Dr. Chojnowski: As part of the article, Cardinal Martins of Portugal, introducer of the Cause for Beatification of the Fake Sister Lucy, relays a story of his personal meeting with "Sister Lucy" the jokester and general contractor. Well, the assassination of John Paul II already happened a generation before so there was obviously not much of the Fatima Message to speak of, right? Rosary, Scapular, First Saturdays, Consecration of Russia, Apostasy, Communism, no not really. How about we put Sister Lucy as the general contractor for the building of Carmelite cells? She is very "down to earth and practical." Also, since everything was honky dory with the Church and World under John XXIII, Paul VI. John Paul I, and John Paul II --- no need to worry about the "Prayer Meeting for All Religions" at Assisi --- why not have Sister Lucy employ some of her other tal...