Macron's Muslim Miopia: If the Notre-Dame Fire Was NOT Set By Islamists, it would be a Complete Anomaly. Read the Report of Islamic Desecration Throughout Western Europe.

Why the Instant Call to Rebuild? Why the Immediate Denial that it was Terrorism BEFORE THE FIRE WAS EVEN NEAR OUT? Why Not Find Out WHO DID IT FIRST?

St. Thomas Aquinas, when giving an example of efficient causality and the natural desire of mankind to know causes, gave the following example: If a farmer went into his cottage and found manure scattered all over the place, what would he say when he looked at the room, "Manure!" No, of course not, he would say, "Who did it?!!" All the reports surrounding the fire have been sprinkled with, "Something to do with the reconstruction." Just because the external circumstances made for the spreading of the fire that does not mean that the materials which were involved in the reconstruction CAUSED the Fire. Read the article, also, about the European media's attempt to squelch stories of desecrations of Christian holy sites and objects.


  1. The Muslim youths who are vandalising and desecrating the French Churches are obviously being paid it is orchestrated and organized. Whereas in other parts of Europe, Romanian gangs and Morrocan gangs are stealing money from Churches but not desecrating or vandalising. The youths
    look for money for their discos, clubbing, and prostitutes. We had 4 Churches robbed but not vandalised or desecrated. Evidently Fox News does not want you to scratch the surface. Always
    make distinctions, sometimes confirm, never deny.

  2. I am a Muslim, Islam is not a terrorist, I swear

  3. I am a Muslim, Islam is not a terrorist, I swear

  4. I am a Muslim, Islam is not a terrorist, I swear

  5. islam is perfect, Don't blame the religion for something a foolish muslim did.


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