A Meditation From a Reader on the Shoulder Wound of Jesus. Sister Lucy Truth Keeps Up its Devotion to the St. Bridget Prayers!

The Forgotten Devotion

St. Bernard of Clairvaux once asked Our Lord to tell him what His most painful wound was. Our Lord's answer might surprise you. "I had on My shoulder while I bore My Cross on the Way of Sorrows, a grievous wound which was more painful than the others and which is not recorded by men. Honor this wound with thy devotion and I will grant thee whatsoever thou doest ask through its virtue and merit."

Prayer to the Wound in the Shoulder

O most loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most sacred Wound of the Shoulder on which though did bear Thy most heavy cross, which so tore Thy Flesh and bare Thy bones as to inflict on Thee an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body. I adore Thee Jesus Most Sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee and give Thee praise for this most sacred and painful Wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross, to be merciful to me a sinner, to forgive me all of my mortal and venial sins, and to lead me on to heaven along the Way of Thy Cross. Amen.



    Apparently during the reign of Pope Leo XIII the indulgence that Our Lord would not remember a person's mortal sins if they remembered this wound once a day was revoked.


    "In obedience to the Holy See, please do not spread the story about St. Bernard, it might contain the condemned indulgence, not to mention people might think the devotion can be used as an excuse to not go to confession to be absolved of mortal sins. MORTAL SINS MUST BE CONFESSED! " However, you can safely spread the promises given to Marie-Julie Jahenny."

    There are still wonderful graces and promises which can safely be spread however which Our Lord related to Marie Julie Jahenny

    “The Pain is incomprehensible in the hearts of My children! How this devotion pleases and consoles Me, how often have the prayers of these Wounds risen to My Heart and have torn (open) the (way of) salvation for souls entrusted to Hell.” (May 17, 1878)

    Promises and graces revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny for those who honour His Sacred Wound of the Shoulder:

    1 - “I will bless all the souls who propagate this devotion: I grant them abundant graces.” (March 29, 1878)

    2 - “O souls who love Me, who propagate this devotion, I take you under My protection, I keep you under the mantle of My affection.” (March 29, 1878)

    3 - “I will dispel the darkness that will come to their heart.” (December 28, 1877)

    4 - “I will console them in their pains.” “I will come in the midst of their greatest afflictions, to enlighten, to comfort them.” (February 8, 1878) (28 December 1877,February 8 and April 12, 1878)

    5 - “I will come to bless them in their undertakings.” (March 29, 1878)

    6 - “I will give them a tender love for the Cross. I will come to assist them at the time of death, with this cross and I will introduce them into My Heavenly Kingdom.” (April 12, 1878)

    7 - “I will sweeten their agony.” (December 28, 1877). “I will come at the hour of death. I will console them in their passage.” (February 8, 1878).

    “Especially at the hour of death, I will come to give them a sweet moment of calm and tranquillity. I will tell them: 'O good holy soul, who has spread this devotion (knowing) that I had so much at heart that it be made known, come to receive the reward of your labours, the fruit of blessing.'.” (March 29, 1878)

    8 - “I will shelter them, I will assist them, I will console all the souls that seek to propagate this Sacred Wound. At the time of death, I will console the souls that have compensated Me by their devotion and compassion to the Wound so deep and painful. I will come to strengthen them in their final fears. I will come and prepare their passage: Thank you, you who have compensated Me for My pains.” (May 17,1878)

    9 - “See,” Jesus said, pointing to His Sacred Wound with extreme tenderness, “all My children who have recognised this Wound, who have venerated it, have prayed to it, will have on the Last Day a great and generous reward. I do not simply show it, I pronounce it. My Word is Divine.” (May 17, 1878)

    "O Loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I miserable sinner, salute and worship the most Sacred Wound of Thy Shoulder
    on which Thou didst bear Thy heavy Cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid bare Thy Bones as to inflict on Thee an anguish greater
    than any other wound of Thy Most Blessed Body. I adore Thee, O Jesus most sorrowful; I praise and glorify Thee,
    and give Thee thanks for this most sacred and painful Wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain,
    and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me, a sinner, and to lead me on towards Heaven along the Way of Thy Cross. Amen."
    Imprimatur, Thomas D. Beven, Bishop of Springfield.


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