The Latest: From the "At Least They are In Communion with the Holy Father" file, Apostate Reporter from OZ Scandalized by "Priest" who Attended the Mardi Gras/Sodomite Rights Parade. Well at Least Some of this Congregation Might Attend the Pre-55 Holy Week!

My advice to the poor reporter who writes below and to all the congregations who are still hanging around what used to be a Catholic church: WALK AWAY! Find a Catholic Priest who actually believes in the Catholic Faith --- why do I even need to add that proviso? --- and never again darken the doors of the building until it is again taken over by a validly ordained priest saying the Mass of All Time. I remember as a teenager, I walked away from the church that I had received my "first communion" in when I saw that my "priest" was saying the "mass" with a jean-fabric stole on --- that was the straw that broke the camel's back and for the next 10 years I went to the Byzantine Rite. When I was writing my dissertation, in my mid-20s, I went back to attending a Novus Ordo church on Sunday. That experience ended when the "priest" began to attack the veracity of the Miracles of Our Lady at Lourdes --- I believe it was February 11th, 1992. The little straws that break the camel's back.

Read below an article found by my wife, in which a secular Australian reporter "walks back" to a "Catholic Church" and is scandalized --- if he realizes it or not. Sorry for some of the blasphemous statements in the article below. We need to be as hard as steel these days to face the realities that are around us and that require our JUDGMENT!


  1. I walked out in 1977 after I went to Easter Mass and the pastor turned it into a Sports commentary show to entertain the men. Joined a Byzantine Catholic Rite and built a Mission parish with the priest. Eventually he went to Siberia to open the first Catholic Byzantine parish there after the end to the so called Cold War. Out of the four or five pastors that followed , only one was not a known pervert. One was found dead of AIDS in his apartment when the police finally got around to arresting him for pederasty (Fr Danilak) another was finally defrocked for filming parish boys in rectory basements wrestling with adult male hx porn stars (Fr Glenn Davidovich ) and one we complained to the Bishop about for denying the Real Presence during a Pascha sermon), the main parish complained he came dressed as a woman to their parish dinners. Then the Bishop sold out church to Korean Evangelicals.
    Almost thirty years had passed and the Novus Ordo Masses were now totally unrecognizable to us as Catholic.

  2. Once Usura became the common practice of men, once horror and disgust at this mortal sin receded, then the whole society of men, including what once was the catholic church came under the power of the false, deceptive and unnatural. Anything and everything goes. That it's modern power should have originated in England after the destruction of Catholicism under an adulterous and murderous usurper king seems only "natural". That vatican 2 and it's aftermath would collaborate with false religions and draw close to the anglican church also seems logical because it was taken over by Masons and modernists colluding with the usurers. Modernism is the theological equivalent of usury. As the poet (Pound) thundered against this central evil of our time....USURA, Contra Naturam!

  3. 5 years ago today Francis is elected pope. 3/13/13, see anything suspiciously occult about those numbers?


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