"Calls" is Called Out as a Monumental Fraud. See the New Posting at Sisterlucyimposter.org


  1. The evidence keeps mounting. It's interesting that this book, which was written by an impostor was also “authorized” by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Cardinal Josef Ratzinger; was copyrighted by the Coimbra Convent and the Fatima Shrine; and that the preliminary note to this book was written by the (former) bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Serafim de Sousa Ferreira e Silva.

    Why did the the Fatima Center do absolutely nothing to help Dr. Chojnowski spread the whole truth about Fatima? We've passed the point, a long time ago, where they should've been involved, especially in such an epoch-making event.


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