which would be the worst possible for the Church, as St. Robert Bellarmine explains: Democracy is the absolutely worst governance : nevertheless aristocracy is seen to be more pernicious for the Church . Indeed the supreme evil for the Church is heresy : heresy is stirred up by higher-ups rather than by common men. Certai...

The Awesome Power of the Papal Primacy! Fr. Paul Kramer Reminds Us that Conciliarism or Neo-Gallicanism Can NEVER be a Solution to the Great Apostasy of Our Time.

Image "Unlike the extraordinary apostolic power common to all the Apostles which was not passed on to the bishops, the Primacy St. Peter received from Christ was ordinary, and is passed on to Peter’s successors who receive it directly from Christ, whereas the episcopal jurisdiction which is not conferred immediately by Christ on the bishops, but is  received mediately, and in hierarchical subordination to the pope, and is juridically derived from and dependent on the pope’s full and supreme jurisdiction."

Vatican and Diocese Calls "Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary" (Feeneyites) NOT Catholic because of Fr. Feeney's "anti-Semitism" and his belief that "there is no Salvation Outside the Church." Nothing to do with Baptism of Blood or Baptism of Desire and EVERYTHING to do with Ecumenism and Political Correctness.


Francis says that if You DO NOT Accept Vatican II's teaching as it is interpreted by the "Magisterium," You are not Catholic. As for Us at RadTrad Thomist, We Stand Against You and the Heretical Teachings of Vatican II.

Dr. Chojnowski: This demand that those who identify as "Catholic" accept Vatican II TEACHING as the post-Vatican II "Magisterium" accepts and teaches it, has been a consistent claim and demand since 1966 when Paul VI first stated it after he closed Vatican II on December 8, 1965. "There are those who ask themselves what the authority, the theological qualification, that the Council wanted to attribute to its teachings, knowing that it has avoided giving solemn dogmatic definitions, committing the infallibility of the ecclesiastical magisterium. And the answer is known to those who remember the conciliar declaration of 6 March 1964, repeated on 16 November 1964: given the pastoral character of the Council, it avoided pronouncing in an extraordinary way dogmas endowed with the note of infallibility; but it has nevertheless furnished its teachings with ...

What did Paul VI and the Imposter Sister Lucy have in Common? "Diabolical Disorientation"! Sister Lucy II, from 1969-1971, goes after those attacking the Prayer of the Rosary, but is SILENT on the "diabolical orientation" of Paul VI himself.

  Dr. Chojnowski: In a chapter strangely entitled, "Graces for Pope Paul," Mark Fellows, in Fatima in Twilight , emphasizes the tenacity by which Paul VI drove to all of its bitter conclusions the Modernism that he had learned from such characters as Henri de Lubac. And de Lubac knew it. Fellows quotes de Lubac as stating about Paul VI, "With a stubborn and methodical firmness...he steers the barque (p. 197) From Montini's good friend Jean Guitton, we hear, "The Pope, in my presence, praises today's theologians to the skies. He quotes Manaranche, de Lubac; whom he considers the very best; also citing Congar, Rahner, etc." This was articulated by Guitton in 1974.   One can only believe, since this is the force of the basic facts, that Paul VI was only lamenting the fact that so many, by 1971, were departing from his utopian humanistic New Theology in ways that were not to his liking; they did or said things --- whether left of right -- that did not accor...

Catholic Neotraditionalism and the 'right-wing' of the deep state: Some Very Fascinating Information from Dr. Jesse Russell.
