Ambrose Moran Flips: After Refusing to Provide Documentation of his own "Ordination" and "Consecration," Moran Denounces Entire Lefebvre Line. What Will Pfeifferville do Now? Will Fr. Joseph Poisson Seek Another Conditional Ordination?

Dr. Chojnowski: In the link above, you can see for yourself the spinning out of control that has beset Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer's establishment in Boston, Kentucky. After years of dealing with Ambrose Moran as if he were a valid bishop, Fr. Joe Pfeiffer has disassociated himself from Moran. What is shocking about all of it is how acrimonious the entire relationship between Moran and Our Lady of Mount Carmel seminary has become. In the above video, failing to acknowledge that he has worked with Fr. Pfeiffer for years now, consecrating oils for him along with --- from my information --- promising to make priests for him and probably planning to "consecrate" Fr. Pfeiffer a bishop --- Moran brings up long refuted arguments about Archbishop Lefebvre and the Lefebvre line and casts doubt on the valid priesthood of those who he has been associating with for years now. Even though I have not researched the case extensively, I know everyone involved, except Moran himself. From what I see, the pictures that he provided of himself in various ecclesial settings are obviously faked and his failure to provide certificates and testimonials concerning his own valid ordination and consecration gives one moral certainty that he is a weird fraud. Life in this present world as a traditional Catholic already seems to be a bit like "flying over the cuckoos nest" without this insanity. 

Question for Fr. Pfeiffer. If "Bishop" Moran is not trustworthy enough to have as your bishop, what about all of the holy oils that he consecrated for you for your sacraments and what about the conditional ordination of Fr. Joseph Poisson, who travels around the US and Canada for Our Lady of Mount Carmel saying Mass, hearing confessions, and giving extreme unction? Also, how can you justify having a seminary when you do not have a bishop to ordain your seminarians? If you refuse to associate with a real bishop that can only mean --- for thinking Catholics --- that you and Fr. Hewko believe you are the only real Catholic priests left in the world. Otherwise, a priest needs a bishop. Also, after the fiasco, which culminates in the video linked above, you need to do some backtracking, some rebuilding of bridges, and some sacramental redoing for Fr. Poisson and for all those people who relied on ANYTHING coming from the bizarre man in the green vestments that we see in the above video. Fr. Hewko, you need to DEMAND THAT THESE THINGS ARE DONE. 

Be Catholic, be sacramentally safe, and be sane. 


  1. Spot on! And too funny!
    Thank you.

  2. Patience.Fellay accepts V2,new mass,N.O.priests,soon Bishops.BPW also has compromised;now Fake-Resistance.Fr.Chazal will compromise and get duct taped,eventually.Elite are falling!Alas!

  3. Fr Poisson, a holy priest, needs to be conditionally ordained by Bishop Zendejas

    1. I disagree. I don't know Bishop Zendejas but moving from one fractured group to another is not where Fr. Poisson needs to be. In my opinion, Fr. Poisson needs to be in a monastery or with the SSPX to get better formation. He has shown that he is very naïve and easily influenced. I met Fr Poisson 4 years ago when he was with the FSSP and attended Mass and went to him for confession for several weeks. There is no doubt that he is passionate about the Faith but passion without discernment leads to this conflict that is inside him and his pride lets him be deceived. In one of the previous article he states that he can read people, speaking about Fr. Pfieffer " he has a heart of gold... I know how to see through people" . I pray for Fr. Poisson that he receive the Gifts of the Holy Ghost especially, Wisdom Counsel and Knowledge. He is misguided and puts himself in grave danger if he continues to believe that he alone has the answers.

    2. when Fr, Poisson was in St. Catherines at Queen of Angels someone sated that he had suffered from a nervous breakdown. Furthermore, there are other stores about him and I am not willing to repeat. Fr. Poisson should not be a priest in a parish,

  4. Finally some sense - "If you refuse to associate with a real bishop that can only mean --- for thinking Catholics --- that you and Fr. Hewko believe you are the only real Catholic priests left in the world. Otherwise, a priest needs a bishop."

  5. One can see in the video that Ambrose Moran is wearing a pallium, the white band around the neck with the crosses. The pallium is only worn by Archbishops (Ordinaries) in their own diocese and, as it is given to them by the Roman Pontiff, denotes jurisdiction. In the event of their retiring they no longer wear it, as this privilege is passed onto their successors. A real Archbishop will know this, which makes Ambrose Moran’s wearing of it another sure sign that he is a fraud. The only diocese this man has is the vast expanses of some poor family’s living room.

  6. Well, in the time of Archbishop Lefebvre there were priests who weren't conditionally reordained since the validity of the ordination is presumed unless there is a positive and probable doubt in a particular case.
    Even today there are priests in the Resistance who were not conditionally reordained, such as Fr. Kramer and Fr. Patrick Perez.
    Fr. Gruner and Fr. Hesse, videly admired by the Resistance, were never conditionally reordained.
    I am neither with Fr Pfeiffer nor with Bp. Williamson, but in any case I do not see the reason for conditional ordination unless there is a specific issue in this case....


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