These Words of Sister Lucy II in "Calls" DIRECTLY Contradict the Essential Message of Fatima. It was Published with Full Vatican Approval in 1997. This Woman and Her Obvious Distortion of the Fatima Message Should Have Been Called Out Then.

Trinitarian and Eucharistic Apparition to the real Sister Lucy of Fatima at Tuy, Spain on July 13th, 1929.

The word “many” as used here does not exclude “some,” as if Jesus did not die for all; but, as I have heard some commentators saying, that word is to be understood in the sense in which it was used in the language of that people: “many” being the opposite of “one,” that is, one who dies instead of many. It was in this sense that the high priest, Caiphas, justified the necessity of the death of Jesus: “You do not understand that it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation should not perish” (Jn 11, 50).

Dr. Chojnowski: This one paragraph from Sister Lucy II IN ITSELF proves that the woman speaking is not the same woman as the one who was the Seer of Fatima. Why? Because this statement IN ITSELF directly contradicts the essential core of the Fatima apparition's message. What does the vision of hell, the demanded reparation for sinners, the saying of the rosary for sin --- we think of Francisco --- the devotion to the Immaculate Heart, the threats to the Faith from atheistic Communism, plus, the obvious warnings about apostasy "in the Church" in the Third Secret are rendered meaningless and to no effect. Also, how would a Carmelite Nun, of renowned humility, dare to totally reinterpret the obvious and doctrinally established meaning of the words "for many" in the very Words of Consecration.  This is a completely heretical articulation of the meaning behind these words. 


  1. She was a tool-bag of the Jewish Kabbalah/Zionists/Freemasons/Communists and perverted sodomite such as Paul VI.

    All others churchmen of Vatican II and the rest of the gangsters are wearing sheep's clothing.

    She did what they told her. She was hired to lie for them whenever whatever that they wanted.
    The Vatican II church is not a Catholic Church but the Synagogue of the Jews World Disorder, the den of thieves and the whorehouse of the prostitutes of Freemasonry/Israel...

    The Jews/Israel will be destroyed for they have been crucified Christ and His people until this day.

    Those are the greatest ENEMY of Christ and His people. Until Catholics wake up and recognize the truth and do something about that, God will judge His cowardice lukewarm "vicar" and His disciples.

    Catholics can't be afraid, can't be compromised, can't be mingled when come to demonstrate our faith and our belief. Keep expose them, the truth must be shone to make a shame of the NWO-Luciferians Sect.
    cowardice people.


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