Fr. Hewko gives Dubious Ordinations of Fr. Poisson and Power of Pablo as Reasons for Leaving Boston, Kentucky. Affirms Commitment to "Catholic Resistance".



In the Acts of the Apostles (15:39), we find a dissension arose between the Apostles of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Sts. Paul and Barnabas, who had parted ways and continued spreading the Faith in different regions. Please permit me to draw a similar comparison, given this new situation. 

In 2015 A.D. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in Boston, Kentucky (OLMC) had publicly disassociated from Ambrose Moran, and it should have rested there. But, contrary to the recent Statement of the “second disassociation” (January 23, 2019), rather than a “slow movement forward in this case,” he was hastily reintroduced by Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer with the conditional ordination of Fr. Poisson, in July 2018. Fr. Poisson had been previously ordained in 1996, by a bishop consecrated in the New Rite, making this first ordination doubtful. So now, poor Fr. Poisson has two doubtful ordinations, yet he continues to be sent out for Masses representing OLMC. 

The moral theology of the Church insists that we are not allowed to be “probabiliorists” with the sacraments, but always take the safest side ensuring validity and legitimacy, that is, the “tutiorist” position. Since the recent Statement of Disassociation also admits not having sufficient proof of the “necessary certificates and real clear authentication” of Ambrose Moran, this merely confirms the doubts of both: this “bishop” and the conditional ordination of Fr. Poisson. Nothing demeaning to the good character of Fr. Poisson, but the fact is, he still must be conditionally ordained by a traditional Catholic bishop, without any doubts!

Furthermore, should the papers proving the validity of Ambrose Moran ever happen to appear, in spite of this, his active participation with the schismatic Orthodox in liturgical ceremonies, the confusion and doubts surrounding his records, photos, documents, (which in normal times would be examined and cleared by the proper authorities of the Church) all dictate, by supernatural prudence, to avoid association with him. Besides, a baptized Catholic seeking holy orders from schismatics incurs suspension, according to Canon Law, and forfeits the right of administering the sacraments, if it happened to be done “in good faith” (c. 2372). Given our present situation, we priests are in no position to rehabilitate such a person. This recent reintroduction and aggressive promotion of Moran has been the cause of much confusion, bad fruits, and scandal to the Faith of clergy and the faithful. 

The second reason for my departure from OLMC is the amount of power given to a layman helping with material concerns, admittedly, and this is much appreciated. But, let it suffice to say, that his self-imposed title of “Chief in Charge” is, by no means, an empty one! Were his influence restrained and his videos (publicly representing OLMC) censored, his leverage would do far less damage to many, many souls. It’s because souls are driven away and harmed that obliges me to counteract this injustice. 

Lastly, all the negative impact the above reasons have had on the seminarians’ formation and my fruitless efforts to correct these negative effects, show me God’s Will is elsewhere. If any good-willing souls were harmed through all this, I beg pardon. 

My whole priesthood, apostolate and future are consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, all is in Her hands! With Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, I stand with the Catholic Resistance against the dissolving of the Faith infiltrating the entire Church and the Conciliar-SSPX by Modernism (cf. Pascendi, St. Pius X). 

The preaching of the integral Catholic Faith, the Mass of All Time, and the salvation of souls must continue. Even after a good pope fulfills Our Lady of Fatima’s demands for the Consecration of Russia, and Rome finally returns to Tradition along with the Virgin Mary’s prophesied Victory, this work must still continue! It is the ardent desire of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to save souls! 
On a practical note, my temporary address is: 

16 Dogwood Road South, Hubbardston, MA 01452

Sermons, catechisms, Mass schedules, and conferences will be found on the YouTube channel: SSPXMarianCorps and Any “scattered sheep” seeking the crumbs off the Master’s Table and desiring the Holy Mass, may contact me at: (315) 391-7575 or

Let us join forces, with the weapon of Our Lady’s Rosary and Scapular, praying for all! Please pray for me, and all priests so minded, to continue, with the grace of God, making our own the great Declaration of Archbishop Lefebvre of 1974, now more applicable then ever!

Sincerely in Christ the King,
Fr. David Hewko


  1. Praise be to Our Lady who has answered Fr Hewko's Rosary novena by separating him from the Boston, Kentucky group.

  2. Let us hope that Fr Hewko takes time to consider all his options and to change his opinion that the four Resistance bishops are heretics. A return to sanity is needed for the Resistance.

  3. Let’s hope that this decision of Fr Hewko may encourage others to question their continuing support of Fr Pfeiffer.

    But dare I ask, what is there now to stop Fr Pfeiffer from reaching out to Ambrose Moran? He's flip-flopped on this issue before. Yes, Ambrose shot himself in the foot with his rant against the validity of Archbishop Lefebvre’s orders (and by extension, Fr Pfeiffer’s), but going by the history if this group it seems that anything is possible. Anyone still connected with this group needs to wake up and leave.

  4. What a joke. He compares his situation to Paul and Barnabas after he admits they deceived and injured souls. But they all go their merry way preaching the gospel while he smears the sspx for a disagreement about a prudential matter. Supernatural prudence indeed. How about basic common sense.

  5. The sin of Adam, disobedience, caused the fall of man and disobedience and pride, in my opinion, is what led Bp. Williamson to create this fractured movement called " the resistance". The entire resistance movement is a bad joke and with each splintered faction it is becoming more dangerous to souls.

  6. Perhaps Fr Hewko will put another call into his long time friend Carlos Urrutigoity and go join him in S America ?

  7. "Fr. Hewko just gave full support to Fr. Roberts, the co-founder of the SSJ with Fr. U.
    It doesn't get any more "enabling" than that.
    Also, he did so against the wishes of his own parishioners."

    Fr Hewko knew exactly what Fr U , Ensey and the rest of them were. He was in the seminary with them as was a seminarian (Deacon) who posts on the blog above too. The same was in Philadelphia for a time and thanks to him and two other thirty something young men there, we were clued in to some very questionable situations.
    Frankly , I would not let any of these so called priests even pet my male dog.
    They know exactly what to say to their audience and what the laity longs to hear but as for being "traditional" well that is quite another story.

    1. I can't let your smear of Fr. Hewko in this matter pass. I have known him since before his ordination. My husband has accompanied him in his days at St. Mary's on camping trips with our sons and many young men from the school. You have no right to say the things you are saying, you do not know what you are talking about and I'm ashamed of Dr. "Chow" for allowing slanderous comments such as this to be posted on his blog. Fr. Hewko was ridiculously mistaken in Fr. Pfeiffer's venture and should not have been in Boston, but there is not one even tiny bit of perversion in him. He may be naive and at times reckless, but he always means well and as for virtue, he is pure as the 'driven snow'. Childlike is the word that comes to mind. No one has any reason or justification for speaking of a priest like Fr. Hewko and those like Fr. U. in the same breath. I knew them both. They had nothing in common.
      There is going to be a day when we will all have to answer for the careless and malicious words we've spoken and published about others, especially priests. I would not want to be among those on this page who so clearly delight in throwing around false accusations against those they *so obviously* know nothing about. There will be a lot to answer for also for those who use a blog as an excuse to spread gossip or allow it to be spread.

    2. It's true that Fr. Hewko has no gay inclinations like the rest of them, but unfortunately he supports the wrong people in almost every single situation. I know Fr. Hewko very well, and have lived with him in different communities and situations. He is very nice and humble, but he is also very, very psychologically imbalanced. Personally I like him, but people must be aware of his severe tendency towards extremism and crazy ideas. He was a major supporter of Urrutigoity and several other groups with fanciful ideas, and he has not changed.

  8. Unknown , you must have KNOWN the joke before too .
    All the boys , now young men in their thirties, who were encouraged to drink and smoke as part of Hewko's Commando Group aka "Christeros" based in large part on the Hitler Youth.
    What he did in Eddystone , Philadelphia to the youth in the chapel there and in New England was just a preview of this latest fiasco. you would have thought that his running off to the monastery out West to "discern his vocation" would have been an indicator.

    1. I am one of those men who are now in their thirties, and I can say that Fr. Hewko did far more good for me and my friends that any other priest. Fr. Hewko never encouraged drinking or smoking to myself or anyone around me. He did a tremendous amount of good for boys when he was in Post Falls, Id. "Hitler Youth" please! Yes, he greatly admired the Cristeros for their heroic and virile attributes. I have heard one priest say that Fr. Hewko himself was a great influence with his decision to become a priest. Fr. Hewko loves his Faith and encourages all around him to do the same. I visited the monastery in New Mexico when he was there and he was constantly speaking good of the Faith and others .
      I find it a shame that we don't mind hurling insults and slander at someone we do not know from the convenience of a keyboard. I do not agree with everything Fr. Hewko has done and do not claim to know everything he has done. A priest is an "alter Christus" according to the Catholic Faith, we need to have respect for the few priests that we have. Disagreeing with the organization he belongs to is one thing, but attacking the man's reputation is another!

    2. Well said, Paul! And to Anyonymous at 3:29, I would say that here again we are speaking about what we don't have any knowledge. Fr. Hewko went to the Monastery with full permission. He did not 'run off'. His brother was already a monk there and he had been tempted for some time that he had a vocation as a monk. In this, he is certainly not alone. Other very wonderful priests have found that they wanted/needed to go to monasteries. St. John Vianney tried on more than one occasion unsuccessfully to slip out of Ars unknown and go to a monastery. It is a more perfect life.

  9. We knew Fr Hewko personally . We also had many parent friends in what he then called his "commando" group. The parents who took the initiative to accompany the group on their excursions ,came back stunned that he would encourage their boys to ignore posted signs not to go on certain trails in the ice and snow. Fr Hewko instructed them to step over these signs ,ignore them, because ,"....we do not follow man's laws." Then he would encourage boys to take dangerous risks by stepping out and over guard rails onto ice covered ledges on the rim of sheer drops. When he took the boys to Valley Forge he started a huge bon fire , despite clearly posted signs that fires were not allowed unless they obtained a permit. A female park guard told him to put it out and he told the parents and the boys that she , "..must be a lesbian." The parents of the boys in New England who were stranded on a mountain with him and had to be rescued due to hypothermia also remember Hewko referring to the female rescuers as "lesbians".
    Boys who refused his orders to ignore legal signage and balk at his ridiculous dangerous challenges were encouraged to be referred to as "Momma's Boys".
    One father remarked that we have laws in this country for a reason and encouraging
    teens to break laws for no good reason is irresponsible. The same could be said for a Fr Cottard in France who was given jail time for sending boys who could not swim out into the English Channel in a plastic dinghy without life vests which resulted four or five deaths , including one young man employed as a water rescuer.
    If one watches the BBC documentary on the Hitler Youth the accounts from elderly one time members are almost word for word, including labeling boys as "Momma's Boys".
    I wonder who started this program and trained the younger priests like Hewko Ensey and Urrutigoity as youth leaders?


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