"Calls" Part 3: If you thought that the Apparition of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on October 13, 1917 had Something to do with Wearing the Brown Scapular, NOT ACCORDING TO "SISTER LUCY."

The Habit in Which the Real Sister Lucy Was Taken to Glory! I always wondered why Our Lady of Mount Carmel Was the Image Displaying the Glorious Mysteries at the Miracle of the Sun.

Dr. Chojnowski: In the chapter in "Calls" dealing with "The Call to a life of total consecration to God," "Sister Lucy" starts out, "In my view, the apparition of Our Lady of Mount Carmel means total consecration to God. By showing herself clothed in a religious habit, she wished to represent all the other habits by which those who are totally consecrated to God can be distinguished from ordinary secular Christians." (p. 180) Later on in this chapter in which nothing other than the religious life is discussed, we hear the constant refrain from "Sister Lucy" about the necessity of "obedience." "All of us, but more especially consecrated souls, need to live by faith: that faith which sees God in others, IN AUTHORITY, and in everything that happens: that faith which assures us that AUTHORITY REPRESENTS GOD and, then, by obeying, we are doing the will of God."(p. 181) Did Sister Lucy II justify her assumption of a personal identity which was not her own for "obedience" sake? Did she think that true obedience could involve true evil? By assuming the identity of Sister Lucy of Fatima, this woman voluntarily assented to cover-up one of the greatest crimes in the history of the Catholic Church. 

Chapter 21: "The Call to holiness"

Surely, with another chapter of "Calls" dedicated to the meaning of the apparition of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, we would find another chance for "Sister Lucy" to speak about the Brown Scapular and its role in protecting the faithful in this age of apostasy. No. Instead we have another chapter filled to the brim with Bible quotes, this time on "The [generic] Call to holiness." (p. 195) With so many long Bible quotations in this text, is one of the purposes of this text an attempt by "Sister Lucy" to make Fatima acceptable to Protestants? Just as an example, on p. 200, out of the 32 lines of text, 23 of those lines are part of quotations from the Bible. Nothing bad, but how is this "Sister Lucy" making the Message of Fatima clearer and more precise to inquisitive Catholics? Why would we need "Sister Lucy" for a text like this? 


  1. And to think that all this is only one part of the "cover-up" in which, it seems, no stone has been left unturned.


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