From La Marseillaise to Mulch: The Trajectory of the Masonic "Rights of Man"
One Stepped Over Aunty Em Dr. Chojnowski: I am not sure which analogy to use. The Revolution's crusade for "The Rights of Man" ala Tom Paine and those that have so enthusiastically followed in his wake are cascading (no cascading is too noble and grand an image), are plopping down onto the ground of the absurd. Not only is liberal democracy in Britain, in America, Canada, France, etc. showing itself to be divisive, stupid, incompetent, and nauseatingly unsatisfying, but the "human rights" and "human dignity" that has been the banner since 1776 ---- shall we site Thomas Paine's Common Sense --- is reaching such absurdity and counter-productivity that we can hardly fathom what might be the next step. In politics, the incompetence of leadership in all of the Western Nations is reaching the point of absurdity and everyone kn...