The Post-1958 Sister Lucy and NewChurch are One. If She was authentic then Most Everything Relating to Fatima had to do with the "John Paul II the Great". If this is an Imposter, then we are speaking about a diabolical deception of the Highest Order.

How serious is our investigation of the "Sister Lucy case'? It is clear that if the woman who is presented to the world as "Sister Lucia" after 1957 is identical with the person who was clearly Sister Lucy prior to 1958, then the following conclusions follow:

2) RUSSIA HAS ALREADY CONVERTED, but "Conversion" has NOTHING TO DO WITH CONVERTING TO THE CATHOLIC FAITH.  Just as John Paul II would say since he is the one who approved the Balamand Declaration in which it was said that the Catholic Church no longer sought the conversion of the Eastern Orthodox.
3) The Third Secret is about an unsuccessful assassination of John Paul II, which, for some reason, would be better understood in 1960 even though it would take place in 1981.
4) The New Mass is Fine. Sister Lucy, the Seer of Our Lady, went to it with great joy.
5) The Teachings of Vatican II and the Newpopes are fine. Sister Lucy in no way objected to them after the Vatican II Council.
6) The Assisi Event is Fine. The Beloved of God, John Paul II, is the one who authorized and indeed called it. Look at the great affection which the 1990's and 2000s Sister Lucy shows to John Paul II.
7) There is NO fundamental problem in the post-Conciliar Church. In fact, it lived under blessed popes, Paul VI and John Paul II and saw the end of Communism, due to, guess who, John Paul II.
8) The Conversion of Russia had to do with not a conversion to the Catholic Faith --- which is apparently no concern to Our Lady or her seer, Sister Lucy, but rather a conversion to Liberalism and to the Vatican II Religious Liberty doctrine in which each can decide for themselves if they want to convert to Catholicism or not. Conversion means Freedom to make the Choice. Take that Cardinal Ottaviani!
9) Fr. Gruner and his Fatima Center were evil distorters of the facts of Fatima and caused Sister Lucy and the Carmelites who knew her intimate thoughts to SHIVER.
10) There is NOT ONE THING that was missing from the Announcement of the Third Secret in 2000.
11) The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart has ALREADY OCCURRED. It was the "triumph" of the United States in the Cold War.

HOWEVER, if the post-1958 Sister Lucy is a fraud and the real Sister Lucy was "removed," then:
1) Russia still awaits its Consecration, which is being refused.
2) Russia still needs to be converted to the Catholic Faith, outside of which there is no salvation.
3) The Third Secret is about the APOSTASY IN THE CHURCH, furthered and cultivated by EXACTLY THE MEN THAT "SISTER LUCY' WAS FAWNING OVER IN 1967, 1991, AND IN 2000. This Apostasy would be covered over by getting rid of the last "PROPHET OF DOOM."
4) The New Mass is an abominable departure from Catholic worship and it is a ceremony that the real Sister Lucy would NEVER ATTEND.
5) Vatican II was an evil council and that is why the Third Secret would be "clearer" in 1960, guess what, only 2 years before Vatican II started and in plenty of time to stop it.
6) The Apostasy, no doubt predicted in the Third Secret, was PERFECTLY EXPRESSED by the Prayer Meeting at ASSISI IN 1986.
7) Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and even Francis (in his going along with the Fraud during the Centennial celebration) were deceivers who wickedly went along with the "Sister Lucy" fraud.
8) We must await and pray for the Conversion of Russia or terrible things will continue to happen to Church and State.
9) Fr. Gruner and his fellow Fatima workers tried to point out the fact that Russia still needed Consecration and Conversion and that the Vatican was LYING about the contents of the Third Secret.
10) The "Announcement of the Third Secret" in 2000 was a COMPLETE AND EVIL FRAUD. A Lie of the Highest Order.
11) The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart will be a Restoration of God's Order and the Universal Queenship of Our Lady over Nations for a time. Since "Liberalism is a sin," it will NOT involve Liberalism.

Watch the Interview below and make your judgment.

For those interested in helping to finance a scientific investigation into the Sister Lucy case, please write me at to receive the necessary bank transfer information. Also, feel free to send your tax-deductible donations to:

Sister Lucy Truth
4104 N. Murray Dr.
Otis Orchards, WA 99027


  1. Excellent professor. I think You are getting it down to the nitty gritty. JPll was the great ecumenist. He was opposed to conversions to the Catholic Faith just like the entire Vat2 Church. That is a rock solid truth that no one considers. It is simply not possible to believe that John Paul would consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart. The IMH is a very Catholic thing. The Catholic thing is not necessary for salvation since Vat2. Truth subsists in the Catholic Vat2 teaching...but also exists in all religions. John Paul would have violated the council and his own professed ecumenical beliefs if he had consecrated Russia to the IMH. He didn't do it and the second Lucy is a fraud. And it follows JPll and Ratzinger are frauds. Mind boggling but that's where this is going.


  2. What do people think of the opinion that Russia has already been consecrated by Pius XII July 7th, 1952 in Sacro Vergente anno? "today we consecrate and in a most special manner we entrust all the peoples of Russia to this Immaculate Heart" Pius XII. Yes, this does not include all of the bishops of the world, but when our Lady said that that Russia will be consecrated she said the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart, she made no mention of all the bishops of the world at this time. Also the statement that Russia will be converted does not necessarily mean to the Catholic faith, Our Lady nor Sister Lucy said "to the Catholic Faith." In the bible it speaks of God converting enemies to peace. Proverbs 16.7 "When the ways of man shall please the Lord, he will convert even his enemies to peace." Russia spread her errors throughout the entire world, wouldn't you say it is much more peaceful now than during and after WWII.
    Do we expect Francis or the likes of him to consecrate Russia and all of the bishops of the world to really consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Yes, with God all things are possible, but I see evidence that the consecration has already been done, just not how people expected.
    This is in no way the entire argument that Russia has already been converted, but a few points that I have found interesting.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Father Gruner saw no reason to doubt that an impostor had posed as Sister Lucy on at least some occasions. Her public appearances after 1960 were so closely guarded by her superiors, he said, that this was not an unlikely possibility. (See 7:00 to 7:30 here and Frere Francois’ article “A False Lucy Substituted for the True?” at

      Father's main concern in this question seemed to be that we would not be led to believe that Sister Lucy had died or been killed as of that time, c. 1960. Her hand-written letters of the 1970s bemoaning the diabolic disorientation affecting high-ranking churchmen, are clearly authentic. And in the 1980s she made a number of important testimonies to the fact that Heaven is still awaiting the Consecration of Russia:

      On March 19, 1983 Sister Lucy was formally asked in the name of the Pope by Archbishop Portalupi, the Apostolic Nuncio to Portugal, for her opinion regarding John Paul II’s 1982 consecration of the world. She responded,

      “In the Act of offering of May 13, 1982, Russia did not appear clearly as the object of the consecration. And each bishop did not organize in his own diocese a public and solemn ceremony of reparation and consecration of Russia. Pope John Paul II has simply renewed the consecration of the world made by Pope Pius XII on October 31, 1942. Of this consecration of the world one may hope for certain good effects, but not the conversion of Russia. ... The Consecration of Russia has not been done as Our Lady requested.”

      And regarding the 1984 consecration, which some insist satisfied Our Lady’s request, Sister Lucy said (a few days before the event),

      “Russia does not appear clearly as the only object of the Consecration. ... This consecration cannot have a decisive character.” (Published by Fr. Caillon, The Seers of Fatima, January-April 1984.)

      And afterward, in an interview published in September 1985 in Sol de Fatima (the official publication of the Blue Army in Spain), she clarified:

      “There was no participation of all the bishops, and there was no mention of Russia.”

      [“So the consecration was not done as requested by Our Lady?”]

      “No. Many bishops attached no importance to this act.”

      Again, in 1987 she was interviewed by a journalist, Enrico Romero, outside of her convent on her way to vote, and she again stated flatly (as he published on July 20, 1987) that the Consecration requested by Our Lady of Fatima had not been accomplished.

      A "killed and gone" theory would rob us of all these important testimonies of the truth of our situation.

    2. I believe Fr Gruner never bought into the idea of a fake Sr Lucy. I remember coming across this at some point a few years ago but can't recall where I saw it at the moment. If I can dig it out, I'll report back.

    3. Found it:

  4. Looks like you can stop your investigation.... this video from hell pretty much proves the "conspiracy" to be true. And by the way.... turn your mind off and be "in good company" with B16.

    1. There is no doubt that determining the FULL FATIMA TRUTH is the key to EVERYTHING going on in the Church and the world today. And this is why the diabolical/Freemasonic forces in the service of Hell have worked so long to keep everyone in the darkness of Vatican II and ubiquitous ever-increasing error.

      I wish I had $ to give to your investigation -- an investigation that is proving to be one of the most important undertakings in modern history.

      Our Lady came to warn us about the dark forces of the Satanic "new world order" that were about to swallow up and enslave the Church and the world. And she came with Heaven's remedy. One hundred years later, Fatima is still relatively unknown, and the vast majority of those who "know about it" DON'T really know about it because they have been fed lies and disinformation -- that have come from the very highest levels in the Church. In the meantime, the Church and the world are descending at warp speed into the abyss.

      Unearthing the real TRUTH about Sister Lucia and the Fatima message is a DIVINELY-INSPIRED MISSION so that God's children can at last receive more of the light that Our Lady came to bring, albeit now at 1 minute before midnight. And when things become even clearer that the post 1958 Lucia was a FRAUD, then we will need to DEMAND that the real Third Secret be revealed. Because Fr. Malachi Martin said that if we knew what was really in that Secret the whole world would be on their knees begging for mercy.

      And then maybe we can better mitigate what is already upon us NOW and the worse disasters that lie just around the corner. Because the 100 year anniversary has now come and gone, and since we have been LIED to we are now in the very "late" stage (as Jesus told Lucia would happen). And with the prayer and penance that follow the sought-after FULL DISCLOSURE of FATIMA TRUTH maybe we can obtain the grace where the pope will at last do the requested Consecration, and the Our Lady will have her greatest triumph ever.... SO long overdue...

      May Our Lady speedily allow the Sr. Lucia investigation to begin and bring forth marvelous fruit for the entire Church and world. Amen.

  5. Mother Celine was interviewed shorty after the latest Lucia's death. She stated all the nuns and herself were cooperators of Opus Dei. Escriva claimed in his book it was Lucia in Tuy who told him to open an OD House outside of Spain in Coimbre.
    I have always believed from the time said Lucia allegedly left the Dorotheans after 23 happy years to join the cloister in Coimbre that Opus Dei controlled the Third Secret and the last Lucia.

  6. Good article. Just as an FYI, there is also a theory that there were in fact TWO fake Sister Lucys. It's pretty well documented in detail here (apologies for the Spanish) :


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