"Patently Absurd"! Fr. Kramer cites "Liberalism is a Sin" by Fr. Sarda to Prove that Catholics Can Actually Use Their God-given Minds to Judge Whether a Man is a Heretic Or Not. Wait 50 Years for a Catholic Pope? If You Cannot Judge, How would we know that that future Pope IS Catholic?

Dr. Chojnowski: We cite from Fr. Paul Kramer's To Deceive the Elect: The Catholic Doctrine on the Question of a Heretical Pope, Vol. 1 (Fort Collins, CO: Gondolin Institute, 2019), pp. 43-45. 

"All the canons, and teachings against privately judging superiors and prelates do not refer to judgments of conscience, such as the judgment concerning the manifest heresy of one's superior, when it can be known with certitude, but rather, they prohibit judgments that require jurisdiction; and explain that private individuals do not possess the requisite jurisdiction for rendering an official judgment, and therefore they man not presume to judge their superiors juridically, and depose them with force of law. However, the right of conscience to judge privately as a matter of conscience in such cases as that of manifest heresy pertains to the divine law [emphasis mine.], since such judgments of conscience are sometimes necessary for salvation; and such a right is acknowledged in Canon Law: Can. 748 para. 1. All persons are bound to seek the truth in those things which regard God and His Church and by virtue of divine law are bound by the obligation and possess the right of embracing and observing the truth which they have come to know.' Indeed, [John] Salza and [Robert] Siscoe's objection that making such a judgment is forbidden to the private individual who must wait for the public judgment of the Church, and that asserting this right it is an exercise of the Protestant principle of Private Judgment is not only false, but it effectively nullifies the rule of faith which safeguards the conscience of the individual [emphasis mine.] 

Dr. Chojnowski: Fr. Kramer cites Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany in the classic, Liberalism is a Sin, to prove his point: 

'Of what use would be the rule of faith and morals, if in every particular case the faithful cannot of themselves make the immediate application; if they were constantly obliged to consult the Pope or the diocesan pastor? Just as the general rule of morality is the law, in accordance with which each one squares his own conscience...in making particular applications of this general rule, subject to correction if erroneous; so the general rule of faith, which is the infallible authority of the Church, is and ought to be in consonance with every particular judgment formed in making concrete applications, subject of course to correction and retraction in the event of mistake in so applying it. It would be rendering the superior role of faith useless, absurd and impossible to require the supreme authority of the Church to make its special and immediate application in every case upon every occasion, which calls it forth. This would be a species of brutal and satanic Jansenism [emphasis mine], like that of the followers of the unhappy Bishop of Ypres, when thy exacted, for the reception of the sacraments, such dispositions as would make it impossible for men to profit by that which was plainly intended and instituted for them by Jesus Christ Himself.' [Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany, Liberalism is a Sin, p. 154]"

[Fr. Kramer continues his commentary] "The opinion that only the Church authorities are able to judge in matters of heresy, and that a we cannot know if someone is a heretic by the application of human reason without the a pronouncement of Church authority, is patently absurd, since it is by the application of human reason to the matters of faith ecclesiastical judges reach their conclusions in heresy cases and pronounce judgement....Like the errant canon who falsely accused Don Sarda of doctrinal error for expressing such opinions including the one I have just quoted Salza & Siscoe have accused me of asserting the Protestant doctrine of Private Judgment for my having upheld the very same teaching, to wit, the Catholic Doctrine that the faithful have the right in conscience to judge in matters of faith according to reason against heretics who masquerade as Catholics, yet, in the ruling of the Sacred Congregation of the Index, pronounced during the reign of Pope Leo XIII, the magisterial authority of the Church not only approved this opinion which I advocate, (but which Salza & Siscoe condemn), but the Sacred Congregation even singled out for praise the author who advocated the opinion."



  1. Paul to the Corinthians, Do you not know that you are to judge the world and angels? Elsewhere Paul says we are temples of the Holy Spirit....but we cannot judge flaming heresy when we see it!
    The papacy of Salza and Sousa sounds more like a vatican protection racket than anything that can be considered honest theology.

    1. They (Salza and Sisco) are Freemasons, sound just like the rest of the NWO-Luciferians that spread out like wildfire that will bring all souls to hell who would listen to them. Time to separate True Soldiers for Christ and the puppets of the Synagogue of Satan.

  2. Would it be possible to cite the rolling of the Sacred Congregation, mentioned at the end?

    1. “The Sacred Congregation of the Index has received the denunciation of the little work bearing the title “El Liberalismo
      es Pecado” by Don Félix Sardá y Salvany, a priest of your diocese; the denunciation (pg. iii) was accompanied at the same time
      by another little work entitled “El Proceso del Integrismo,” that is “a refutation of the errors contained in the little work El
      Liberalismo es Pecado.” The author of the second work is D. de Pazos, a canon of the diocese of Vich.Wherefore the Sacred
      Congregation has carefully examined both works, and decided as follows: In the first not only is nothing found contrary to sound
      doctrine, but its author, D. Félix Sardá merits great praise for his exposition and defense of the sound doctrine therein set forth
      with solidity, order and lucidity, and without personal offense to anyone. Fr. Jerome Scheri, O.P. Secretary of the Sacred
      Congregation of the Index.” (Sardá, Liberalism is a Sin, Preface [by Conde B. Pallen, Ph.D., LL.D.], p. x.)

    2. “The Sacred Congregation of the Index has received the denunciation of the little work bearing the title “El Liberalismo
      es Pecado” by Don Félix Sardá y Salvany, a priest of your diocese; the denunciation (pg. iii) was accompanied at the same time
      by another little work entitled “El Proceso del Integrismo,” that is “a refutation of the errors contained in the little work El
      Liberalismo es Pecado.” The author of the second work is D. de Pazos, a canon of the diocese of Vich.Wherefore the Sacred
      Congregation has carefully examined both works, and decided as follows: In the first not only is nothing found contrary to sound
      doctrine, but its author, D. Félix Sardá merits great praise for his exposition and defense of the sound doctrine therein set forth
      with solidity, order and lucidity, and without personal offense to anyone. Fr. Jerome Scheri, O.P. Secretary of the Sacred
      Congregation of the Index.” (Sardá, Liberalism is a Sin, Preface [by Conde B. Pallen, Ph.D., LL.D.], p. x.)

  3. "The worst kind of heretic is the one who, while teaching mostly true Catholic doctrine, add a word of heresy, like a drop of poison in a cup of water” - Pope Leo XIII

    We've come such a long way. Now it's the entire cup that's poisoned. Even though Francis is a manifest tool of the devil, the R&R still manage to dupe people into believing that he's the Pope. How do they do it? When something is "manifest" it is clearly true and nobody that saw it would disagree with it. Yet the R&R somehow convince people that it's sinful to acknowledge an obvious truth, especially one that's so crucial to their faith.

    1. Send the local drug-dealing thief to knock on the door of the homes of these people and ask to speak to their children; suddenly they will decide that they can make judgments about people before it is done "in a court of law" and that they do not need a declaration and they will be quite satisfied with their "ipso facto" judgment. Hypocrites!

    2. There is no way out but through the Fatima Message, through Our Lady, devotion and make reparation to Her Immaculate Heart. Then, God will send us the true Holy Catholic Pope who will fight and destroy the heretics, apostates and take back Kingship of Christ and good men to destroy all the NWO/Freemasons that lurked into all governments and all textures of society. We are the heel of Our Lady and She will send Her Divine Force to these heels to crush their heads. I am truly believe it. She will use her "dear ones" to smash off all the perverted sodomites, pedophiles, warmongers, cabals, apostasy fake religions. The work of this website is one proof that She is working through us (the faithful) right now, one by one, we all have job and duty to perform. May God bless all of you who are faithfully and patiently working for the TRIUMPH OF OUR LADY.

  4. We are supposed to be fools for Christ, not blind fools for anti-pope Bergoglio. God gave us a mind and heart that were meant to be used to make judgements and a Church that supports this understanding.

    And we are further encouraged by Pope Felix III:
    “Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them.”

  5. Can anyone be more transparent than Salza/Siscoe? The reason why they don't want Catholics to think is because they don't want them to see the glaring truth: FRANCIS IS NOT POPE.

  6. It all goes to show how (falsely) scrupulous Salza+Siscoe can be when it comes to recognizing a heretic, or even an atheist as a true pope.

    They say it's not o.k. to judge if a particular claimant has ceased to be head of the Church by his own heresy (even though that is precisely what the Church wants us to do). Yet, S+S say it's o.k. to sift/reject the pope's teaching and ruling authority, and that the Church must render judgment before the pope loses office. What they're professing and promoting is pure Gallican heresy.

    Here's what the Church really teaches: “Being supreme head of the Church, (the Pope) cannot be judged by any other ecclesiastical power, and as the Church is a spiritual society superior to any temporal power whatever, he cannot be judged by any temporal ruler. Therefore, the supreme head of the Church can direct and judge the rulers of temporal powers, but he can neither be directed nor judged by them without a perversion of due order founded in the very nature of things” [St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book 2, Ch. 26]. This doctrine is taught by the Fathers and incorporated in the canons of the Church: “THE FIRST SEE IS JUDGED BY NO ONE.” [Canon 1556].

    "A pope cannot be deposed from his office. An heretical pope necessarily ceases to be head of the Church, for by his heresy he is no longer a member thereof; in the event of his still claiming the Roman see, a general council, improperly so called because without the pope, could remove him. But this is not deposition, since BY HIS OWN ACT HE IS NO LONGER THE POPE". (A Catholic Dictionary, Attwater, Third Ed. 1958).

  7. Where can I get a copy of Fr. Kramer's book?

    1. Contact directly to his website www.sjmfatimacrusade.com and/or call (518) 483-8260, or
      write to Servants of Jesus and Mary 17000 State Route 30, Constable, New York 12926. Please support this holy priest and spread out to others as much as you can. God bless.


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