Have a Very Valid New Year! Unplug Your Channels of Grace by Frequenting Valid Priests and Valid Sacraments. As a Reminder, Here is the Evidence Pointing to the Invalidity of the New Sacraments.
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Fifty Two Years of Positive Doubt About the Validity of the New Mass and the New Rites of Ordination and Episcopal Consecration
In the documents of the Second Vatican Council, the doctrine of the Catholic Church was substantially altered. Subsequently, between 1968 and 1973, all the rites of the sacraments were changed. While many controversies over issues of doctrine and morals have been widely conducted publicly, there is one essential issue about which nobody in the Church hierarchy, nor most "traditional Catholics" or adherents of the traditional Mass, speaks; the contention that the Mass of Paul VI is invalid, and that all the ordinations of priests in the new rite and all the Episcopal ordinations are, at best, doubtful.
Cogent theological arguments have been made that (1) the Novus Ordo Missae is not merely evil, but actually invalid because of defects in the wine-consecration form and lack of proper intention on the part of its framers, who intentionally departed from the theology of the Mass taught by the Council of Trent; 2) the rite of priestly ordination is positively doubtful and likely invalid because of the deliberate alteration of the form of the sacrament (deletion of the word ut from the form specified by Pope Pius XII in 1947) and removal from the rite, everything that signified the nature and function of the Catholic priesthood (the alterations parallel those made by the Anglicans, which were grounds for the declaration by Pope Leo XIII that Anglican orders are invalid); 3) the rite of Episcopal consecration is invalid because the entire rite was completely discarded to be replaced by an Eastern rite that was not a consecration rite at all but rather a ceremony for the installation of a Patriarch, and because its form fails to signify the specific grace of the sacrament. Changes in other sacraments also render them doubtful with regard to their validity; but considering that if there are no bishops then there are no priests, and the only sacraments left would be baptism and marriage if correctly administered.
Patrick Henry Omlor, in his essay "Questioning the Validity of Masses Using the All English Canon," published in 1968, expressed the Church's teaching as regards doubtful sacraments: "The very raising of questions of doubts about the validity of a given manner of confecting a sacrament --- if this question is based on an apparent defect of form or matter --- would necessitate the strict abstention from use of that doubtful manner of performing the sacramental act, until the doubts are resolved. In confecting the sacrament, all priests are obliged to follow the medium certum (the certain means)."
That one must abstain from the use of doubtful rites is clearly taught by the Church's magisterium and by Catholic theologians: "Matter and form must be certainly valid. Hence one may not follow a probable opinion and use either doubtful matter or form. Acting otherwise one commits a sacrilege." --- Rev. Heribert Jone, Moral Theology (1952)
"Omit nothing of the form, add nothing, changing nothing." --- Canon J.M. Herve', Manuale Theologiae Dogmaticae (Paris, 1934)
"Probabilism may not be used where the validity of the sacraments is in question." --- Francis Clark, SJ, Eucharistic Sacrifice and the Reformation (Devon: Augustine Press, 1980).
No Catholic of good will would lightly dismiss the arguments which have been made by serious theologians and laymen in the aftermath of the Council. The issues that have been raised go to the heart of the very continuation of the Church and the channels of grace. To merely dismiss or ignore the competent Catholics who have been raising these objections since the Council is not the Catholic way. So far, no one has refuted the objections raised by Patrick Henry Omlor, the first man to elaborate the theological case for the invalidity of the Mass in the English vernacular imposed on the English-speaking world on October 22, 1967, and then the Novus Ordo Missae imposed in 1969.
We know that Jesus Christ said, "Think you, when the Son of Man comes, He will. find faith left on earth"; we know that there is to be a Great Apostasy. Is it so far-fetched to think that it came to pass in the 20th century? Even, John Paul II spoke of the "silent apostasy" in Europe, and Paul VI of "the smoke of Satan in the sanctuary."
It is high time that all men of good will in the Catholic Church face up to this matter of utmost earnest.
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This may be one of the most important topics that you have touched upon. An essay on the validity of the priests of the fraternity of St. Peter would be greatly appreciated. I personally believe the sacraments of the FSSP priests ordained by the Novus Ordo bishops to be doubtful. How many parishioners at the SSPX church bounce between FSSP and SSPX thinking its just fine?
ReplyDeleteThe parishioners I've spoken with here are so quick to condemn the CMRI group in the area but the FSSP? No way. Why is it that the parishioners that leave here almost always go to the left and not the right(CMRI)
Archbishop Lefebvre, who's picture is in every SSPX church, and who is spoken of as a saint had something to say for himself.
Right form and intention are required to make priests and bishops. So there is room for doubt. However, God might provide a path for his less informed sheep...
DeleteHappy New Year, Peter. I'm glad to see you raise the crucial subject of invalid sacraments. I learned a lot from novusordowatch.org on that. I also believe that the historical argument of sede impedita in 1958, 1963, and 1978, and then sede vacante after Siri died in 1989, gives the theological argument for sedevacantism important legs to stand on. It is also the fulfillment of the La Salette prophecy: "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. The Church will be in eclipse. The world will be in dismay."
ReplyDeleteEverything I've seen makes me morally certain that Siri was pope, and that it was a nuclear threat which forced him to invalidly abdicate after accepting. Gary Giuffre explains it well in his interviews and articles, e.g. here: padrepioandchiesaviva.com/Grave_Reasons_of_State.html
The quotes from Paul VI and JPII are really irrelevant if they were anti-popes playing their respective roles of Destroyer and Deceiving Charismatic Actor-Superstar. They lamented the "smoke of Satan" and "apostasy" in order to "deceive, if possible, even the elect," since they were knowing and willing causes of what they publicly lamented. We need to remember that the greatest created intellect, that of Satan, is the guiding and directing hand behind the takeover of the visible structure of the Church by the Judeo-Masonic powers.
Have you seen the evidence of Paul VI's homosexuality? traditioninaction.org/ProgressivistDoc/A_094_MontiniHomo.html (and 2 other related short articles there)
And unsavory facts about JPII? padrepioandchiesaviva.com/Karol_Wojtyla_Beatified_.html
Thank you for all you do for the Church and for souls!
I strongly recommend Father Anthony Cekada's book.... The Work of Human Hands...theological critic of the mass of Paul VI... very clear explanation about the invalidity and the cunning intentiions of the concilium in those changes.... for the invalidity of the priestly ordination....he wrote an excellent article that.
ReplyDeletePope Pius XII was the last true Pope. It is not a mere coincidence that Sister Lucia and Pope Pius XII were both silenced in 1958. Soon after the Chair of St. Peter was usurped and the Hellish council was convened. I believe Pope Pius XII and Sr. Lucia were both martyred. The true Church has been relegated to the catacombs. There are few valid priests and fewer valid Bishops. If I'm correct in my assumptions the Vatican II sect will crumble with Our Lady's triumph. Bergoglio is the last usurper.