Fatima Message of the Body: "Sister Lucy" in 2000 spent about 1/2 the Time in a Taped Interview Conveying a Message to the World about.........well, KISSING. What else would you expect from the Seer of Fatima and Messenger of Our Lady? NEW TRANSLATION.

The New Translation dealing with "The Fatima Message of the Body," runs for the first part of the Interview before they take "her" to Fatima. In the interview "Sister Lucy" speaks about how she must get along with the world in the matter of kissing, the new translation of the video reads: "Sister Lúcia: I do. In the old days a priest, or any man who wasn’t the father or the brother of a little girl, didn’t kiss her. Unless she was grown up, no man would kiss her. Not even a priest, a bishop or a Pope. My “second” father never gave me a kiss. We used to say that it wasn’t polite to kiss young girls. But now I see everybody doing it. Whenever I’m outside and I have to go somewhere, everybody is kissing me. Men and women, men with moustaches (Laughs). And I say to myself: “Well, It’s just the way it is”. And when I get home, the first thing I do is to wash my face (Laughs)."

Dr. Chojnowski: Honest question, when does a Carmelite get into the following situation?: "Whenever I'm outside and I have to go somewhere, everybody is kissing me." When do Carmelites, "outside and...have to go somewhere"? Seems like they have loosened up on the restrictions that were put on Sister Lucy in the past. Remember when she could only be seen through the covent grill and by someone approved by the Holy See? Seems like we just might meet her shopping at Costco! Or is she speaking about the every 15 year jaunts out to meet the cameras with Paul VI or John Paul II? First, I believe that "she" only met with Paul VI for 3 minutes and I did not see any kissing going on there. Unless it was a "cut and paste" kiss I missed somewhere in the photo record. Did all of this kissing that she is talking about go on when she met John Paul II, the theologian of the body? Also, notice that her helpful Carmelite handler, intervenes during the conversation to make sure that no one in the Youtube audience should think that John Paul II kissed her on the lips! The helpful nun pointed out to "Sister Lucy" that it was on her veil that she was kissed by "St. John Paul the Great"......RIGHT SISTER LUCY, IT WAS ON THE VEIL. Oh, yes, that's right. 'I kept that veil as a great relic......but then I lost it! I am sure there will me more kissing the next time we meet.'"

Here is a new translation of the first part of this interview in 2000 with "Sister Lucy." Get ready to be inspired!:

NarratorShe’s the last living witness of the events take took place in the distant day of 13th of May 1917. Alongside with her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta, Lúcia witnessed the apparition and listened to the words of the Lady dressed in white and is, for us, the main chronicler of those events. Her memories are a must read for all of those who wish to know Fatima’s message, and her testimony is the only bridge that leads us to the intimacy experienced by the 3 little shepherds.
Lúcia de Jesus, known today as Sister Maria Lúcia of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a Carmelite religious, received, at the age of 93, Leiria-Fátimas bishop who had a special announcement.
Bishop: First of all, the Pope is coming to Fátima! Sister Lúcia: Thank God!
BishopHe’s coming on the 12th and the 13th of May to beatify your cousins. Secondly, the Pope wants you to be there.
Sister LúciaBut it’s not to beatify me! (Laughs)Bishop: Not to beatify nor to hit you (Laughs)Sister Lúcia: If he wants to hit me a bit.Other sister: Both of you have canes (Laughs). Both of you have canes. Sister Lúcia: I have my cane, he may be frightened of me (Laughs). Bishop: He also has one, he can defend himself well.
Sister Lúcia: He does, he does. BishopHe’s younger.Sister Lúcia: He’s younger? Bishop: Yes.
Other sister: The Holy Father is younger, he’s going to be 80 years old. Sister LúciaAnd I’m 90?Other sister: 93.
Narrator: Lúcia was in Fátima in 1967 by the time of the 50th birthday of the apparitions in Cova da Iria, which was attended by Pope Paul the 6th who stressed his will to have the only living visionary of the apparitions with him.
Fifteen years go by and this time it’s Pope John Paul the second who travels to Fátima. The polish Pope comes to thank the gift of life and he too asked for the presence of Lúcia. A Pope that associated, almost to the extreme, the message of Fátima to his Pontificate. And it’s during the jubilee of the 2000th anniversary of the Christian era that this man decided to travel
once again to Fátima, this time with the intention to beatify Francisco e Jacinta. But before, the Pope wanted to meet with sister Lúcia.
Bishop: In the morning of the 13th, probably around 9 am, you will be able to talk alone with the pope in a small room we’ve provided.
Other sister: Are you listening sister? I know that this was one of your main concerns, to have a small room where you could talk alone with the pope.
Sister Lúcia: That’s good.
Bishop: I don’t want to hear it (Laughs). I may complain about the Leiria-Fátimas bishop. I don’t want to hear it. Because, afterwards, by the time of your beatification my vote will be getting in the way. Isn’t it?
Sister LúciaI don’t have much to tell to the Holly Father, but I like to have the chance to meet him alone.
NarratorAnd that’s what Happened. On the 13th of May of the year 2000, Pope John Paul the second heads to the sanctuary’s basilica, to meet with Lúcia. Half an hour for a meeting which content remains safe in their inners selves. The Pope, and since he’s already in Fátima’s Basilica, takes the opportunity to pray by the little shepherd’s grave. After all, this man would, in the name of the church, open the doors of holiness for them. The long awaited beatification of the two Portuguese children was going to be real.
Bishop: Sister Lúcia I want to see your smile and your applause, when the Pope declares: “Blessed, forever and for all eternity, Franciso Marto and Jacinta Marto”. By that time, I won’t be looking to the Pope, I will be looking to the blesseds’ cousin and I want to see you clapping (Laughs).
Pope John Paul: We recognize that, as of today, the venerable servants of God, Francisco Marto and Jacinta Marto, are called blessed and that it may be celebrated, yearly, in different places and according to the law’s normative, the celebration of Francisco and Jacinta Marto, on the 20th of February, in the name of the Father, the Sun and the Holy Spirit.
Bishop: Do you know how many meters will be Francisco and Jacinta’s picture? In height? 10 meters.
Sister Lúcia: Two meters high?Bishop: Ten! Ten!Sister Lúcia: Ten? Oh Jesus.Other sister: Of course. To be visible from a long distance.Sister Lúcia: That’s ok, things are ok, those are matters of the church. Bispo: It’s going to be beautiful.
Sister Lúcia: God willing.
Narrator: Lúcia was able to witness the Church’s recognition of the virtues and the example of life of her two cousins. Lúcia was the oldest, but the Lady in white had already told them that she would remain here for a while longer. An announcement that was accompanied by the vision of Francisco and Jacinta’s ascension to heaven, while she remained on earth. A communication of the Virgin that took place on the 13th of June of 1917. Lúcia stayed in fact a while longer. 83 years have passed since the Virgins words, and Lúcia is still delivering the message of love and conversion that represents Fátima.
Absorbed in the Carmel’s silence, and despite being 93, Lúcia is a cheerful woman.
Sister Lúcia: When we meet the Holy Father, we have some little things to offer him. Can I take it?
Bishop: Of course. To the bishop you don’t have to give anything (Laughs). Unless is a little kiss. This one time I came here with a Cardinal and he gave you a kiss. But you were a little bit shy. And then you said: “Well now it’s normal, in the old days this wasn’t ok”. (Laughs). But you accepted it, but you were a little bit uncomfortable. Do you remember?
Sister Lúcia: I do. In the old days a priest, or any man who wasn’t the father or the brother of a little girl, didn’t kiss her. Unless she was grown up, no man would kiss her. Not even a priest, a bishop or a Pope. My “second” father never gave me a kiss. We used to say that it wasn’t polite to kiss young girls. But now I see everybody doing it. Whenever I’m outside and I have to go somewhere, everybody is kissing me. Men and women, men with moustaches (Laughs). And I say to myself: “Well, It’s just the way it is”. And when I get home, the first thing I do is to wash my face (Laughs).
Bishop: Well, I was about to ask you something but I won’t, because over there you won’t be able to wash your face. I was going to ask if by the time of the beatification, symbolically and in the name of Francisco and Jacinta and many other people, I could go to you and give you a kiss. In that case it’s better not to so you don’t have to wash your face.
Sister Lucia: It’s better not to (Laughs). I’m not used to it. I endure it but...
Other sister: The Holy Father also gives kisses.
Sister Lucia: The Holy Father has already given me some kisses (Laughs).
Other sister: You see, you see. But it was here on the head. Bishop now you know you have to do like the Holy Father.
Sister Lucia: By that time, I kept the veil I was wearing that day (Laugh). Other sister: That time you didn’t wash it.
Sister Lucia: No I didn’t. The Holy Father had just kissed the veil. The veil was kissed by the Holy Father and I had it kept but now I don’t know where it is.


  1. What a silly chatter! The woman who supposedly saw the Immaculate Virgin, and later also hell, talks like some careless teenager. And this bishop at the same level of foolishness. Is it any wonder that Rome will be razed to the ground?!

  2. They murdered Sr. Lucia in 1958 or 1959. The photos, the teeth, the personality--all totally different.

    1. Murdered...? I wouldn't be surprised. But yet…, that's a strong statement!! I presume, you will have some prove of that?!!

  3. Thanks to Dr. Chojnowski, there's a superabundance of scientific evidence that proves that the Sister Lucy who was presented to the world in the 1960's was an impostor.

    Considering what an incredible feat it was to pull off a deception of such great magnitude,
    could it also be possible that an impostor was trotted out to do interviews before the 1960's?

    In the 1946 Professor Walsh interview, Sr. Lucy was asked about the vision of hell and if there seemed to be more souls that were damned than saved. According to Walsh, Sr. Lucy replied (with a smile), "I saw those that were going down. I didn't see those that were going up." (Sister Lucia Apostle of Mary's Immaculate Heart, by Mark Fellows, Professor Walsh Interview, 1946.)

    If the Lucy in the interview was the same Lucy that experienced the vision of hell, the "terrifying, frightful demons"; and if she heard the "shrieks and groans of pain and despair" coming from the "sea of fire", then it's hard to understand how she could act so lighthearted and indifferent when questioned about it.


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