Are you a Super Facial Recognizer? Take the Test and Be Involved in the Survey By the University of Greenwich

                          Are You a Super Facial Recognizer? 

In the course of investigating the identity of Sister Lucy of Fatima, Sister Lucy Truth has run into an interesting study sponsored by the University of Greenwich which helps to identify those who can be termed "Super facial recognizers". Just as there is a psychological condition that keeps people from recognizing and remembering faces, so too is there a mental ability, possessed by an estimate 1% to 2% of the population, to recognize and remember faces with astounding accuracy. 

You can find out if you are a Super Facial Recognizer by following the link below. I am certainly not a Super Facial Recognizer, based on the test given. Amidst all of the seriousness, have a little fun with this facial recognition test.


  1. Took test. Got 13/14 correct. Volunteered to take another test.

  2. The facial recognition test is interesting, but certainly not easy. I need to refer back to the first photo because it's too hard to remember what it looks like after only 5 seconds, they're people I've never known before so it's not so easy to memorize their appearance. I got a 7 out of 14, which is not so great I guess.


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