Sister Lucia assassinated? Hidden? Replaced? Fatima Center Acknowledges the Existence of a Imposter Sister Lucy. Huge Breakthrough for Sister Lucy Truth.

Here is the Just Released Statement of the Fatima Center: Pinned by The Fatima Center
The Fatima Center's position is that it has been established with reasonable certainty that the woman presenting herself as Sister Lucia in all known public photos from 1967 onward was not the true Lucia.


  1. OUR efforts have not been in vain. The Fatima Center finally have to expose the fake Sr Lucy if it is to keep the name "Fatima" or forever sell their soul to the devil with Jewish lies.

    This is the full speech of David

    1. Yes its hard to stomach his patronisation. As if their magazine has the final, infallible say. As if we are all uneducated fools, unable to discern or reason, and need them to chew our food for us. And the most obvious, glaring insight is this, that there IS A DARK CHURCH, the extent, reach and influence of which appears even to encompass him and their mission, since in the face of such undeniable evidence, he takes such a minimizing and paternalistic stance. Who are we kidding? The devil is real, denying his works does not help or protect us, it makes us more vulnerable to his deception. That anyone would pose as an imposter Sr. Lucy AT ALL, indicates, not a lessening of the message of Fatima or the contents of the 3rd secret, or is witnss/victim, Sr Lucy, but rather it underscores it! It in fact proves THE VITAL NATURE OF THE MESSAGE. An appeal to human reason, rationalization is dangerous too, since our minds are just another, key aspect of our fallen, imperfect sinful nature. Better to appeal to the Holy Spirit, revelation and Our Lady herself, to enlighten our reason, and RESPECT THE FACTS REVEALED AND UNCOVERED IN OBJECTIVITY, NOT MANIPULATED BY OUR RATIONALIZATIONS. Otherwise we are doomed to make the same mistakes. And that is to depend on mere men to interpret for us what the Spirit is clearly revealing the truth of. How many photos or fake appearances do we need, to prove a nefarious agenda? Only one would have been sufficient to indicate that someone WANTED THE REAL LUCY TO DISAPPEAR TO MINIMIZE THE MESSAGE AND ESPECIALLY, TO CONCEAL THE 3RD SECRET, WHICH INCRIMINATES ALL TOO GLARINGLY AND INCISIVELY THE HIERARCHY OF THE CHURCH. We dont need more spoon feeding! We need to face the TRUTH. However ugly, only it will set us free.


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