What did Paul VI and the Imposter Sister Lucy have in Common? "Diabolical Disorientation"! Sister Lucy II, from 1969-1971, goes after those attacking the Prayer of the Rosary, but is SILENT on the "diabolical orientation" of Paul VI himself.


Dr. Chojnowski: In a chapter strangely entitled, "Graces for Pope Paul," Mark Fellows, in Fatima in Twilight, emphasizes the tenacity by which Paul VI drove to all of its bitter conclusions the Modernism that he had learned from such characters as Henri de Lubac. And de Lubac knew it. Fellows quotes de Lubac as stating about Paul VI, "With a stubborn and methodical firmness...he steers the barque (p. 197) From Montini's good friend Jean Guitton, we hear, "The Pope, in my presence, praises today's theologians to the skies. He quotes Manaranche, de Lubac; whom he considers the very best; also citing Congar, Rahner, etc." This was articulated by Guitton in 1974.  
One can only believe, since this is the force of the basic facts, that Paul VI was only lamenting the fact that so many, by 1971, were departing from his utopian humanistic New Theology in ways that were not to his liking; they did or said things --- whether left of right -- that did not accord with his own plan for the post-Vatican II Modernist Revolution. That his concern for the "smoke of Satan," was certainly not meant to be a sign of any indication of hesitation with regard to the beneficent goodness of Vatican II and its teachings and intentions, we read, again in Fellows, "The Church has suffered and still from a whirlwind of ideas and of facts which are certainly not inspired by the good spirit, and do not announce this renewal of life which the Council promised and promoted (p. 200) [emphasis mine]."

This was in 1968. Later in that same year, we find Montini again railing against those who would spoil the type of Modernist Revolution that he and Vatican II had promised the world in the mid-60s. "The Church finds itself in a period of uneasiness, autocriticism, we would say even of auto destruction. It is like an interior confusion [sound familiar], sharp and complex, which no one would have expected after the Council....We thought of a flowering of a sane expansion of the ripened conceptions of the great assizes [i.e., ordinances] of the Council. That aspect exists likewise."

Finally, in 1969, Paul VI, according to Fellows, "seemed to echo Sister Lucy" when he said, "A sentiment of confusion seems to be spreading among the children of the Church, even among the best ones, and sometimes also with the most qualified, who exercise the greatest authority (p. 200) [emphasis mine]." We can be sure here that he was not criticizing himself. It was those other bad ones of left and right who were creating discord and confusion by interfering with the utopian plans of Roncalli and Montini and de Lubac and Maritain and Rahner, etc., etc. Nowhere here do you find any doubts about the goodness of the Council and the need to implement it. He just had imagined other historical manifestations after the Council, other than some of the ones that he saw unfold before him. No doubts, though.


  1. Just read this article thought it might be of interest. https://spiritdailyblog.com/apparitions/the-fatima-what-sister-lucia-reportedly-said


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