Sister Lucy Truth Board of Governors Begin Septuagesima Season with the St. Bridget of Sweden Prayers. 2019 Will Be the Year in Which the Fraud Is Fully Revealed and We Had Better Be Spiritually Ready.

St. Bridget of Sweden

We at Sister Lucy Truth begin the pre-Lenten Season of Septuagesima by beginning the daily recitation of the Magnificent Prayers of St. Bridget of Sweden. 2019 will be year in which we go public will all of the information we have on the imposter Sister Lucy and the Great Fraud that has been Presented to the World by the parading of an Imposter in the place of the real Sister Lucy of Fatima. We say these prayers in preparation for all that will transpire in the coming year and with the publicity given to the case of the Fake Sister Lucy.

In light of this task and, perhaps, in the hope that some of our supporters will be participating with us, I have asked a supporter of this blog and of Sister Lucy Truth to prepare a short biography of St. Bridget of Sweden and a description of the devotions she received from Our Lord Jesus Christ. I publish these below:

St. Bridget of Sweden and the Secret of Happiness

St. Bridget of Sweden was born on December 15, 1303 and died on July 23, 1373. When she was one 10 years old, Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to her on the Cross saying, "Look at me, my daughter." Horrified, Bridget cried, "Who has treated you like this?" The Crucified Lord then replied, "Those who despised me and spurn my love for them." In her life, St. Bridget was granted many visions, mostly centered around the Passion and Death of Jesus, which became the focus of her meditation and her life.

At the age of 14, she married Prince Ulf Gudmarsson and with him she had 8 children. Her second daughter was St. Catherine of Sweden. After her husband of 20 years died, St. Bridget entered the Third Order of St. Francis, later founding the Bridgetine nuns and monks. 

While in Rome on a mission to obtain papal approval for her Order, she has been praying in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls when the Crucifix, before which she prayed, came to life. In response to St. Bridget's question as to how many blows Our Lord received during His Passion, the Crucified Christ spoke to her and said, " I received 5,480 blows to my body. If you wish to honor them in some way say 15 Our Fathers and 15 Hail Marys with the following prayers for an entire year. When the year is up, you will have honored each of my wounds." 

St. Bridget later died in Rome after having recited these prayers for an entire year. When added up, these prayers would total 5, 475, which would seem to equal all the wounds except for the Five Major Wounds, which may be because these Wounds have separate devotions dedicated to them. 

The Magnificent Prayers of St. Bridget are published in a pamphlet called, The Secret of Happiness. As promised, in my own experience of reciting these prayers, I did find them to be a great source of happiness, one that brings peace to the soul and a spiritual awakening to the routine of everyday life. If you need something to meditate on during Lent or desire to maintain a devotion to the Sufferings of Our Lord, or if you simply want to find more peace of soul, I would recommend saying these prayers which Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself came down to the earth to give us as a means of honoring Him and of gaining salvation. The conditions for honoring all of the Wounds of Christ during the year is to say the prayers everyday. By following this regimen of prayer, we can hope to gain the promises attached to their recitation.  


  1. Thank you for the reminder to pray these beautiful prayers.

  2. This is wonderful news, now we need to know what is authentic Sr Lucy`s writing.

  3. Where to find these prayers?


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