The Church Militant: The Aggressive Policy of the Vatican Prior to John XXIII was directed to.....Drum Roll....MAKING EVERYONE IN THE WORLD CATHOLIC! And Fighting the Enemies of the Catholic Church! Monsignor Dah! Read the Plans from 1946.

Thought Update: Notice Hartl indicates that what soured him on Catholic doctrine and the priesthood was the strict life demanded of the Catholic priest, particularly in the area of priestly celibacy. 
Those were the days....and you knew who you were then.....

For the Militant Agenda of the.....Guess What....Church Militant prior to 1958, see the declassified CIA document of the interrogation of Albert Hartl, a former Catholic priest who was in the belly of the National Socialist spying and intelligence operation against the Catholic Church. What he knew about the real state of things with regard to Church-State interactions and warfare during the 1930s and 1940s helps us understand the sea change that happened after the 1958 conclave which produced John XXIII and the Religious Revolution that we are still trying to sort out today. 

If you look on page 29 of the pdf, you will see something that was self-evident at the time, but here, known by a renegade from constant official contact with the Catholic Church. I quote from that same page, "As the Catholic Church considers itself charged with the spiritual welfare of all mankind, it feels itself obligated to foster conditions under which the universality of the Church most nearly can be realized. For this reason, the Church interests itself in spheres of activity not germane to its dogmatic functions, a condition that will obtain so long as universality remains unattained." 

On page 31, we read about the successes which Hartl attributes to Vatican Intelligence. What it shows is that the Church was willing to have contact with EVERYONE --- but, in order to further the long term interests of the Church mentioned above. The list includes here: 
The German military, American occupying military officers, Stalin, Mussolini, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, the Dali Lama, the Lutheran King of Norway, Francisco Franco, Admiral Canaris --- the leader of German military intelligence who was working for the end of the National Socialist regime, Chaig Kai Shek, the Bank of Japan and the Japanese Admiralty.

In the section of the document entitled, "Failures of Vatican Intelligence," what is interesting, from our perspective, in not that these activities were judged as "failures" by Hartl, but that they were tried by a still Catholic Vatican AT ALL. For example: a) bringing all the Orthodox Church in the Balkans into union with the Catholic Church, an attempt to weaken Freemasonry, an attempt to weaken the surge in Protestantism, failed attempts to extend the Catholic religion and presence into.....Saudi Arabia AND SWEDEN! It seems as if the Church which Hartl describes in 1946 is about as militant as can be imagined. In other parts of this interrogation, Hartl says that the Vatican during the 30s and 40s saw Russia as a more fertile ground for Catholic evangelization than the United States. In other words, the Church wanted to make the Russians Catholic through spreading the Church into that country. The Church of Pope Pius XII must have been pretty confident --- realizing that it had the power of the Holy Ghost behind it --- that it even "put great hope" in making religious inroads in near 100% Lutheran Sweden. 

Even though Hartl tells his interrogators that, even though it will take him a little while to get back up to day since the German collapse in 1945, he says that from the information that he had up until that point, the Catholic Church, under Pope Pius XII was planning a "large-scale attack against Freemasonry" and the geo-political attempt to "strengthen the Catholic countries of Europe" to establish a Third Force to counter-balance the two main victors of World War II, the Liberal United States and the Communist Soviet Union. 

So, now we know that there was certainly something to STOP on the part of the enemies of the Catholic Church. They stopped all of it in October 1958. What happened? What ever happened, surely seems to have sealed the fate of Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima. 

The investigation continues.


  1. Of course she could have died of natural causes in 1958 or thereafter. Q. I.

    Fully accept nonetheless your proofs on the Faux St. Lucy, Sr Lucy II who appeared as if from nowhere (!!) in 1967. Q. II.

    Great sleuth work, Dr. C. I hope it continues to bear fruit on the two remaining questions referenced herein.

  2. Thank you, Dr. Chojnowski, for the excellent research and for the vindication of the much maligned Pope Pius XII. Much maligned by so-called traditional Catholics, who do not appreciate this truly Catholic Pope. God bless you and keep up the good work!

  3. Replies
    1. The works of the late Don Luigi Villa are a powerful testimony, and witness to ecclesiastical Freemasonry and it's infiltration into Holy Mother Church! He knew who the true pope was, and from John XXIII through JPII were just antipopes. He had a personal mandate not to say it publicly, but to prove it, then another battle would follow. these were direct emails to me from his colleague Dr. Franco Adessa.


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