Amazing Disgrace: "Catholics" and Lutherans Pray Together to Honor Luther in St. Louis. Are we in the same church as these heretics?
Dear Readers, It is obvious this is a typical example of the public apostasy that has become common, especially since Karol Wojtyla's time as John Paul II. It is clear that these people, whether "Lutherans" or "Catholics," believe themselves to be part of the same church and all Christians on the way to Heaven. That is clear, but this has been said over and over again by people in the Conciliar church. My question is this, can we be in communion with people who hold obviously heretical beliefs about doctrine (such as "we have the same doctrine of justification as the Lutherans and Protestants). Are we in the same church with people who hold things things, pray these things, and do these things? Are we simply the "right-wing" "conservatives" or even "ultra-conservatives" and they are the "progressives" and "ultra-liberals." No, the Catholic Church is not the Anglican Church with its high, middl...