How could the Diocese of Leiria/Fatima be SO CERTAIN that Sister Lucy "has nothing more to say about Fatima" in the second half of 1959 and then, again, during the second half of 1960? Can we infer that they "had nothing to worry about" because she was no longer on the scene to tell us what the Third Secret ACTUALLY SAID?

By Susan lowndes Marques


FATIMA, Portugal, Aug. 14--The Bishop entrusted with the third and

final part of the Patina "secret" disclosed that it will definitely

be opened before the end of 1960,

Bishop Joao Peretra Venanc1o of Leirla sald that'the sealed

envelope containing the account written by Lucy--gole survivor of the

three children of whom the Blessed Virgin appeared here 42 years

ago, and now a Carmelite nun--"1s to be opened after Lucy's death or

at the latest in 1960." He sad that "therefore 1t shall be opened

in 1960."

The final part of the Patima message does not consist of threats o

or prophecies of woe. This 1s certain, Lucy hergelf, in her

strictly enclosed Carmelite convent in Coimbra, the old Portuguese

un1veraity town some 50 miles north of Patima, has recently dented

that she foretold terrible punishments for the world in the shape

of new wars and the destruction of whole cities,

No one exeept Sister Lucy knows what the third part of the

"gecret" containa,

But Bishop Pereira Venanc1o, whose diocese

includes Fatima, discourages speculation about the message.

"Tell the people not to pre-occupy themselves with that, but to

do what Our Lady has already told us to do," the Bishop said when

asked when the sealed envelope containing the "secret" w11l be


The above is from a National Catholic News Service report from August 14, 1960. Below is the report, given by Frere Michel of the Holy Trinity, concerning the explicit statement that "Sister Lucy has no more to say concerning the Apparitions at Fatima. In this same announcement, the Diocese of Coimbra quoted "Sister Lucy" as stating that Fr. Fuentes was not telling the truth when he reported his interview with her as it was given on December 26, 1957.


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