Sister Lucy at the Age of 80. What Our Forensic Artist Says She Should Have Looked Like and What the Imposter DID Actually Look Like.

Forensic Artist's Rendition of What Sister Lucy Should Have Looked Like at Age 80.

What the Imposter Looked Like When She was Supposed to be 80 Years of Age.
Imposter With Glasses. Those Eyes DID NOT See the Miracle of the Sun


  1. The sketch is rediculus. The poor woman died in 1958. Can you please do the DNA piece and get serious about this.

    1. What? This is all part of the investigation. Forensic artists can be very accurate in their portrayal of aging people- that is why they are used to catch criminals regularly. I find it fascinating.

  2. The imposter gives me the heebie-jeebies.

  3. One of my main reasons for skepticism about the post-1958 Sister Lucy is that her eyes are more widely set apart when compared with all earlier pictures of Sister Lucy, dating back to when she was ten years old during the 1917 Fatima apparitions. I continue to see the discrepancy in the above depictions. All the plastic surgery in the world cannot change the distance between the eyes, since that distance is determined by the skull's eye sockets. My skepticism is further confirmed by the great disparity between the apparent ages of Sister Lucy I and Sister Lucy II.


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