
Showing posts from June, 2020

Next Target of BLM Ought Be Planned Parenthood Whose Purpose was Racist and Eugenicist From the Beginning.


Was the Real Sister Lucy of Fatima Living in 1960? The Press Release from February 1960 Says YES, Simple Logic Says NO.

The Vatican’s #1 Reason for Not Disclosing the Third Secret of Fatima in 1960: “SISTER LUCY IS STILL LIVING.” At Sister Lucy Truth, we’ve endeavored to scientifically and methodically prove that the woman who appeared before the world in 1967 as “Sister Lucy” was  not  the actual seer of Fatima. During the course of this study, the question of “why” constantly arises. Why would enemies of the Church go to the trouble of putting an imposter into place?  One answer: To justify the decision not  to release the Third Secret of Fatima in 1960.  The entire world waited on edge as 1960 approached knowing that 1960 represented the disclosure of the last part of the Message of Fatima, the so-called Third Secret of Fatima. Yet, on February 8, 1960, in a bewildering turn of events, a Portuguese news agency, A.N.I., issued a press release, reproduced in its entirety below, stating that “Vatican sources…in very reliable Vatican circles” advised that the Third Secret most lik...

Friends, Let us Vomit this Out of Our Mouth..........


Call Me Dumbo, but I think Sister Lucy Truth has Proven Its Case. Don't Worry, However, Much More to Come!


More Conclusive Evidence: 40 Year Maxillofacial Surgeon Presents Complete Report on Sister Lucy of Fatima. After Analyzing All the Available Pictures and Videos, His Conclusion is, "it is clear that Sister Lucy I (pre-1967) and Sister Lucy II (1967 to 2005) are not the same individual." Read His Report Here.

Dr. Mascaro is an oral surgeon with nearly 40 years of experience. His education includes undergraduate training at Cornell University and then graduation from the University of Louisville’s School of Dentistry. Post-graduation, Dr. Mascaro completed a general dental internship at Louisville VA Hospital and received advanced training at the University of Louisville.  During the course of his career, Dr. Mascaro served as President of the Louisville Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and held a teaching appointment at University of Louisville School of Dentistry. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and licensed by the Kentucky Board of Dentistry.   Additional professional credentials include membership with the American Dental Association, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, American Medical Society, Southeast Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, and...

Update: Access the Pdf of Extracts from Sister Lucy's Letters from 1929-1955. Read Her Constant References to Russia and Her Account of Her Visions of Our Lord and Our Lady in Which They Clearly State that God Will Punish the World if Russia is Not Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


What were the constant topics of the Real Sister Lucy in Her Letters from 1929-1955? Russia and its Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Russia's Conversion would Firmly Establish the Cult of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the World.

Dr. Chojnowski: A colleague at Sister Lucy Truth has gone through the letters of the authentic Sister Lucy dos Santos and found the following themes from here various dated letters. Russia, Russia and the Consecration, Russia and the Immaculate Heart of Mary were constant themes.  July 24, 1929 ·         Letter to Lucia’s mother ·         Alludes to First Saturday Devotion for reparation “for the offenses She receives from her ungrateful children.” December 17, 1929 ·         Discusses establishing devotion to Immaculate Heart ·         Describes clearly the First Saturday Devotion (five first Saturdays, recite Rosary, meditate for 15 minutes on the 15 mysteries with intent to offer reparation. ·         Devotion valid within 8 days of first Saturdays or “it can even be within mayn more days, pr...

Satan in the Vatican? Understood With This Background and Within This Context, the Disappearance and Imposture of Sister Lucy of Fatima Does NOT Seem So Bizarre. Why Do So Few Care WHO Did in Sister Lucy of Fatima? We, at Sister Lucy Truth, Do.


Pope Leo XIII was clearly worried about the "Crafty Enemies" Who would or have "Raised the Throne of their Abominable Impiety," with the Design that, "the Pastor [be] Struck and the Sheep Scattered."

These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where the See of Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered. Dr. Chojnowski: How can we interpret this prayer, written by Pope Leo XIII after his mystical vision of an attack on the Catholic Church, other than to say the following: Clearly, the pope is saying that there are "crafty" (occult heretics) "enemies" (those who seek the Church's destruction and the destruction of everything She gives to mankind) who are present within the structure of the Catholic Church --- you cannot be "inebriated" with something unless that something is "inside" you --- ...

Sister Lucy Truth Now Offers Daily the Original Prayer to St. Michael Written By Pope Leo XIII for its Complex and Dangerous Investigation. Please say it with us. What is Pope Leo XIII indicating will happen in Rome? The Devil is a Liar and it is Against him that We are Pushing Back.

Image “These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where the See of Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered."  Dr. Chojnowski: Any suggestions as to the meaning of this part of the original St. Michael prayer written by Pope Leo XIII and published in the Reccolta in 1898? Why does this sentence seem to be speaking of something that has already happened, "they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety"? Contrasting this "throne" with the "Chair of Truth" that clearly refers to the Throne of St. Peter in Rome. It, also, seems to be the...

History Channel Cites "Covid" and "Protests" for Not Pursuing the Sister Lucy Imposter Story "at this moment." Says it "Never heard of" Fatima Story Even though it Had an Episode on Nostradamus and Fatima Last Year. Sad. But Sister Lucy Truth Will Not Stop. Two New Reports Due Shortly and New Ones in the Works. We will NOT Stop. I am sending the Link to Drudge!

Sorry for the Temporary Failure. We Will NOT Be Stopped. Justice for Sister Lucy of Fatima. The Problem is that Her Elimination from this World Could Not Go Viral. More to Come. By the Way, the Call about the History Channel Came in the Middle of the Night. Make  Go Viral!

Purpose of the New Sister Lucy? To Validate the Actions of the Modernist popes. She endorses John Paul I, John Paul II, and allows Cardinal Ratzinger to Distort the Message of Fatima in the Video Below.

During the last 10 minutes of this video, starting at the 16 min. mark, Cardinal Bertone speaks of his three meetings with Sister Lucy II in 2000, 2001, and 2003. He also speaks of returning to Coimbra in 2005 in order to offer the funeral mass of Sister Lucy II. A mass which was said amidst a crowd of tens of thousands and celebrated as a Portuguese national holiday. The last meeting of Cardinal Bertone with Sister Lucy, occurred on December 9, 2003 and lasted for 2 hours. During these meetings, according to Cardinal Bertone, the cardinal had 3 issues to bring up to "Sister Lucy."  The first, was the question of her meeting with Cardinal Albino Luciani of Venice in 1977. "Did you predict Cardinal Luciani's election as pope?" "Lucia" did not recall if she had predicted to him that he would be pope, but she admits to telling the community that, "It told my community that he was a good cardinal, a holy cardinal who, if he were to become pope,...

Salvation Army Bell Ringer or Catholic pope? Absolutely Nothing Uniquely Catholic Here. Celebration of Pentecost with No Reference to the Supernatural Life. Thankfully He Says that the Holy Ghost is DIFFERENT than Covid-19!


Don't Deny It. Josef Ratzinger was One of the Main Hijackers of the Message of Fatima. He totally Distorted the Third Secret and Covered Up the Imposture of Sister Lucy.


Greatest Economic Miracle in History of the US? Greatest Job Loss Becomes the Greatest Job Gain With a Wave of the PPP Wand! Never Heard of Paycheck Protection Program?

Image So if you get paid thorough the PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) loan, you are then "employed" by the federal government, BECAUSE you are getting paid by the federal government, even though you need not be working . Also,  around 5,000,000 "temporarily laid off workers" were counted as "employed" mistakenly, but the mistake, in both April and May, was not corrected.  From Zerohedge on the "great unemployment numbers": The headline non-farm jobs data was so blisteringly good (+2.5 million jobs), market participants were left scratching theirs heads, wondering "V-Shaped Recovery" ?? The big question is, how did all the economic forecasters "forget" about the affect of PPP loans on the jobs data?  Everybody seems to have forgotten about the PPP loans.  20 million private sector "employees" went from unemploy...