A New Expert Testimony to the Incongruity Between the Real Sister Lucy (and Jacinta) versus Sister Lucy II's "Everyone Does it Now" View of "Kissin' and Huggin."
Dr. Chojnowski: Here are the remarks and expert research concerning the incongruity between the attitudes of Jacinta and Lucia on "kissing and hugging" ---- especially of members of the opposite sex --- and the nonchalant and "giggly" attitude of NewSister Lucy. Further evidence that they were different people. Also, stark contrast between traditional Catholic attitudes towards modesty in demeanor and the "Novus Ordo" lacks attitude towards "kissin' and a huggin." Here is the link with the video of the 2000 interview with the fraudulent "Sister Lucy," then the link to the translation of her words into English, and then, below, the new commentary on the incongruity between the old and new "Sister Lucy."
In the meantime, here are some notes about how the real Sister Lucy would feel about such intimacies as hugging (embracing) and kissing.
It was (and still is, in rural communities) traditional to gather all farmers and labourers for the harvest festival, the desfolhada, in which the maize was husked, When an ear of red corn (red kernels) was found, the girl in charge of the ceremony was expected to embrace all the people of the group. The ear was called Milho Rei (“king corn”) in most of Portugal, but “espiga carocha” (“cockroach cob”) in northern Portugal and Galicia – certainly not in the Fátima and Ourém region. We find in the First Memoir (p. 75) the following: Sister Lucy, as a young girl, was “in charge of giving those who were present the chi-embrace (i.e. hugging), whenever a cockroach cob appeared” (“era a encarregada de dar a todos os assistentes o abraço-chi, quando aparecia alguma espiga carocha”). This is why the ears of red corn were also called “espiga do abraço” (“hugging cob”)
This is not completely relevant, because the First Memoir was written in Tuy (Galicia) in 1935-36, and Sister Lucy could be influenced by Galician speakers.
But the hugging ceremony, as part of a pre-Christian ritual, was not always approved and some priests even warned their parishioners about the moral dangers of such intimacies. We find on p. 38-39 of the Memórias da Irmã Lúcia:
“One of her [Jacinta’s] favourite games was that of the gifts [...] whoever wins orders the loser to do something that comes to his/her mind. She liked to ask someone to run after the butterflies and get her one. Sometimes, she asked to find a certain flower she chose. One day, we were playing this in my parents’ home and it was my turn to order her. My brother was sitting at the table, writing. So I asked her to give him a hug and a kiss, but she replied:
‘Not that! Ask me something else. Why don’t you ask me to kiss that Our Lord, Who is there? (It was a crucifix hanging on the wall).
‘All right’, I said. ‘You stand on a chair, bring it here, and give Him, on your knees, three hugs and three kisses: one for Francisco, one for me and one for yourself’.
‘To Our Lord, I will give as many as you like’.
And she ran to get the crucifix”.
(“Um dos seus jogos escolhidos era o das prendas [...] quem ganha manda, ao que perde, fazer ujma coisa qualquer que lhe parecer. Ela gostava de mandar correr atrás das borboletas até apanhar uma e levar-lha. Outras vezes, mandava procurar uma flor qualquer que ela escolhia. Um dia, jogávamos isto em casa de meus pais e tocou-me a mim mandá-la a ela. Meu irmão estava sentado a escrever junto duma mesa. Mandei-a, então, dar-lhe um abraço e um beijo, mas ela respondeu:
– Isso, não! Manda-me outra coisa. Porque não me mandas beijar aquele Nosso Senhor que está ali? (Era um crucifixo que havia pendurado na parede).
– Pois sim – respondi. – Sobes acima duma cadeira, traze-lo para aqui e, de joelhos, dás-lhe três abraços e três beijos: um pelo Francisco, outro por mim e outro por ti.
– A Nosso Senhor dou todos quantos quiseres.
E correu a buscar o crucifixo”).
Jacinta obviously felt uncomfortable with hugging boys and men, even her own cousin. Sister Lucy, who told this episode to praise Jacinta’s modesty, would not consider proper to be hugged and kissed by a man, let alone a Bishop.
Best regards
gloria.tv/post/GriwFaCvjJsL1NePnfhzCpUhY reports from Vatican on January 8:
ReplyDelete"Before the audience, Francis greeted those present, among them a Nigerian nun dressed in blue who enthusiastically waved at Francis.
Giansoldati dramatises the scene and points out that, this time, Francis “reacted differently”.
He jokingly said to the nun: “I am afraid, do you bite?” Then he added, “I give you a kiss, but you must stay calm. Don’t bite." Then he hugged and kissed the sister." Qoute ends.
A complete idiocy at every level of the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Is it any wonder that Rome must be wiped off the face of the earth?