Just Saying: If the real Sister Lucy Just Died a Natural Death and the Vatican was Planning to Use Her Persona to Transform the Fatima Message in a Modernist Way, Why Would They say: 'Sister Lucy Has Nothing More to Say on Fatima" in 1959?

Well. The Statue is Real. When You Actually Think About This, it Really Does Make You Sick. 

Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite, The Whole Truth About Fátima, Vol. 3, pp. 748-749: “From then on [after the Fuentes interview and diocesan note disavowing it], she was bound to a much more rigorous silence on everything concerning Fátima, and especially the great themes of the Secret… As we have seen, in its note of July 2, 1959, the chancery of Coimbra declared authoritatively that ‘Sister Lucy has nothing more to say on Fátima ’! It also became increasingly difficult to see her, and for years no more of her writings were published. Her testimony was becoming bothersome. In 1962, Maria de Freitas remarked that ‘more and more, visits to Sister Lucy are forbidden; more and more she is becoming invisible.’”

Is this statement by the accomplices saying, "Sister Lucy has nothing more to say on Fatima" (July 2, 1959), as significant apropos of what actually happened to her as I am being led to think? 


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