Sister Lucy Truth Hits Twitter. Using All Avenues All the Time We Will Get Out the Truth and Seek Justice.


  1. "...........Using All Avenues All the Time We Will Get Out the Truth and Seek Justice......."

    Dr C, truly you have done the Lord's work. Truth is such a necessity and blessing. You have performed a FANTASTIC Spiritual Work of Mercy....guided by none other than Our Blessed Mother, herself.

    Your work should remind everyone that Our Lord and His Mother are never late but ALWAYS on time. The Truth of Sister Lucy will explode at precisely the right time. Several things are certain:
    (1) It will expose and devastate the deniers, pretenders and profiteers of the false St Lucy/Fatima narrative. They will have NO DEFENSES OR CREDIBLE RESPONSE;
    (2) You will find out what happened to the true Sister Lucy;
    (3) The Servants of Satan will be out in full force to stop you....but fail spectacularly.
    (4) All of this will ignite the genuine renewal of Christ's Church and the destruction of the Conciliar Church presently occupying Rome and "Catholic Churches" worldwide;
    (5) All of this will boost Our Lady of Fatima and boost her and the true children and seers;
    (6) All man made evils, trials, deceptions and lies to block the Fatima message will result in the Glorification of God through His Mother and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    May Our Lady of Fatima and her Son, Always Bless You and Protect You and Yours .


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