The Church Militant: The Aggressive Policy of the Vatican Prior to John XXIII was directed to.....Drum Roll....MAKING EVERYONE IN THE WORLD CATHOLIC! And Fighting the Enemies of the Catholic Church! Monsignor Dah! Read the Plans from 1946.

Thought Update: Notice Hartl indicates that what soured him on Catholic doctrine and the priesthood was the strict life demanded of the Catholic priest, particularly in the area of priestly celibacy. Those were the days....and you knew who you were then..... For the Militant Agenda of the.....Guess What....Church Militant prior to 1958, see the declassified CIA document of the interrogation of Albert Hartl, a former Catholic priest who was in the belly of the National Socialist spying and intelligence operation against the Catholic Church. What he knew about the real state of things with regard to Church-State interactions and warfare during the 1930s and 1940s helps us understand the sea change that happened after the 1958 conclave which produced John XXIII and the Religious Revolution that we are still trying to sort out today. If you look on page 29 of the pdf,...